my favourite conspiracy theory, and others

To me it's most rational to assume that governments/military do do shocking, immoral, counter-intuitive things, because their game and stakes are so high, and just accept it as the natural, rational way that they would behave. It seems a lot more likely than them not doing it. If you accept that, then all the excitement and paranoia of conspiracy theories goes away.

What you also need to include is the puppet master of corporate interest. Just follow the money, no act is so despicable it does not have a price worth stealing.
Alex Jones who featured in the BBC program conspiracy files 911 has made some interesting films.
meanwhile a time later...... much later....

Crap Buddist said:
Cheers for the link,, I note its 1 1/2 hours long that film, so I'll have a look at it later.


well, I watched the video.

question 1.

If the plane that smacked into the Pentagon was vapourized on impact ,including all the big engines . How come the investigation mob accounted for 184 bodies found ? How come they managed to not vapourize?

Who took out all those put options on the arilines involved in the day or so before ,$250 million dollars still not claimed it said, well who bought the puts?

3. who bought all those bloody puts ?

4. Flight 93, again the plane vapourizes on impact, bodies ? the coroner said he's not seen any evidence of any blood or anything, not a sausage even and with that heat you would of thought a few sausage looking things might be evident? well nope.... not even a chipolata with crispy bacon...

5. Put options , who bought them? surely they can find that out .

6. molten steel in the basement, wacking steel structures melted through as if some high burning powered explosive charge had burnt through, the sort hot enough to do the job, evidence, The FBI who are charged with investigating these matters , er aint bovered?

7. Fox news presenter trying to dumb down that professor teaching his kids to be open to the whole 911 in his muslim lesson's . Who controls fox news? why would that presenter be ripping into and not open to listening to the professor? That was quite not nice to watch,( look at the FOX guy, if hes trying to cover up or detract, he's making it worse ) I mean the attempt by Fox news, like a school kid calling the teacher, nut, bizarre ,crackpot ,trying to talk over him, etc..... what a %$£%^& .

Now is anyone closer to the real truth on this story.... ? what a sad state for the ? americans , all citizens to be living with.
JTrader said:
Having watched some Alex Jones films, and the other films mentioned in this thread, it is possible to see how all these conspiracies alledgedly link, and it is scary -

New world order - illuminati - banks - governments - terrorism - war on terror - reduction in civil liberties - id cards - michrochipped populations - population reduction - vaccines etc. etc.
Aren't those sorts of things just what you would expect the world's leaders to want? It might be scary from the point of view of a citizen going about their daily life, but rather than dress it up in terms of secrecy, conspiracy, new world order etc., why not just accept it as a rational, even inevitable progression, and plan/live your life accordingly? It might give one a thrill to imagine conspiracies but the reality as ever is quite prosaic and ordinary.

I'd say that whatever vaguely coherent stratum of world leaders that exists (call it a ruling elite or lizard illuminati if you like) is probably happy to see dissent contained to excitable, did-they-didn't-they paranoia. If people were to lose the deluded paranoia and just see things as they are, or infer how things are most likely to be in a rational sense, then they might actually do something and the leaders would be far more worried. Does this ring any bells with trading?

Think about what you might actually do as a world leader, faced with humanity's situation, as opposed to what you would like to see done or what you think is fair or ethical as a citizen. The two contradict.

This isn't aimed at you personally JTrader, just at people in general who conciously or unconciously indulge in fantasy, delusion, paranoia etc. for a buzz instead of facing things head on and taking personal responsibility.

Again - ring any bells with trading?
blackcab said:
Aren't those sorts of things just what you would expect the world's leaders to want? It might be scary from the point of view of a citizen going about their daily life, but rather than dress it up in terms of secrecy, conspiracy, new world order etc., why not just accept it as a rational, even inevitable progression, and plan/live your life accordingly? It might give one a thrill to imagine conspiracies but the reality as ever is quite prosaic and ordinary.

I'd say that whatever vaguely coherent stratum of world leaders that exists (call it a ruling elite or lizard illuminati if you like) is probably happy to see dissent contained to excitable, did-they-didn't-they paranoia. If people were to lose the deluded paranoia and just see things as they are, or infer how things are most likely to be in a rational sense, then they might actually do something and the leaders would be far more worried. Does this ring any bells with trading?

Think about what you might actually do as a world leader, faced with humanity's situation, as opposed to what you would like to see done or what you think is fair or ethical as a citizen. The two contradict.

This isn't aimed at you personally JTrader, just at people in general who conciously or unconciously indulge in fantasy, delusion, paranoia etc. for a buzz instead of facing things head on and taking personal responsibility.

Again - ring any bells with trading?


please don't interpret any of my post as thrill seeking, indulging in fantasy etc. etc.

I can think of much better ways to indulge in thrill seeking and fantasy............

My interest is in looking at the facts & evidence.

The fact that the vast majority of people have little awareness of these matters means that governments are able to dress things up in secrecy and keep things out of the media in collaboration with the media.

I can't see where delusion, thrill seeking or fantasy come into it.

Conspiracy theorists as you may call them, are not trying to keep any secrets, they are trying to raise awareness, uncover the truth - against a media unwilling to report objectively on such topics.

I certainly don't soak up everything "the conspiracy theorists" say.
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JTrader said:

please don't interpret any of my post as thrill seeking, indulging in fantasy etc. etc.

I can think of much better ways to indulge in thrill seeking and fantasy............

My interest is in looking at the facts, debating the facts and the official versions, education and raising awareness.
Agreed, and no offence meant, I just used your post to get that off my chest 🙂