Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

Good Morning. What a shambles it is in Training Traders! Yesterday, the ENTIRE sales team left and ONE TURTLE.

Just to put things into context, how any people did they actually have on sales ?

In my experience, good sales people will usually put up with anything if there's decent money to be made. They only tend to walk when they no longer believe in the product or their ability to earn commissions.
Just to put things into context, how any people did they actually have on sales ?

In my experience, good sales people will usually put up with anything if there's decent money to be made. They only tend to walk when they no longer believe in the product or their ability to earn commissions.

There were 3 sales team members. I agree about your comment about sales people. So it raises the questions - is no-one coming through the doors at Training Traders so there's no commission? OR do they no longer believe in the product?

I can't see how the advert would bring in any business, so the sales team are twiddling their thumbs and seeing the writing on the wall. For all of them to leave at once, it must have been a big decision and a very big hole below the waterline for Training Traders. Some ill-winds must be blowing at Training Traders if an entire team walks out en masse.

Remember that Malcolm Steel, in his capacity of official spokesman, claimed that ex-employees were caught on CCTV defacing the office? Perhaps people inside Training Traders have finally realised that Mike Baghdady's claims & techniques are all ridiculous and they have had enough of it/him.

I don't think sales people care that much about the product - they care about the commission
To any Turtles reading this thread...

I understand that you have been sold a fake dream and that you're NOT making money with Mike Baghdady's system, that you were NOT given the £100,000 into your trading account, that you have NOT had the support you'd expect and that you are stuck in a horrible position.

However, for you guys to be answering the phones? You were told that you were going to be a successful trader. Sadly, it appears as though you're answering the phones and making sales calls to the Training Traders database. I'm sure your dreams have been shattered and I know that you all have been taken for a great big ride. I'm genuinely sorry about that, but there are many people that Mike Baghdady & Ben Tuckey have scammed & screwed over and now you guys are part of that too.

You know the game is up. It is NOT your fault. I'm sure you have behaved impeccably throughout your training, but, over time have noticed all the things that done't add up - the lack of support, the fact that you're losing money, the fact that you weren't given the promised amount, that fact that all the staff leave suddenly etc etc. I know that one of you took the brave decision to leave yesterday. Well done for making a stand and making an effort to get your life back.

Good luck in the future and sorry for the fact that you have been taken for a ride by Mike Baghdady & Ben Tuckey. Let's hope that your next employer will be truthful and NOT have you making sales calls and answering the phones after promising to turn you into a successful trader.
I'm sure they're all decent people but my sympathy is tempered somewhat. They were all well warned about the fake claims and bankruptcy filing on their Facebook group page prior to the selection being completed. Not only did they ignore the proof put forward but they dished out a great deal of abuse to the person that tried to warn them. Some of them were even contacted by e mail.

I suppose sometimes people just have to find out for themselves. I'm sure the person they abused won't bear a grudge.
You cant con an honest man. They deserve everything coming to them
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Based on how it has all ended it seems that the guy is indeed more shady than I originally thought. I officially take back my apology made earlier.

Good luck to the people still after this case.
You're a very cruel man, although I think that fella that went to all the trouble to warn them probably agrees.

Training Traders are live and still running, see their website Training Traders, Forex, Stock Market, Trading Courses

they even have a March special:


The number is also still active: 0203 405 1000
Based on how it has all ended it seems that the guy is indeed more shady than I originally thought. I officially take back my apology made earlier.

Good luck to the people still after this case.

I don't think he is shady...nor do I think Training Traders are a scam....

Mike baghdady just simply sells training courses, and uses whatever avenues are available to market his training courses... it is that simple...

It took me a while to understand but I get it now...

Those who can TRADE, and those who can't, simply TEACH!

If he was such a great trader, then why would he be selling courses? Think about it.... He would be in the forbes list? or run a private hedge fund if he was such a great Guru...

But no, he sells training courses in East London? 😆
This post is directed to all the Turtles at Training Traders.

It is clear that quite a number of the Turtles are toatlly disillusioned with how the trading programme, management of it, mentoring and actual trading performance has gone. There are clearly a number who will defend Mike Baghdady and Ben Tuckey come what may and believe that they will be successful in the end. This is some ways is admirable and understandable given that most of you gave up jobs and careers to participate in what was seemingly a unique opportunity. Whether it would work or not is only for you to know.

To be blind to the content that has appeared on this forum and elsewhere is not so clever. You need to ask yourselves why a great number of people are questioning the credentials and promises made by Mr. Baghdady and Mr Tuckey. The more personal stuff can be ignored but not the wide range of legitimate questions posed, particularly by The Leopard.

I do not really detect the contributers having a go at you but given the almost patriotic responses from some of you there have been some questions asked of your awareness of what has been and what is happening. You will have witnessed some events over the last few days that should shake you out of the sanitised world that you appear to inhabit. Open your eyes and go ask a simple but very telling question of Mr. Baghdady and Mr. Tuckey.

Question: Show us the account with the £2million required to cover the many very public statements made by Mr. Baghdady?
You know what you have had to trade so far so it should be easy to have the balance outstanding identified and shown to you. Not for anyone else on here or elsewhere - but you only. Go and ask!
If you see it and are satisfied - great. If not - why not?
The question has been asked repeatedly on this forum and elsewhere. Maybe those who asked here and elsewhere were in your eyes, not entitled to do so and I tend to agree. Fine, but you are surely entitled to ask and be given the answer and shown the evidence.

You seem to be caught up as a consequence of questions being asked about the conduct of the business, people being owed money and claims being made that appear to not be substantiated. The issues raised seem not about the Turtles and maybe when things have moved on and the truth about matters is finally known you will undertsand that it was not about each of you but about a great many other things.

I for one hope that you are successful and that the funds are indeed available and that those who have asked questions here and elsewhere are answered in the best possible manner by hearing that some of you have made it and are full time traders of Mr Baghdadys fund.

However, you cannot operate in a vacumn and want to see matters that others have, not be dealt with and aired if that is what they wish to do.

Wishing you the best of luck, even now.
All is not lost, I hear Mike has hired a top press and PR guy from the middle east to sort out this mess. He has a lot of experience and in fact his previous boss also had a few legal issues that needed sorting out, although things didn't quite work out to plan that time. Even so I'm sure he will have a full and frank explanation for us in due course. He's been out of the game for a while but he's still a top operator.
From Reuters press wire.

Press release: I would like to tell you that Mike is world champion and Ben is a hedge fund manager. Also there are no Americans at the airport. Anybody that says these claims are untrue is an idiot. Ends


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I don't think he is shady...nor do I think Training Traders are a scam....

Mike baghdady just simply sells training courses, and uses whatever avenues are available to market his training courses... it is that simple...

It took me a while to understand but I get it now...

Those who can TRADE, and those who can't, simply TEACH!

If he was such a great trader, then why would he be selling courses? Think about it.... He would be in the forbes list? or run a private hedge fund if he was such a great Guru...

But no, he sells training courses in East London? 😆

Shady in a sense that I would not put up too much paid advertising if I did not have the money to pay the bills. Its common business sense. The only reason I would be doing this if I did not really have intentions on paying the bills.

That is not good business practice even if you are selling snake oil. Even used car salesmen pay their bills to keep their operations running...
Remember the Frankfurt World of Trading event that Mike took part in? Mike didnt get a prize that night but this guy did. Now what does that say about the competition?

Oliver Velez


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From Reuters press wire.

Press release: I would like to tell you that Mike is world champion and Ben is a hedge fund manager. Also there are no Americans at the airport. Anybody that says these claims are untrue is an idiot are infidels. Ends

There seems to be very little purpose in posing questions to these people since their reluctance to provide answers is approaching a pathological level.

Still, for the sake of completeness:

For the Attention of the Official Spokesman for Mr Baghdady:

Question Doesn'tmakeanydifferencesinceyouseemtosimplyignoreanythatyoufinddifficult

Is it true that you have lost 2 turtles in the very short time your project has been running?
Is it true that you lost three members of staff, all of whom worked in sales, in a single day?
Is it true that your turtles have been answering telephones and making sales calls?