my favourite conspiracy theory, and others

JTrader said:
Hi Atilla

yes, the reason I have posted them because i have found all this info from the linked sources interesting & eye opening. I have nothing to gain myself, nor would i want there to be.

I'm sure most people would find this stuff interesting at the least, if they actually looked at it.

I realise that there are probably many people who have followed this thread with interest but chose not to comment.

I've not posted things to be able to go on and say this is right, Alex, Dylan, Aaron etc. best etc. etc.

People with the ability to think, can form their own opinions based on the evidence presented.

I've posted links to enough for now, so thats probably the end of the links. Especially if people don't want to comment on it here.
However, IMO it's the viewing & awareness which is the issue, not the arguing over who or whats right or wrong, as this is not something i really want to get into - on such profound subjects.

Hard evidence speaks for itself IMO.

I agree with you absolutely.

I can understand people arguing their case but to say stop posting is like telling someone to be quite in a room they don't wish to be in. As you say simply leave the lounge if you do not wish to participate.
Atilla said:
I watched the google film and the Pentagon crash had me scratching my head. It's like spot the boeing.

Confiscating cameras and film footage - national security...

How comes out in the middle of NY we have four different footages of aeroplanes hitting the buildings and 2 still shots of the Pentagon crash.

The size of the whole and size of the boeing was really a tough one to argue too. The fire in the buildings brought down the twin towers - both of them... but the fire in the Pentagon left a chair with an open book in one of the rooms.


Yeah, its pretty sick to watch, in the sense if you are open to both sides, then what hits you is somethings very odd. Rather, very wrong. Now that jumbo that flew into the pentagon, that made a 16 foot hole going in .. hmmm 15/20 feet ,im guessing on either side are the huge rolls royce engines, er shouldnt there be some damage or a couple of huge engines visible on the pentagon wall or rammed into the concrete or something ?

Ahh but wait , they vapourized, ah o.k. o.k. so the huge rolls royce engine vapourize got it, along with the rest of the plane, crikey, yes thank you........ err, now hang on you are saying that 184 human bodies have been identified ,by the same investigation team . hmmmm, errr, do humans have a higher melting point than huge engines? it appears so.

Unless ahh, yes, these were intergaltic space aliens, coming to actually save the planet , and to "blend in" appeared in a wayward jumbo jet which was going to a tea party at the pentagon and nothing to worry about thats how they umm land there space ship, which is typically mistaken by earthlings, as a CRUISE MISSLE landing home.

KabOOM. All of it makes sense.

But, all of that, all of that considered , WTC building 7, o.k. o.k. so alrighty, the twin towers with a small fire suddenly the basement melts under the heat of the flames 80 stories up. o.k. o.k. this happens to them both, hmm er, (sure you aint ****tin me? ) o.k. o.k.

The rubble from the twin towers collapse falls on some other buildings , gues what? although these have serious damage, these buildings , are still standing :idea: :?: :idea:

:?: Turned to WTC 7, hit by debris, building has a fire, hmmm yes, o.k. those other buildings have had more rubble hit them and they behaved like they had, but yes, why then should WTC 7's , central column structure, implode , then the building collapses in under 6 seconds ? Funnily enough the 3rd building to collapse into its own footprint that day .

Im surprised that someone isn't in an international court or something yet. I cant see them? whoever they are getting away with it for long......

Will they ?
Crap Buddist said:
Yeah, its pretty sick to watch, in the sense if you are open to both sides, then what hits you is somethings very odd. Rather, very wrong. Now that jumbo that flew into the pentagon, that made a 16 foot hole going in .. hmmm 15/20 feet ,im guessing on either side are the huge rolls royce engines, er shouldnt there be some damage or a couple of huge engines visible on the pentagon wall or rammed into the concrete or something ?

Ahh but wait , they vapourized, ah o.k. o.k. so the huge rolls royce engine vapourize got it, along with the rest of the plane, crikey, yes thank you........ err, now hang on you are saying that 184 human bodies have been identified ,by the same investigation team . hmmmm, errr, do humans have a higher melting point than huge engines? it appears so.

Unless ahh, yes, these were intergaltic space aliens, coming to actually save the planet , and to "blend in" appeared in a wayward jumbo jet which was going to a tea party at the pentagon and nothing to worry about thats how they umm land there space ship, which is typically mistaken by earthlings, as a CRUISE MISSLE landing home.

KabOOM. All of it makes sense.

But, all of that, all of that considered , WTC building 7, o.k. o.k. so alrighty, the twin towers with a small fire suddenly the basement melts under the heat of the flames 80 stories up. o.k. o.k. this happens to them both, hmm er, (sure you aint ****tin me? ) o.k. o.k.

The rubble from the twin towers collapse falls on some other buildings , gues what? although these have serious damage, these buildings , are still standing :idea: :?: :idea:

:?: Turned to WTC 7, hit by debris, building has a fire, hmmm yes, o.k. those other buildings have had more rubble hit them and they behaved like they had, but yes, why then should WTC 7's , central column structure, implode , then the building collapses in under 6 seconds ? Funnily enough the 3rd building to collapse into its own footprint that day .

Im surprised that someone isn't in an international court or something yet. I cant see them? whoever they are getting away with it for long......

Will they ?

Too many unanswered questions...

How about that planned simulated exercises by Channey on the same day about Terrorist aeroplanes flying in US skies. or Lack of fighter planes in the sky.

Isn't there a similar theory about the Russians blowing up a building and blaming Chechens so they can invade?

Looks like standard procedure for people at top who have nothing to do but play war games.
Flight 93

How come we didnt see anything like this at the flight 93 crash site?


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One Iraqi War Architect - Wolfowitz

fibonelli said:

Wolfowitz, is one of those characters mentioned many times in Bob Woodward's State of Denial - Bush at War - Part III book.

This guy is credited as being a professor with a great mind. Led many think tanks in response to 9/11, produced lots of papers and advised the White House. Dick Cheney favourite...

I'm sure he is a powerful guy, no doubt rich in wealth and influence.

If this guy treats his office in this way over a girlfriend (forget the polite romantic involvement nonsense), what does it say about the handful of dorks that created this Iraqi war and brought the US government, country and it's people to these depths of depravity.

1 .Bush - Mr President - who spent more time on holiday than in the office.
2. Cheney who is more interested in raising the profitability of Haliburton than running US government
3. Rumsfeld who didn't have a clue about sharing and delegating control let alone leading the Pentagon and US defence.
4. Wolfowitz - great mind of a professor serving US government and UN to make the world a better place
5. Ms Rice - who is more interested in looking good in front of cameras and rolling off body count numbers than reality on the ground...

Wolfowitz future hangs in balance

Absolutely amazing.... 😆 😆 😆