my favourite conspiracy theory, and others

What about a "Foot & Mouth" Conspiracy?

What if the government (or the treasury) decided to cook-up another one of those?

Yes that would be interesting. But what purpose does it serve to have a false flag foot & mouth pandemic?
(besides keeping walkers off farmland for a few months) 😕
kulu's and turkey heads........

says here Al qaeda is a utility asset of the west, a good tool, o.k. maybe a few of the spokes in the wheel are a bit bent, but were would the west be without them ?

At every major strategic point in the world, we find that US and Western power is symbiotically melded – through financial, military and intelligence connections – with al-Qaeda; and further that al-Qaeda has in certain places been explicitly used as a military-intelligence asset by Western powers, particularly the United States and United Kingdom. This documentation indicates that international terrorism in the form of al-Qaeda is not merely an enemy to be fought, but rather an unruly asset to be, when possible, controlled and manipulated in the pursuit of quite specific strategic and economic interests. Worse still, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that certain elements of the policy-making establishment are perfectly cognizant that as a direct result of such policies, national security is being fundamentally and continuously undermined with repeatedly fatal consequences. Yet the same brand of policies persists. Without dwelling unnecessarily on the possible theoretical ramifications of this phenomenon, it is sufficient for me to note that these facts fundamentally challenge the entire paradigm of the ‘War on Terror’ as articulated and legitimized by the official narrative."

nowt queer as folk, except well , lol .....

what the hell is going on, I dunno but is it better than watching Corrie ?

why dont bush n brown, and all that invite say north korea, Iran and have a tea party and do biz together? whats all the terror nonsense, surely they can resolve it, I can only conclude its good for commercial enterprise to prod the wasps nest now and then, to get some cash flowing.....

I mean, how come the west preaches peace n loving they neighbour, but then kidnapp Iraqi Officials and get the power tools out and drill holes in the guys feet ? eh , now maybe its just me, but if thats the wests definition of loving thy neighbour with a bosch heavy duty cordless boring holes in peoples feet then somethings not quite right, is it ?

Might pop to B & Q later get a drill ask if this tool will drill into feet o.k. and what drill bit they reccommend, Wood ,masonary or metal, I think wood sharper point? or maybe the US embassy might send me a leaflet ?
C0ck-up rather than conspiracy.
End Of.
Like seriously "End Of".
Thankfully now cured of even trying to argue with anyone who thinks otherwise as the only remotely thing that's good about banging your head against a brick wall is when it stops.

(& will not respond to anyone giving me a "yes but . . . " post)

It is interesting, that more & more people are becoming aware of 911 truth, and have an opinion on whether the "conspiracy theories" are BS, or whether they point to an inside job.

Debunkiung programs like BBC "conspiracy files 911" and this history channel one -, may convince some that the con. theories are BS, but they'll also make new people aware that there is even such a thing as "911 truth".
Of these people, those capable of independent thought, who want to 2nd check the body of evidence, will go away, do their own research & make up their own mind.....

As the BBC hit piece said - it is no longer "taboo" to discuss 911 conspiracy theories.

If you google - 911, 5 of the top 10 results are "911 truth" websites.

It will be interesting to see the reaction after "Loose Change 911 - Final Cut" hits UK cinemas in a month or so............

If you type into google 911 conspiracy 4,660,000 pages are returned.....
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why dont bush n brown, and all that invite say north korea, Iran and have a tea party and do biz together? whats all the terror nonsense, surely they can resolve it, I can only conclude its good for commercial enterprise to prod the wasps nest now and then, to get some cash flowing.....

I mean, how come the west preaches peace n loving they neighbour, but then kidnapp Iraqi Officials and get the power tools out and drill holes in the guys feet ? eh , now maybe its just me, but if thats the wests definition of loving thy neighbour with a bosch heavy duty cordless boring holes in peoples feet then somethings not quite right, is it ?

Might pop to B & Q later get a drill ask if this tool will drill into feet o.k. and what drill bit they reccommend, Wood ,masonary or metal, I think wood sharper point? or maybe the US embassy might send me a leaflet ?

Is this some kind of rap?
Is this some kind of rap?

lol, yeah could be I guess, although needs a tweak me thinks..... double standards spin, does my nut rolls... well mildly, I cant take any politician seriously, how do they expect to gain trust of the people, maybe they think its best jonny citizen is best kept in the shade on matters that they mark, need to know or whatever, but the banner carriers of mankind are still behaving like dinosaurs, mmm, maybe its the war machine, they dont always want to do as politicians do, do they ?

anyway, jeans for 3 quid at asda! were the hell they bought those from ? China ? bloody wallmart exploiting slave labour(cant see it being much of a loss leader), thats got to stop hasnt it ?

Jeans for 3 quid ??? whats the real cost though .... 3 quid ?
Yes that would be interesting. But what purpose does it serve to have a false flag foot & mouth pandemic?
(besides keeping walkers off farmland for a few months) 😕
If they decided to pull that stunt again it would mean an automatic and immediate halt to transport and export of livestock and much livestock produce.

What would that result in? That would be the purpose.
Quote [from 2001]
Stolen foot-and-mouth virus 'released deliberately'

Quote from BBC website 2007
The UK's Chief Veterinary Officer has asked a government laboratory to carry out checks on its bio-security.

At a news briefing with NFU Director General Richard MacDonald, Debby Reynolds said the lab at Pirbright, near the farm where foot-and-mouth was found, was being investigated.
Former stalwart of the 911Truth idiots and PrisonPlanet morons David Shayler took the David Ike route last week and claimed to be the new Messiah . . .

Flase-flag black-op by mossad or the guy was always a self-publicising bullsh*t artist?
Hey, you decide.

I find it slightly funny that you suggest it is all conspiracy BS for mental patients, but you keep going to the trouble of continuing your research & posting links to such websites.
If i was convinced something was BS i would not spend time trawling through fairly obscure & subject specific websites like this.

You also said months ago, that you were not going to post on this thread again.

R U sure you've not become a closet truther, who is currently in denial??
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re - laptop

To a large extent, i agree that television is used to mesmerise & brainwash the general population. i.e. Hollyoaks, coronation Street, football, the news.

However, i am interested in nature, natural history etc. & have always liked watching such documentaries + Ski Sunday, Travel programs, football hooliganism documentaries, Bear Grylls born survivor type programs, Ray Mears etc.
Therefore I have learnt an awful lot about a lot of things through watching TV, that i would not have got to learn about as easily or effectively, in any other form.
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YouTube - American Drug War (Part 01 of 12)

American Drug War (Part 01 of 12)

The War on Drugs has become the longest and most costly war in American history, the question has become, how much more can the country endure? Inspired by the death of four family members from "legal drugs" Texas filmmaker Kevin Booth sets out to discover why the Drug War has become such a big failure. Three and a half years in the making the film follows gang members, former DEA agents, CIA officers, narcotics officers, judges, politicians, prisoners and celebrities. Most notably the film befriends Freeway Ricky Ross; the man many accuse for starting the Crack epidemic, who after being arrested discovered that his cocaine source had been working for the CIA. AMERICAN DRUG WAR shows how money, power and greed have corrupted not just dope fiends but an entire government. More importantly, it shows what can be done about it. This is not some 'pro-drug' stoner film, but a collection of expert testimonials from the ground troops on the front lines of the drug war, the ones who are fighting it and the ones who are living it. Written by Kevin Booth
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Since you mention it, there are three things that perplex me.

1. Why were the stars not visible at any time ?

2. Considering the lack of gravity on the moon, how is it that the film footage does not show huge leaps of 20, 30 40 feet, and why did the astronauts not take the precaution of anchoring themselves to the lunar surface with lanyards, for safety ?

3. If you look carefully at the flagpole being driven into the lunar sufface and the amount of effort expended to do it, how is it, considering the lack of gravity, that the astronauts' feet did not lift off the ground ? By comparison, try doing this underwater, and see what happens....:cheesy: just push yourself off the bottom, that's what.

The mans got a point.

Even if they did supposedly leave a laser mirror thingy on the moon, that can be beamed at today. Whats to say that that was not dropped off on an unmanned mission?