my favourite conspiracy theory, and others

I have a dream.

blackcab said:
Agreed, and no offence meant, I just used your post to get that off my chest 🙂

Why dont world leaders champion Love & Peace as the guiding force for mankind? why try to install fear & hate?

OK, now ive seen world leaders chatting about Loving family unit n church and even ol tony blair said, God will be my judge of my actions etc...

Is it that the world leaders psyche, those types fear living a life without hate, love etc? Are they projecting or bringing ,controlling masses down to their own inner need to be filled up with these negatives?

Delusional? well is it, is it not possible ?

Now then on the issues of population control etc, then i can see perhaps some fuzzy logic for culling the numbers if the planet is under threat, but is it? isnt there alreay enough resources to take care of humanity today already ?

Are humans victims of their own success or can we not be more humain en masse as our label name suggests we really ought to be?

Was Martin Luther King delusional, when he spoke " I have a dream "

What is humanity's present situation? why would it contradict a world leaders options, shouldnt it compliment or be the driving force for decision making, to benefit humanity further?

Now then isnt the single citizen a part of that which is humanity, each and everyone one of us? or is humanity something in a 3rd world country , out there or over there somewhere? how can it contradict, people posting on these boards are a part of humanity maybe thats the problemo the individual doesnt see him/herself as a part of the whole, just small fragments or something.

The truth is out there ? well at risk of creating an X file 🙂 I suggest its inside us all.

anyone up for hugging some tree's while weve a few left ? good on ya either way...

someone tell me what would happen if the world was run on Love and peace please ?
Being brave enough to abandon God or whatever other incantation the faith based supreme being takes would be a good start for us all.
Hi JTrader

Now, bearing in mind that from the Roman Numeral figure of 1776 (MDCCLXXVI) - seen at the bottom of the Illuminati Pyramid on the One Dollar Bill - is it any surprise that the planned height of the new 'Freedom Tower' to be built at the site of the devastated World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan is 1776 feet!

This is the best Video on the web about 911, its 1 hr 30 min
laptop1 said:
Hi JTrader

Now, bearing in mind that from the Roman Numeral figure of 1776 (MDCCLXXVI) - seen at the bottom of the Illuminati Pyramid on the One Dollar Bill - is it any surprise that the planned height of the new 'Freedom Tower' to be built at the site of the devastated World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan is 1776 feet!

This is the best Video on the web about 911, its 1 hr 30 min

Freedom Tower ? thats a bit ironic.

Whats the meaning behind the name, free from what ? terrorism , corrupt governments, nuclear weapons, what exactly ?
TWI said:
Freedom to do what ever in the hell we are told to


Just finished watching that other one laptop posted 911mysteries.. now then, you cannot avoid building number 7.

Looking at the slow mo, and this building was on fire, because of falling debris and stuff, on the slow mo, guess what ? The central column of the building collapses inwards,

Boom, central column implodes, the film clearly shows this , then all of it collapses in 6 seconds odd.

Its a bit odd, that not one, not two, but three, skyscrapers for the first time ever, should all collapse on the same day in uder 10 seconds, as a result of fire, and not very hot ones at that either.

The basement charges used to blow out basement supports,they need to do this so the millions of tons of rubble ends up in the basement, which remarkablly these buildings did ,and not on street level, they use V charges, cuts through H steel girders a leaves an angled cut so the collapse can shift and drop. You can see those remaining iron supports with very nice angled cuts?

another big clue that says explosives used here .

does anyone reckon all 3 or any of the 3 fell due to official stories ? this is beyond conspiracy now isnt it if you just look at some of the evidence?
This is for others who missed the last few posts

Its one of the best movies by far is 9-11 Mysteries. It lays out all the facts neatly for you, its a long video 1 hr 30 min. but its worth a watch. they want show this firm on BB1...because it would shock a lot of people.

Another good video to warm you up before you watch the 911 video above is this one[/QUOTE]

Its nothing to do with the towers, but give you a good idea how the world is run, in a satire way. Worth a look
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JTrader said:
Conspiracy theorists as you may call them, are not trying to keep any secrets, they are trying to raise awareness, uncover the truth - against a media unwilling to report objectively on such topics.

Are you sure about this? I'm pretty sure that many conspiracy theorists do have hidden agenda's and keep secrets. Many do not want to uncover the truth, but want to create doubt and uncertainty. Many conspiray theorists want to create a basis for their own rise or are just puppets of some of the rulling class in order to shift powers within the ruling class.

About the official documents, video's etc shown, a At least part of these are fake. Apart from the point that part of it is fake, whatever story you might want to construct, you're very likely to find some 'evidence' in official documents. Specially if you ignore the context. And how many people are really checking this provided evidence? Most people don't even know how to get access to this evidence.

I think you may reliably assume that no-one can be trusted. This is specially true when money and power are at stake.

Silent.Trader said:
I think you may reliably assume that no-one can be trusted. This is specially true when money and power are at stake.


Including you.
I'm uniterested in coming onto a trading forum to see links to the self-promoting crap that comes out of Alex Jones.

Before posting any more of this bullsh*t JT, please go see these sites . . .

Furthermore, as a piece of original investigating JT, go work out the minimum number of mouse-clicks needed to go from to some really rather unpleasent anti-semitic holocaust denial sites. 😡

ADB leaves thread, no further corrspondence entererd into.
A Dashing Blade said:
I'm uniterested in coming onto a trading forum to see links to the self-promoting crap that comes out of Alex Jones.

Before posting any more of this bullsh*t JT, please go see these sites . . .

Furthermore, as a piece of original investigating JT, go work out the minimum number of mouse-clicks needed to go from to some really rather unpleasent anti-semitic holocaust denial sites. 😡

ADB leaves thread, no further corrspondence entererd into.

Fair enough, no problems, don't shoot the messenger.
You are entitled to your opinion, I have absolutely no interest in wasting time in trying to convince you or anyone else of anything or otherwise.

You are not obliged to enter the foyer. The reason why this thread is in the lounge, is because it is non-trading related, this is the point of the lounge.

All I've done is post links to interesting stuff much of which is corroborated by experts, official documentation & official declassified documentation from the government agencies, and mainstream media sources, I've not said it is correct and what the mainstream media tells us is false.

What Alex Jones, Dylan Avery , Aaron Russo etc. do is piece all this stuff together, and most civilians don't have the time or inclination to do this.

I know nothing about the holocaust stuff.
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Keep posting em JTrader. I think they are very interesting and if it raises questions and awareness it's all for the greater good.
yeah, cheers jt ,laptop. building 7 WTC. detonated. without any doubts. So what does that say about 911 ?

tut, tut, tut.
Atilla said:
Keep posting em JTrader. I think they are very interesting and if it raises questions and awareness it's all for the greater good.

Hi Atilla

yes, the reason I have posted them because i have found all this info from the linked sources interesting & eye opening. I have nothing to gain myself, nor would i want there to be.

I'm sure most people would find this stuff interesting at the least, if they actually looked at it.

I realise that there are probably many people who have followed this thread with interest but chose not to comment.

I've not posted things to be able to go on and say this is right, Alex, Dylan, Aaron etc. know best etc. etc.

People with the ability to think, can form their own opinions based on the evidence presented.

I've posted links to enough for now, so thats probably the end of the links. Especially if people don't want to comment on it here.
However, IMO it's the viewing & raising awareness which is the issue, not the arguing over who or whats right or wrong, as this is not something i really want to get into - on such profound subjects. Personal glory it is not about.

Hard evidence speaks for itself IMO.
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Crap Buddist said:
yeah, cheers jt ,laptop. building 7 WTC. detonated. without any doubts. So what does that say about 911 ?

tut, tut, tut.

I watched the google film and the Pentagon crash had me scratching my head. It's like spot the boeing.

Confiscating cameras and film footage - national security...

How comes out in the middle of NY we have four different footages of aeroplanes hitting the buildings and 2 still shots of the Pentagon crash.

The size of the whole and size of the boeing was really a tough one to argue too. The fire in the buildings brought down the twin towers - both of them... but the fire in the Pentagon left a chair with an open book in one of the rooms.
