lifestyle trader

This is how dodgy this bloke is!!! Please go to this link: Security Validation

put in the little 4 numbers to prove you are human - THEN you will see the domain this Rob Wilson has purchased.

LOOK - see he has purchased it in his other company name of Trend Genie! And LOOK where it is based>>>> PANAMA

Is this another way to remove $$$$$$s from people in Australia, give them to this dodgy man, then send that money offshore to Panama, so he can leave in a year or so, and retire on hard working Aussie's money????

The more I research this Aussie Rob (Robert Lloyd Wilson) the worse he looks! 😡

This man has more hide than a herd of elephants!! He is beyond belief. ASIC will be onto this.😆
This man has more hide than a herd of elephants!! He is beyond belief. ASIC will be onto this.😆

Well Deepdale, I now think that the man himself, Aussie Rob Wilson is linked to this thread. Soon after the links to the ownership of his domain were posted here, he had now gone back and "Guarded" his identity with the domain provider. So that means you cannot see that Rob Wilson owns this domain Connect Private Wealth through is company Trend Genie that is located in Panama!

Check out this new business he has. What another SCAM you say! Connect Private Wealth
It has SCAM SCAM SCAM written all over it, and be assured, Aussie Rob Wilson, the SCAM specialist owns this website!

Don't you just love the topic in the footer, "Why Panama?"

Be warned, warn all those you know. Stay away. (and it is already being checked out by ASIC!)
Well Deepdale, I now think that the man himself, Aussie Rob Wilson is linked to this thread. Soon after the links to the ownership of his domain were posted here, he had now gone back and "Guarded" his identity with the domain provider. So that means you cannot see that Rob Wilson owns this domain Connect Private Wealth through is company Trend Genie that is located in Panama!

Check out this new business he has. What another SCAM you say! Connect Private Wealth
It has SCAM SCAM SCAM written all over it, and be assured, Aussie Rob Wilson, the SCAM specialist owns this website!

Don't you just love the topic in the footer, "Why Panama?"

Be warned, warn all those you know. Stay away. (and it is already being checked out by ASIC!)

Great investigative work UizBSme. Good you tracked the origin of the domain name. I have looked at the website. It is astounding for such a new business. Surely they do not have permission to use the names of Apple, Google and Facebook to support their website. This has to be illegal. Same as using the 60 minutes interview. As if these 3 reputable businesses want to be associated with this scam. Take a look at the range of financial services that ConnectPrivateWealth is offering.Wow!!!. Is this Ernst and Young world wide????
Yes this is hard to believe. The Lifestyle Trader business is in liquidation. Hundreds of clients fleeced. The reputation of Lifestyle Trader and Aussie Rob is in tatters. And now this scam. Please if there are still any believers out there, RUN for your life because being scammed and going bankrupt could be just "a mouse click away".
Judging by recent experiences that's probably good advice.

You know, I'm not going to agree that you can't trust certain nationalities etc regardless of whether we are talking trading, business, or whatever. I think this is just an emotional statement that has no grounding at all and I really do not see how it adds value to this forum thread.

I do agree that there are certain "people" that should never be trusted.

Obviously Aussie Rob Wilson and Murray Priestley fit into that group of 'certain people'.
Good on you! How did you do it? I just started the refund request process. My future behaviour (e.g. media) will depend on how quickly they provide a refund now. I purchased the product before the campaign period the ASIC refers to. The claims, however, were exactly the same ("renting shares out like real estate", 5-10%/month, etc).
I've got it written and on their free DVD they're distributed. We even talked to Rob Wilson personally after one even, where he repeated these claims)
We'll see.
Feel free to get in touch with me. Might be useful to know more people in the same boat, in case they refuse refunds for whatever reasons.

My self and a friend also purchase the program and only have just found out that the ASIC ruling exisiste and only have a very short time to place a claim for refund how do we launch an appeal . we need to do so asap !!
My experience may not apply to you which go back to 3 years ago. But I'm pretty sure the system which they are selling is a joke, they make money by selling product not by trading.

When did you purchase their product, the enforceable undertaking stated that it started from Aug 2008. You should get response within 5 days when you sent your refund request, but I wont' be surprised if they refuse to refund or no response at all.

I too as well as a work friend are a victims and have only just found out that it is possible to make a claim , Yoiu say you went hrough legal channels ! could you please send info or be a little more specific as our time to place a clain is fast running out ! [email protected]
Well what do you know! This has emerged from the internet wilderness. A website supposedly by a Resturant guru, in fact a DORU called Rob Wilson. Check out this website! Can you believe this! Restaurant Doru:

Now, this is by a bloke that sent not one, but 2 cafes broke! Yes his 2 Urban Cafes went broke, he just shut them down cause he couldn't make money. So now he has this site, boasting how good he is as a restaurantdoru.

And read this from the bottom of the site: Mate,I Have A Proven Step-By-Step System That Worked For Me. I’ve Proved That It Works So There Is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON Why It Can’t Work For YOU. Let’s Work Together And Start Filling Your Restaurant Every Night!

Good Grief! How can he say, his fantastic system worked for him - his cafe's went broke and I am told, he still has not paid all the staff that worked at his cafes.

(please note, the cafes have been sold I believe and are now under new management - and we hope they all do well.)

If you phone the number on the Restaurant Doru: you get a voice message recorded by the Doru, Aussie Rob Wilson himself.

He calls himself a "fellow restauranteer", he doesn't have a restaurant - he had 2 little cafes - one he sent broke with bad management, the other he never got off the ground. Yah, if you want that sort of success, join his website by all means. Pay $97 a month to learn how to go broke fast!

Warning Warning Warning........... will this bloke stop at nothing!
Well what do you know! This has emerged from the internet wilderness. A website supposedly by a Resturant guru, in fact a DORU called Rob Wilson. Check out this website! Can you believe this! Restaurant Doru:

Now, this is by a bloke that sent not one, but 2 cafes broke! Yes his 2 Urban Cafes went broke, he just shut them down cause he couldn't make money. So now he has this site, boasting how good he is as a restaurantdoru.

And read this from the bottom of the site: Mate,I Have A Proven Step-By-Step System That Worked For Me. I’ve Proved That It Works So There Is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON Why It Can’t Work For YOU. Let’s Work Together And Start Filling Your Restaurant Every Night!

Good Grief! How can he say, his fantastic system worked for him - his cafe's went broke and I am told, he still has not paid all the staff that worked at his cafes.

(please note, the cafes have been sold I believe and are now under new management - and we hope they all do well.)

If you phone the number on the Restaurant Doru: you get a voice message recorded by the Doru, Aussie Rob Wilson himself.

He calls himself a "fellow restauranteer", he doesn't have a restaurant - he had 2 little cafes - one he sent broke with bad management, the other he never got off the ground. Yah, if you want that sort of success, join his website by all means. Pay $97 a month to learn how to go broke fast!

Warning Warning Warning........... will this bloke stop at nothing!

Oh my god. You are correct UizBSme. Will anything stop this charlatan?.
He describes himself on this DoRu website as an entrepreneur and restauranteur.
How can this be?. As an entrepreneur he left the Lifestyle Trader group broke and in tatters. A long list of customers waiting for refunds, disillusioned ripped off "no Lifestyle" traders, unpaid employees, unpaid suppliers etc etc..
As a restauranteur, sounds like 2 failed restaurants.
Sounds like any resemblance between Rob Wilson and restauranteur/entrepreneur is purely coincidental.
If I were Rob Wilson, I would disguise myself and get the hell out of the Gold Coast & Queensland. But not this man. Where does Restaurant DoRu operate guessed it. Broadbeach, Gold Coast.
One thing for sure, Restaurant Doru is another "rosy looking Rob Wilson apple".
Looks great from the outside but rotten to the core inside. You were warned above by UizBSme. Do not get caught.
Well what do you know! This has emerged from the internet wilderness. A website supposedly by a Resturant guru, in fact a DORU called Rob Wilson. Check out this website! Can you believe this! Restaurant Doru:

Now, this is by a bloke that sent not one, but 2 cafes broke! Yes his 2 Urban Cafes went broke, he just shut them down cause he couldn't make money. So now he has this site, boasting how good he is as a restaurantdoru.

And read this from the bottom of the site: Mate,I Have A Proven Step-By-Step System That Worked For Me. I’ve Proved That It Works So There Is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON Why It Can’t Work For YOU. Let’s Work Together And Start Filling Your Restaurant Every Night!

Good Grief! How can he say, his fantastic system worked for him - his cafe's went broke and I am told, he still has not paid all the staff that worked at his cafes.

(please note, the cafes have been sold I believe and are now under new management - and we hope they all do well.)

If you phone the number on the Restaurant Doru: you get a voice message recorded by the Doru, Aussie Rob Wilson himself.

He calls himself a "fellow restauranteer", he doesn't have a restaurant - he had 2 little cafes - one he sent broke with bad management, the other he never got off the ground. Yah, if you want that sort of success, join his website by all means. Pay $97 a month to learn how to go broke fast!

Warning Warning Warning........... will this bloke stop at nothing!

Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay must be quaking in their boots that Aussie Rob the famous restauranteur has hit the scene. Maybe a TV show next, "Rob's Lifestyle Kitchen".
I hate this about trading, everyone wants to be a ballin gordon gekko pimp daddy badass, some people didnt go to uni, or maybe did but didnt do econ/finance ect, anyway unfortunately some people become desperate to learn to trade, they will pay any scam artist to learn to trade, because "trading school" doesnt exist, really a gap in the market for any honest traders out there, although weigh it up, teach traders or make money yourself no brainer really.

so we get theese scamming idiots, all over the place trying to trick people, teach yourself, or go into a trading desk
Well, doesn't this thread meander around, with all the goings on from these ex-lifestyle office holders.... and I been absent for a while.

2 companies with supposedly no money spawning new companies right left and centre....

Alpha Captial Management and it's cronies, becoming an authorised representative of Columbus Investments on 28 March 2012 and ceasing on the 3 May 2012.... what's gone on there then?

Did Columbus stumble on something from a creditor and/or client about the gang of 3 that put them ill at ease, I mean there is plenty out there to find?

If I was a new investor, I would certainly want this question answered by Priestley and I would check it out with Columbus as well.

ICS and Intel taking over Lifestyle clients and working out of separate offices until no one was looking and now nicely merged back into the same offices in Southport Central.

Investgor Edge is very quiet, so maybe a white labeling project going on there?

Aussie Rob's Connect Private Wealth is now helping clients move money offshore, well that explains a lot, I guess.

and now Aussie Rob is organising birthday parties at restaurants. I have to say, that it's fairly expensive deal for ballons and cake but there you go, the pricing is typically Aussie Rob..

What next Macca's and Hungry Jacks parties, the pie cat, smoko wagon parties.... the list is endless.

Ok I am nicely up to date, well until the next business. Well not quite, I need to go and book my party!!!!
I'm a victim of ARLT but I got my money back after going through the legal channel. If you're a victim and want to get your money back, contact me and I will tell your details and my advise.

I am also a victim of ARLT and have come across this thread now. Can you please advise how you got your refund as not only myself but my daughter also got caught up in this scheme.
Yeah, me too. However apart from the frustration of hearing these tales of woe at such a late date, my problem may be further complicated as I am not in Australia or an Australian citizen. And so this has me wondering if the compliance guys or regulators of the industry in Australia would be able to advise and assist me or not.

I assume there will also be quite a few disgruntled investors in the US and UK also affected by these events.

I would be extremely grateful if any readers of this blog could offer any guidance for those like myself who are not resident in Australia and are not an Australian citizen but nevertheless, have been caught up in this far reaching scam.
I would be extremely grateful if any readers of this blog could offer any guidance for those like myself who are not resident in Australia and are not an Australian citizen but nevertheless, have been caught up in this far reaching scam.

Hey malmac
I have sent you a private message, some things cannot be said on a live forum.

Besides that, I strongly suggest anyone and everyone that has a complaint about the way this Lifestyle Trader product was sold to them by this Aussie Rob Wilson should go to the website and lodge an electronic complaint.

And what is most annoying is Aussie Rob Wilson and Murray Priestley are still 'at large' to be able to sell more con style stuff to unsuspecting people like those on this thread.
I heard ASIC has stricter regulations than those of other countries.
Based on your experience, do a lot of Aussies still get conned?

Well yes, ASIC are strict - the thing is, they are normally only alerted by people who have already bought into a system like the ones this dynamic pair (Murray Priestley and Rob Wilson) set up and sell to unsuspecting and trusting soles.

Many people are worried by the world economic climate and about how to fund their retirements. They are genuine people who have very limited education about finance, investment and the markets in general.

Sadly, these people become the prey of this super skilled marketing people.

It is such a pity such marketing skills are put behind 'good' products!

So, unfortuately, ASIC can only take action after they have been advised that someone has, well 'been conned'. Then they need to get 'evidence' and then action happens.

It is the hope this forum thread, helps to prevent the trusting from falling victims to the likes of these people and their schemes.
Well more news on the Aussie Rort, sorry Aussie Rob front!!!!

It seems that he is not content with netting a nice little earner from the deals struck with these new companies that took over his client base.

He has now been spotted in Thailand doing seminars to promote his new company Connect Private Wealth. And according to a reliable source, he is now relocating overseas(Thailand?), perhaps he will drop the Aussie, not that he has every been a true Aussie and just be known as Rort, there I go again, Rob.

Now if you are still waiting for you money, my suggestion is, bombard ASIC with letters and even write to ministers and query why in this day and age, this type of thing is allowed to happen.

I mean go broke one minute, strike up some nice deals so you get still get paid the next, start more new companies to rope in a few more unsuspecting punters and then disappear into the sunset, leaving mountains of unpaid debts.
