Live Trades

you have now given a hint to your age..which i am guessing 26?

Close but no cigar.

you have to answer the question that is asked..not my averages is not an is a joke at my method..which is far from a joke

It was not a joke. The answer "not my averages" is in fact not the most important thing to a daytrader. I did not see any harm in having it answered. I was not making any jabs here I am only interested in getting an answer as you are. That is why my response was apropos. Your question was a digression.

You seem to want answers without giving any concise ones yourself.

Again, I will be happy to answer your questions when you answer mine about the averages without the political double and digressions. My age irrelevant here.

my method is very simple..based on proven market movements..that happen in all markets..but the method lends itself more useful when applied to certain US stocks..the main reason being..certain US stocks are heavily traded by large financial institutions..and it is their money that moves price up and down

That is all well and good. Your answers have been parsimonious in detail just like this one in red.
Close but no cigar.

It was not a joke. The answer "not my averages" is in fact not the most important thing to a daytrader. I did not see any harm in having it answered. I was not making any jabs here I am only interested in getting an answer as you are. That is why my response was apropos. Your question was a digression.

You seem to want answers without giving any concise ones yourself.

Again, I will be happy to answer your questions when you answer mine about the averages without the political double and digressions. My age irrelevant here.

That is all well and good. Your answers have been parsimonious in detail just like this one in red.

Why do you not just answer the question asked?

The most important thing to a daytrader, in relation to stock selection, in my opinion, is as follows.....

It is a simple question.

No more than 32 ?
salesmen use a good trick..tell the customer what he/she wants to hear..people love to be right..even when wrong

i do not operate that way..i am not selling anything to anyone..if i want to answer a question..with a question..i will do it makes the person think about what it is they are asking

does this make sense to you?

i am going to the chipper to get a chip and hotdog with fried onions..back in due course
before i go to is a salesman answer


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before i go to is a salesman answer

Since neither of us are salesman why don't you stop the digressions? Salesmen's responses are irrelevant here.

I do not know why you think you deserve answers and I do not. You have asked many more questions than I. Your details in said answers have been even more anorexic.

Don't answer a question with a question. Why don't we answer the questions in the order that they've been asked ?
Since neither of us are salesman why don't you stop the digressions? Salesmen's responses are irrelevant here.

I do not know why you think you deserve answers and I do not. You have asked many more questions than I. Your details in said answers have been even more anorexic.

Don't answer a question with a question. Why don't we answer the questions in the order that they've been asked ?

That is not an is very simple..answer what you think..then we move on..why will you not answer the simple question?
That is not an is very simple..answer what you think..then we move on..why will you not answer the simple question?

Because you will not. You have not answered any of mine. Your constant digressions are becoming enlightening.

Why should I care what is the most important thing to a daytrader. I do not consider myself a daytrader nor I do even what the most important things would be. I care about one things in the market--$$$.

Posting an exerpt about the Black-Scholes asset pricing model is not a "salesman" answer nor is it even an answer. Do you understand those equations?

You seem preoccupied with age.

Predicting Age and Gender from Blogs
Because you will not. You have not answered any of mine. Your constant digressions are becoming enlightening.

Why should I care what is the most important thing to a daytrader. I do not consider myself a daytrader nor I do even what the most important things would be. I care about one things in the market--$$$.

Posting an exerpt about the Black-Scholes asset pricing model is not a "salesman" answer nor is it even an answer. Do you understand those equations?

You seem preoccupied with age.

Predicting Age and Gender from Blogs

the equations..haven't a clue..couldn't care less..not needed to make money trading..leave them to the clever people

if you do not care..then you do not need me to answer my averages are fine tuned for daytrading

age..many years ago i went to see a very successful business man..the first question he asked me old are you..i said just gone 40..he said that is good..if you were under 40 then i would tell you to go away and come back
the equations..haven't a clue..couldn't care less..not needed to make money trading..leave them to the clever people

if you do not care..then you do not need me to answer my averages are fine tuned for daytrading

age..many years ago i went to see a very successful business man..the first question he asked me old are you..i said just gone 40..he said that is good..if you were under 40 then i would tell you to go away and come back

Based upon your writing style in the previous posts, I would say that you have to be very young. I looked at our previous posts to draw some insight into your age. I think I will take part in your age guessing exercise.

As per section 3 of the picture, you use more emoticons than me.
You use more internet acronyms.
You use more slang such as "chippers" and "chancer". The use of slang and acronyms tends to increase as age decreases.
You use a lot of stand alone punctuation such as "..." instead ending a sentence. The use of stand alone punction and incorrect punctuation tends to increase as age decreases.
You use words that are in all CAPS. You wrote "SOCRATES" many times. The use of all CAPS tends to increase as age decreases.
The sentence length is very terse and marked by many ellipses. Sentence length decreases with a decrease in age.

Based upon your writing style in the previous posts, I would say that you have to be very young. I looked at our previous posts to draw some insight into your age. I think I will take part in your age guessing exercise.

As per section 3 of the picture, you use more emoticons than me.
You use more internet acronyms.
You use more slang such as "chippers" and "chancer". The use of slang and acronyms tends to increase as age decreases.
You use a lot of stand alone punctuation such as "..." instead ending a sentence. The use of stand alone punction and incorrect punctuation tends to increase as age decreases.
You use words that are in all CAPS. You wrote "SOCRATES" many times. The use of all CAPS tends to increase as age decreases.
The sentence length is very terse and marked by many ellipses. Sentence length decreases with a decrease in age.


maybe i am young at heart🙂

i was able to guess yours with only 1 word have made me feel that i am being a bit is the basic data that is used for all trading you know..a computer is just a stupid box made up of steel and silicone..garbage in..garbage out

all traders have access to the same info..well..we will forget about the multi billion dollar institutions..that is a different ball is what the trader does with the information that matters most

one can use text book trading..but one will get text book results..garbage in..garbage out..remember can use their head..but that requires something called work..which most are too lazy to majority are resigned to what some of us call the "merry go round"

i am no expert at fact..the only thing i that i know nothing..really!


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i am going to look for a staff job soon..posting too much🙂

oh well..just as well i don't use that stupid facebook and twitter really is amazing how silly people are..and how easily they are led by others🙄

i wonder what the next great thing will be in 2016..maybe they will bring back the that really beat about idiots..can you imagine any person buying a contraption to plug into your computer so that you can smell what you are looking at..WTF is the world coming to..the real Socrates must be turning in his grave..the world is turning into a bunch of narrow minded robots..that bill gates has a lot to answer for..his name will go down in History alright😢 have made me feel that i am being a bit is the basic data that is used for all trading you know..a computer is just a stupid box made up of steel and silicone..garbage in..garbage out

all traders have access to the same info..well..we will forget about the multi billion dollar institutions..that is a different ball is what the trader does with the information that matters most

one can use text book trading..but one will get text book results..garbage in..garbage out..remember can use their head..but that requires something called work..which most are too lazy to majority are resigned to what some of us call the "merry go round"

i am no expert at fact..the only thing i that i know nothing..really!

The part in blue is absolutely true.
The part in blue is absolutely true.

yes..most enter this game thinking they can hand a few quid over to someone else..and bob's your uncle:whistling

well..having been there..and done that..i can say from my will never make any money worth talking about following must create your own on it..whatever it without drink and going out the weekends if that what is required,,drink is no good for you anyway..i know that as well🙄

let us use common sense for a moment

do you really think that someone who is selling you something really cares if you make money or not..come on..are you really that stupid..the trading related information industry is massive..i do not have stats..but i would say it is in the billions of $$$..get your head out of your ****..use common sense..keep your hard earned money for trading..and ignore any idiot who says he can show you how to make money for a small fee..waste of ****ing time

i could show anyone how to make money in 10 min..yes..for i know a way that in and day out..but i also know that out of every 10,000 people that i might show..there might be 1 or 2 that will actually do it..why..simple..because the majority of people will never do what they are told to is human nature..your mind will fu.k you up..and the reason why that is..because of they way you were is the same old story over and over..that is why the old saying is true..History does indeed repeat itself..but very few know why..and that is why you are where you are today

if my aunt had balls..she would be my uncle:idea:
yes..most enter this game thinking they can hand a few quid over to someone else..and bob's your uncle:whistling

well..having been there..and done that..i can say from my will never make any money worth talking about following must create your own on it..whatever it without drink and going out the weekends if that what is required,,drink is no good for you anyway..i know that as well🙄

let us use common sense for a moment

do you really think that someone who is selling you something really cares if you make money or not..come on..are you really that stupid..the trading related information industry is massive..i do not have stats..but i would say it is in the billions of $$$..get your head out of your ****..use common sense..keep your hard earned money for trading..and ignore any idiot who says he can show you how to make money for a small fee..waste of ****ing time

i could show anyone how to make money in 10 min..yes..for i know a way that in and day out..but i also know that out of every 10,000 people that i might show..there might be 1 or 2 that will actually do it..why..simple..because the majority of people will never do what they are told to is human nature..your mind will fu.k you up..and the reason why that is..because of they way you were is the same old story over and over..that is why the old saying is true..History does indeed repeat itself..but very few know why..and that is why you are where you are today

if my aunt had balls..she would be my uncle:idea:

That is very true. @tar and the others are too afraid of drawdowns. 😆

I would be too if I was leveraging up to 50:1. It is dumb to invest with money that you cannot afford to lose.
That is very true. @tar and the others are too afraid of drawdowns. 😆

I would be too if I was leveraging up to 50:1. It is dumb to invest with money that you cannot afford to lose.

as i said..there are many ways to make money trading..and the best way is the way that carries the least amount of risk..this is common sense

using leverage is not good unless you fully understand..and can use..a strict risk control approach..which is very simple and can be done up in excel in a few min

most who open small accounts blow them out..several times..why..simple..the money is they are not too worried about it..and all good brokers will autoclose is very rarely that someone gets caught..but it can happend a thick paddy..who was really clever..and i mean really the tune of over 4 billion euro..and the fool lost the whole lot..well..i suppose he has a few hundred mil stashed away somewhere..but that is nothing compared to what he had

how did ne get caught..simple..he listened to and gave his hard earned money to experts..yes..they were experts alright..experts at conning very clever people out of money..

cfd's..leverage..margin calls..a lifetime of hard work..a family fortune lost in 2 weeks..what kind of a person would allow himself to get into such a position..well..the obvious answer is a foolish person

can you imagine what money you could make with just 100 million euro..WTF didn't he contact SOCRATES or The Bull..for one thing is sure..with the Bull's options trading on FTSE 100..he was guaranteed to not fact..he was guaranteed to win..and win big with the money he is called.....

The Golden Hedge
all traders have access to the same info..well..we will forget about the multi billion dollar institutions..!

Nice one Lui – knowing that you know nothing may be wrong (or true at the same time)

Wishing you good trading in 2016 and lots of posts of live trades (hopefully more winners than losers)
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