Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

Bint my old friend,

What if the rumours are true? What if it is all over for Saghbooby? Where will all the bank traders go for training in trading? Is this the end of trading itself?

Think of all the hundreds, thousands, who have been trained by Boggdady. They have obviously made their millions, but what of those that come after them?

Can this really be the end?

leningrad cowboys - those were the days - YouTube

I don't care about Mike Boghdaddy one iota, he will always be able to look after himself. I don't know much about his turtle experiment except it wasn't exactly his idea was it? All I wanted to know was how the lovely Tracy got on (the one who won the course in the expo raffle). That's a very novel method of selection, but every time I enquire my post gets pulled. I thought it was the fun police at work after I made some humourous comments but given the persistency of the mods on here I'm not so sure. Have I touched a raw little nerve boys?
I don't care about Mike Boghdaddy one iota, he will always be able to look after himself. I don't know much about his turtle experiment except it wasn't exactly his idea was it? All I wanted to know was how the lovely Tracy got on (the one who won the course in the expo raffle). That's a very novel method of selection, but every time I enquire my post gets pulled. I thought it was the fun police at work after I made some humourous comments but given the persistency of the mods on here I'm not so sure. Have I touched a raw little nerve boys?

I see what you mean.

At the end of the day, when you're touching cloth, you need to crimp off a length. The appearance of the turtle's head lets you know it's too late to push the problem back in. It has to come out.

And that's something we can all agree on.
Whilst researching your Krankies claim I came across the following website. It states they were involved in 'swinging' rather than the other activity you mention. By the way this website should keep you entertained until the next Baghdady episode next week.


Whatever you want Pboyles, it's all the same to me. You like swinging, I like dogging, tomayto, tomarto.

The point is this - it's all about soul-less, demeaning sex in seedy and unsanitary locations with repugnant strangers.

And that's something we can all agree on.
I don't care about Mike Boghdaddy one iota, he will always be able to look after himself. I don't know much about his turtle experiment except it wasn't exactly his idea was it? All I wanted to know was how the lovely Tracy got on (the one who won the course in the expo raffle). That's a very novel method of selection, but every time I enquire my post gets pulled. I thought it was the fun police at work after I made some humourous comments but given the persistency of the mods on here I'm not so sure. Have I touched a raw little nerve boys?

1) A lot of your comments aint humorous period.
2) Nope, we have skins thicker than a rhino.
3) Rather than debate everything ...it's just easier for us to send you on hols. You do realise that the hols may become permanent at some point, should you persist !
1) A lot of your comments aint humorous period.
2) Nope, we have skins thicker than a rhino.
3) Rather than debate everything ...it's just easier for us to send you on hols. You do realise that the hols may become permanent at some point, should you persist !
Well as taught to me by the great Mike Baghdady :
Buy or Sell
2000 to that:

Any more mention of "Turtle Experiments" and I will grass you up to the RSPCA😏
I know the man and I thought he would have come up with a different name but lack of imagination is hardly a crime. He has been ridiculed here but for some any publicity is good marketing. I will under duress back off this thread for now as I fear a Nacht und Nebel visit from the internet special branch.
Maybe I will make it to Legendary status one day


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Why this attack on Bad Daddy? His only wish is to share his winning ways with those intellectually challenged persons incapable of coining it from the markets by their own efforts. I am so angry at the treatment meted out to Bagmoredoshdaddyfromgreedyidiots that I may start my own site dedicated to sharing trading snippets with any intellectual pygmy that applies (Cash in old twenties preferred)😍

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. That is the motto of the three wise turtles.


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Absence of proof is not proof of absence. Have a bit of patience and I think you'll see all the proof you need.

Equally, saying you have proof does not mean you actually have proof. Lets face it why make an accusation and not provide the proof straight away. Either its an attempt to make more of an effect or mislead.

We have a handful of people on here trying to close a business for some dodgy PR (no worse than OTA posting its own reviews). No one has said they have been ripped of or not got what they paid for and no one has questioned the methodology or course.

Your are not just commenting on your like/dislikes of one person, this is a company with a number of employees and graduates who's lives will be seriously affected by your actions.

And don't try and deflect by saying its Baghdadys fault, you guys on here are going for blood without caring about the consequences and regardless of the accuracy and proof of allegations.
Again what have I posted that is not backed up with documentary proof? Why are other people going to suffer? Surely this project is backed by a millionaire trader, why would this PR disaster affect it, you have your trading accounts and profit split and no doubt youve been promised you'll all be millionaires.

You're not suggesting that this is all about selling courses to the gullible? Even if it were most of them never do any due diligence, they just see the dollar signs and pay up. Even if they get warned off they still do it anyway. But then you already know that.
Equally, saying you have proof does not mean you actually have proof. Lets face it why make an accusation and not provide the proof straight away. Either its an attempt to make more of an effect or mislead.

We have a handful of people on here trying to close a business for some dodgy PR (no worse than OTA posting its own reviews). No one has said they have been ripped of or not got what they paid for and no one has questioned the methodology or course.

Your are not just commenting on your like/dislikes of one person, this is a company with a number of employees and graduates who's lives will be seriously affected by your actions.

And don't try and deflect by saying its Baghdadys fault, you guys on here are going for blood without caring about the consequences and regardless of the accuracy and proof of allegations.

Interesting that this is all someone else's fault and neither you or Baghdady/Tuckey bear any responsibility at all.

1. Who was it that commissioned and appeared in the fake TV ad?

2. Who made the fake world champion claim?

3. Who was it that declared zero trading income in his bankruptcy filing?

4. Who fell for it all despite the warnings posted on the internet and your facebook page?

Take some responsibility for your actions and stop abusing the people that tried to help you avoid all this in the first place.
Your are not just commenting on your like/dislikes of one person, this is a company with a number of employees and graduates who's lives will be seriously affected by your actions.

How does someone commenting effect the employees ?

Mike's made a greater percentage return in one single trade than I made all year. If I can pay the people who work for me, than Mike can certainly pay his people.

He's the worlds foremost expert on price action, and he has a 30 year track record, whats the problem ? He has almost no staff, fairly cheap office space, and MASSIVE income.

As for the "graduates", how does the failure of his training business effect those guys. Surely they'll all eventually make great profits (some already are), they have a method that can make them more in one trade than I'd typically make in a year. Trust me guys, you are going to be loaded.

If I can survive, so can they. They might only have 100K, but at those kind of returns they'll be laughing all the way to the bank by now. Hell, even if they only achieved the kind of returns I make, most of them would still make considerably more than they where getting in their previous jobs, what exatly have they got to complain about ? I'll tell you what, if any of the turtles can provide me with an audited track record after 2 years backing up Mr Baghdddys claims, I'll give them a lot more than 100K to manage, not that I'll have to there'll be a queue a mile long and some of the people at the front will have tens of billions under management

I must point out the bleeding obvious, if Mr Baghdaddy and his PR muppet hadnt made those fraudulent claims, there would have been no need for anyone to comment. so he really have to make that extra special effort to make himself a target for critisism.

Threatening Mr Sharky and the boys with legal action wasnt such a good move. The PR muppet should be thankfull for the free lesson in how not to handle someones online reputation. 😆

You people are in a hole, you should stop digging, but thankfully you wont, and the lulz will continue 😆
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Equally, saying you have proof does not mean you actually have proof. Lets face it why make an accusation and not provide the proof straight away. Either its an attempt to make more of an effect or mislead.

We have a handful of people on here trying to close a business for some dodgy PR (no worse than OTA posting its own reviews). No one has said they have been ripped of or not got what they paid for and no one has questioned the methodology or course.

Your are not just commenting on your like/dislikes of one person, this is a company with a number of employees and graduates who's lives will be seriously affected by your actions.

And don't try and deflect by saying its Baghdadys fault, you guys on here are going for blood without caring about the consequences and regardless of the accuracy and proof of allegations.

You are either one of the tutles or one of the very few staff left at Training Traders after last week. Either way you have my sympathy for the predicament that find yourself in.
As was stated in earlier posts this has nothing to do with the turtles but has all to do with what Mr Baghdady and Mr Tuckey are doing in the name of Training Traders. The turtles just happen to be caught up in it.
Serious questions have been asked and have been met (so far) from the Training Traders official spokesman (Malcolm) with wooly answers,untruths or silence!!!!!
Notice how Mr Baghdady has failed to come to the plate and address some of the issues raised. He should be able to do this with ease, should he not. He is not a man who appears to be shy of publicity and exposure but seems reluctant or completely unable to face the isues being raised here and elsewhere. Instead, he asks both staff (that he once had) or the turtles to post something positive about himself.
Following Fridays events you surely can now appreciate why some on here and elsewhere have issues with him and Mr Tuckey. You know what happened, you know why and you should be able to put two and two together when a prime example is put right in front of you.

Finally. Have you or any of your collegues asked the very simple but vital question posed earlier? This seems to be even more important in light of the fact that the turtles have received about 20% of the bank PROMISED.

Ask Mr Baghdady and Mr Tuckey to provide evidence of the £2 million required to fund the tutles. Should be easy should it not and that would be real evidence.
Threatening Mr Sharky and the boys with legal action wasnt such a good move. The PR muppet should be thankfull for the free lesson in how not to handle someones online reputation. 😆

You have your answer right there. Hiring some high end law firm to threaten T2W and some of its members with court action was the dumbest thing Mike ever did. It just made enemies of people who would otherwise have forgotten about this a year and a half ago.
Finally. Have you or any of your collegues asked the very simple but vital question posed earlier? This seems to be even more important in light of the fact that the turtles have received about 20% of the bank PROMISED.

Ask Mr Baghdady and Mr Tuckey to provide evidence of the £2 million required to fund the tutles. Should be easy should it not and that would be real evidence.

This is issue seams to touch a very raw nerve, and t2w moderators continue to delete my comment every time I discuss the subject. However, lets get this into perspective.

Personally, I'm of the opinion that Mr Baghdaddy isnt a trader, he's probably tried, and he's failed, and all of the available evidence points that way. However, 2M isnt a particularly huge sum of money in the scheme of things. I'd be shocked if Mr B wasnt able to raise that kind of capital from a few punters after media exposure in the national press and TV (if he didnt, its time to hang up his boots).

The sensible thing to do isnt to give every tom dick and harry 100K and hope it works out. The sensible thing to do is give em all 10K, and wait a few months and see how things are panning out. Purely by random chance one of them should start to do OK. At that point, you drip feed additional capital into the accounts of those turtles who are doing OK. Why let some muppet lose 50K if you can limit the losses to 5K ? That's what every other prop firm on the planet would do.

This is supposed to be a 3 year program, and we are a few months into the experiment, so I'm not entirely surprised that the accounts are not fully funded. Having said that, if I where a turtle, being used in this way, I'd be far from happy !

I do agree however that the turtles have a right to satisfy themselves that funding is / was available (and I would assume that anyone taking up the position would have satisfied themselves that it was prior to accepting the offer)
This is issue seams to touch a very raw nerve, and t2w moderators continue to delete my comment every time I discuss the subject. However, lets get this into perspective.

Personally, I'm of the opinion that Mr Baghdaddy isnt a trader, he's probably tried, and he's failed, and all of the available evidence points that way. However, 2M isnt a particularly huge sum of money in the scheme of things. I'd be shocked if Mr B wasnt able to raise that kind of capital from a few punters after media exposure in the national press and TV (if he didnt, its time to hang up his boots).

The sensible thing to do isnt to give every tom dick and harry 100K and hope it works out. The sensible thing to do is give em all 10K, and wait a few months and see how things are panning out. Purely by random chance one of them should start to do OK. At that point, you drip feed additional capital into the accounts of those turtles who are doing OK. Why let some muppet lose 50K if you can limit the losses to 5K ? That's what every other prop firm on the planet would do.

This is supposed to be a 3 year program, and we are a few months into the experiment, so I'm not entirely surprised that the accounts are not fully funded. Having said that, if I where a turtle, being used in this way, I'd be far from happy !

I do agree however that the turtles have a right to satisfy themselves that funding is / was available (and I would assume that anyone taking up the position would have satisfied themselves that it was prior to accepting the offer)

I agree, I cant believe anyone would be so dumb as to fund new traders with 100k each. Look at the failure rate at the professional trading firms, its horrendous, why would it be any different in this case? I've never seen anyone claim that more than 10% of people on training programs make it, and that's the firms that know what they're doing.

I suppose the real issue is that people were promised 100k each and then it wasn't delivered after they had given up their employment and joined the program.
I agree, I cant believe anyone would be so dumb as to fund new traders with 100k each. Look at the failure rate at the professional trading firms, its horrendous, why would it be any different in this case? I've never seen anyone claim that more than 10% of people on training programs make it, and that's the firms that know what they're doing.

I suppose the real issue is that people were promised 100k each and then it wasn't delivered after they had given up their employment and joined the program.

Totally agree that you would be completely nuts to give anyone £100k at the start. That is not the question.
The question is where is the evidence that the £2m existed/exists to fund £100k for each turtle as stated by Mr Baghdady so very publically many, many times?