Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

And some of us remember quite well the protection they enjoyed. If this had happened in a t2w webinar, you might have found the comments amusing (who wouldnt ?), but you'd have still been banning IP's and publically lending them support.

if you are referring to the thread deletions, then yes, they had protection of sorts. although as to whether any action taken due to legal threats counts as protection is open to debate. i'm not sure that we were privy to any info re legals at this point in time, so i can't say for sure on that part.

actually, thinking about it there's double lulz in there somewhere :whistling

on one hand get a right larf as sahgy flaps and gets flustered, on the other kicking off the likes of 4dalulz and the rest, and then tuning into the thread to read the casualty report from the weary troops back from the front 😆 :clap:

where do i sign up! 😈 😀
Mike B STRIKES BACK . . . . . 4dlulz . . . . !!!


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rip pboyles!!

the talk of lulz has to be momentarily toned down for the sake of our fallen comrade pboyles 😢

last seen posting yet another ltg thread and is missing in action, he will be sorely missed 😢
Surely being a director of a UK company is not by itself justification for getting a visa. Anyone of any nationality can open a UK company and buy a service address for well under £100. There must be further criteria such as proof of investment.

I suppose he's in the country now and that won't change. When we can't deport terrorists we'll hardly deport someone who has only been breaking the fraud act and not paying bills.

You need to have proof of cash & income for the Entrepreneur Visa. It's also known as a Tier 1 Visa.
UK Border Agency | Tier 1 (Entrepreneur)
ooooh what a surprise, pboyles doesnt know everything! probably why he has been banned from this site! no doubt he will pop up as an alias like he has done in the past and on other sites
ooooh what a surprise, pboyles doesnt know everything! probably why he has been banned from this site! no doubt he will pop up as an alias like he has done in the past and on other sites

That's not why he was banned, dimwit. He was banned because scammers don't like it when people tell the truth about them, as I am sure you are well aware.

Now run along, your village cannot function without its idiot and you have been away for too long.
The one thing about Mike Baghdady that is true is that he is a Trader, I did the course and made some very good calls and trades as a result of it.
Mr Mike Transfers his skill at trading very well. English is not my first language either so it is difficult for me to understand all that is happening on this forum. But what I have read has been wild accusations and from my understanding this forum is not an intelligible source of the truth in so many words.[/QUOT

I really feel insulted when people like you join the site. All of your posts are on this thread, defending the undefendable, and you then refer to us as not an intelligible source. You must either think we are very stupid or you are very stupid. The answer is obvious. Perhaps you could demonstrate some of these very good calls you talk about.
Everybody wanted to be a turtle! Why did the people on this forum start getting jealous of them, I wonder why they are not trying to find out what they were learning about. I know when I listen to Mr Baghdady talk about trading that he seems to know what he is talking about.
This forum is really nit picking on miss communications.
I would be terrified to stand up declaring myself in front of all those people and really have respect for somebody who does coming under stiff critizim that has been perpetrated by this forum.

Ive no doubt he does know a lot about trading,but that does not mean anything. He has made serious claims that have never been backed up. i read your post before you amended it and I have no problem with it. you must understand how you look when you join the site and only post on this thread in defence of MB. You also said you now call good trades,I said prove it,thats all
Sure, but the evidence is overwhelming against him and delivered by respected posters. There is nothing to back up MB and his claims.Not one person has come on here and provided any evidence that he can trade or that his methods work
The so called evidence is a bit one sided in all fairness Lord Flasheart!

Mike Baghadady claimed to be the Head Trader at NYBOT. (this was before it was taken over and is now called ICE)

Fact: There was not a Head Trader at NYBOT. The position simply never existed.
No if, buts or maybe.

Who is at fault here?
Me for pointing this out or Mike Baghdady for making the false claim many times over in his marketing and in interviews in order to promote his own credibility in order to seduce the unkowning to shell out £5k, £10k or more for one or several of his courses?

He made a television commercial around the claim that he was "World Trading Champion". Again no if's, buts or maybes.
This was aired on expensive TV time in order to again seduce the unknowing (and many were seduced) to shell out £5k, £10k or more on one or more of his courses. I know, I have spoken to a good number of them - fact!

The claim was a complete falsehood - a lie! He sat on a stage with a few other guys who traded. Nothing else. Anyone who knows anything about trading would know that to be the case. The unknowing did not and were fraudulently led into making a purchase under fales pretences - fact!

Baghdady new exactly what he was doing and in fact panicked when formal complaints were made to the Advertising Standards Authority in the UK.

Bloomberg withdrew the advert immediately without consultation with Baghdady.

Who is blame here? The ASA, Bloomberg or those who were seduced? Or is it Baghdady for making knowing and false claims in order to procure business?

I am not clear but a lawyer may be able to confirm if in fact this was fraud.

There is nothing written here that is "one sided". Its all fact.

You seem to want to blame those who have exposed and highlighted the lies , false claims and behaviour of this man. Why???????????
Interesting point.

I have spoken with a number of people who worked at Training Traders including former staff,a few turtles and some who rented desks there.

The one thing that struck all of them is that they never did see Baghdady trade!!!!

Trade plan on a Sunday - yes, but actually trade live - NO.

We have seen the same thing in the FX Street webinars also - never trades live despite the advertising and marketing claims made beforehand.
In fact, the first thing he said on his latest webinar was "i'm not trading live today" The recording exists so not a "one sided" comment, just pure, simple FACT again!

I wonder why?????