lifestyle trader

You've seen nothing yet. Mike Baghdady, fake world champion and bankruptcy applicant is coming your way soon. He's a millionaire trader you know, but doesn't make a cent from trading. Please form an orderly line to sign up.
And the Bagdadys first whistle stop will be the Gold Coast....the boghole of Australian humanity.
I am back!

Told you Murray,Rob and Michael that it wouldn't be long.....see you in court. What a great day that will be. Hope you three have a fantastic weekend -NOT! Now you will have some sort of an idea how the rest of the people felt when you ripped the assets out and left us with your debt. No doubt you guys will be so gutless and not appear on Monday but just remember we are watching you and will NOT allow you to rip off any more people with your outrages schemes

Yes THIS Monday will only be for a hearing date to be scheduled but wait to they see what we have on them. It wouldn't surprise me if they all go into hiding.

People may have lost money from these scum bags but their DAY is KOMING

Well the ASIC application to wind up Lifestyle Trader goes to court tomorrow. So where is Aussie Rob? The only person who has ever made money out of this far fetched scam. I hear he is on the Panama canal, no doubt with David Gray's "Sail Away" blasting away in the background. Priestley and Fullick are probably on a tinnie paddling as far away from ASIC as possible. Little do they know they are paddling into shark and crocodile infested waters.
Amidst all this, Priestley is still talking about his "neutral hedge fund". Cant wait to see the PDS!!!! Or should we call it the PD comic. Could anybody be so stupid or gullible to invest one brass razoo in any thing to do with Priestley. I suppose Lifestyle Trader is testimony to the fact there are people out there who were sucked into the Priestley bull****. Elite, fast track etc,etc,etc,etc,etc. All a load of hyped up absolute garbage.
Well since Lifestyle Trader closed it door on 12 December, Aussie Rob has been to Thailand and now Panama and has withdrawn his Facebook, so obviously in hiding now. If he turns up today, I'd be very surprised. All the millions whisked offshore when Lifestyle Trader was doing well in 2008, (pre Murray Priestley days of course - lol) is probably being sorted as we speak, seeing as Aussie Rob has another company there and almost certainly bank accounts in seedy parts of the world. Meanwhile Priestley is busy doing business as usual and according to my sources still spinning the same old chat to lure people in. What's that you say, staff? - as you would expect, still waiting for their entitlements.
Great bunch of guys to get involved with - NOT.
I cant understand why their website is still allowed to be online... This should be the first thing to go.
Lifestyle Trader was put into the hands of Liquidators today, 16th April, 2012.

Lets hope they can find some assets left and reverse the dodgy transactions that Murray Priestley, Rob Wilson and Michael Fullick have authorised in the last year or so,........... and pay some of the creditors. The next chapter begins now........and the truth about these people will now be revealed! 👍

See the ASIC notice at this link:
Australian Securities and Investments Commission - AD12-71 Lifestyle Trader Pty Ltd wound up on ASIC’s application
Well since Lifestyle Trader closed it door on 12 December, Aussie Rob has been to Thailand and now Panama and has withdrawn his Facebook, so obviously in hiding now. If he turns up today, I'd be very surprised. All the millions whisked offshore when Lifestyle Trader was doing well in 2008, (pre Murray Priestley days of course - lol) is probably being sorted as we speak, seeing as Aussie Rob has another company there and almost certainly bank accounts in seedy parts of the world. Meanwhile Priestley is busy doing business as usual and according to my sources still spinning the same old chat to lure people in. What's that you say, staff? - as you would expect, still waiting for their entitlements.
Great bunch of guys to get involved with - NOT.

ASIC today announced the winding up of Lifestyle Trader and also the appointment of Morton's Solvency Accountants who will no doubt investigate the way the assets were illegally stripped out of Lifestyle Trader and transferred to ICS. Those who orchestrated this illegal transfer should now be shaking in their boots. Surely these fools did not think they would get away with this!!.
These fools with now be met with the full force of ASIC. No more hiding!!.
ASIC have only just begun! There is soooo much more to be revealed and you will hear it here as we go through the stages. Staff that have NOT still been paid their entitlements can now contact Geers. This will however take Geers a few months before they pay a portion of the outstanding entitlements but it is better than nothing. Staff should be grateful for ALL the people that helped stop these people ripping off more people. So I thank you
ICS are lying through their teeth again.

Adam Prideaux - General Manager | Investment Capital Systems has sent out an email to all Lifestyle clients and quotes " During the webinar we received a number of questions from our members" Adam Prideaux sent out this statement about Rob Wilson & Murray Priestley:

"Do Murray Priestley and Rob Wilson have any involvement in ICS and Intell?
Neither Rob Wilson nor Murray Priestly has any involvement in the operations of ICS and Intell. When the doors at Lifestyle Trader closed, ICS took over the operation of the business to be able to service and support both past and present clients. In the same way Intell has taken over the operations of LIS."

What liars! People need to ALWAYS read between the lines when any of these guys make any statements. I noticed that Adam Prideaux conveniently said "in the operations" he forgets to mention that they get kickbacks.

Rob Wilson & Murray Priestley must be Adam Prideaux mentors as he is following the same path that these dodgy guys took - Liar as much as possible!

Adam Prideaux states "When the doors at Lifestyle Trader closed, ICS took over the operation of the business to be able to service and support both past and present clients."

What support has Lifestyle clients received, they have lost their programs that they brought and ICS are NOT honouring these packages but receives commission for the clients bank accounts. Surely if Investment Capital Systems can take the assets from Lifestyle they should have at least honoured the agreements with coaching etc.

They are just money hungry rip off *******s!!!!! Do not trust or invest with these people. You have been warned.

Exlifestyletoo....well said:clap:
The forum continues to do its job in bringing all these scammers to account.
Look where we are today:
*Lifestyle Trader will be liquidated.
*The liquidator will investigate the illegal transfer to ICS.
*Look out the lot of you including ICS
*Aussie Rob is in hiding. He failed to understand the concept of Robin Hood who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor. Aussie Rob"bed" from the poor to make himself rich.
*Priestley and Fullick continue to sail into shark and crocodile infested waters. Fullick paddling while Priestley dreams up his next scam. Maybe they are on their way to run a Tupperware party. They are not even capable of that.

Lets stand back now and watch ASIC rip these scammers apart.:smart:

Here is another NEWSFLASH!!!
It seems that Alpha Captial Management changed its name back on 06/07/0211 - it is now called MASTERPLUS Capital Management........ see this ASIC link: ASIC Free Company Name Search

Maybe this is a way they can hide building this managed fund??? Everyone thinks it is called Alpha Capital when in fact it is called Masterplus Capital??

THEN when you do a Google search for "Masterplus Capital Management", you find this link: crowdSPRING | MasterPlus Capital Management by mgcreatives (2...

So now you can see that Lifetyle Trader is definitely linked to this Fund that Rob Wilson and Murray Priestley are building.

Investors, run before you are burnt like everyone else that has been linked to these to crims. 😡

The Forum have the following information:
Alpha Capital Management became a AFS authorised representative (no 419527) of Columbus Investments Ltd (AFSL 246943) on 28 Mar 2012. Columbus Investments reside at Level 12, 95 Pitt St, Sydney.
What we do not know is whether Priestley is still involved with Alpha????
What we do know is that ACM lodged with ASIC a change of officeholder form on 18 Apr 2012.
Columbus also lodged with ASIC change of officeholder form on 23 Apr 2012.
Watch this space.
Just read your thread,i am a victim and are about to write to them,i see you recieved your refund,and some are not,i guess its how you word it,have you any tips for me.
Just read your thread,i am a victim and are about to write to them,i see you recieved your refund,and some are not,i guess its how you word it,have you any tips for me.

Tips are a bit late now sadly as Lifestyle Trader is now in the hands of the Liquidators. You might like to phone ASIC and ask them where you stand with regards refund and/or the EU (enforceable undertaking). I have been told by a trader that Lifestyle Trader did not comply with the EU rules as they had not been contacted by LT as the EU said they should have been. If this is you also, perhaps maybe that is your line of action - phone ASIC and ask what is possible for you. Good Luck....... and so you know, I don't really think anyone on this forum thread has received a refund. (just my interpretation mind you)
Tips are a bit late now sadly as Lifestyle Trader is now in the hands of the Liquidators. You might like to phone ASIC and ask them where you stand with regards refund and/or the EU (enforceable undertaking).

I have been told by a trader that Lifestyle Trader did not comply with the EU rules as they had not been contacted by LT as the EU said they should have been. If this is you also, perhaps maybe that is your line of action - phone ASIC and ask what is possible for you.
Good Luck....... and so you know, I don't really think anyone on this forum thread has received a refund. (just my interpretation mind you)

After contacting the person at ASIC by phone, PUT IT ALL IN WRITING AND EMAIL IT TO THE PERSON AT ASIC.

I would think you have a better chance of getting a refund now, with the appotiment of Morton's Solvency Accountants. Surely any dodgy deals will be looked at and value returned where possible. If you do a quick google, you will see Mortons has alot of experience.
I would think you have a better chance of getting a refund now, with the appotiment of Morton's Solvency Accountants. Surely any dodgy deals will be looked at and value returned where possible. If you do a quick google, you will see Mortons has alot of experience.

Even though I can't see your question about Investment Capital Systems here on the thread, I did receive it by email. So I did a google search for Investment Capital Systems and this thread came up on page 4, so it is not blocked.

If you searched Lifestyle Trader it comes up about entry 2 or 3 and that would be because LT is used as a term many many more times in this thread than what the name of ICS is. That is how Google works.

This all being so, it is my hope and I believe that of all who have made comment on this forum that this thread will be found, to warn those who may be considering any sort of "deal" with Aussie Rob Wilson, Murray Priestley or Michael Fullick.
Well since Lifestyle Trader closed it door on 12 December, Aussie Rob has been to Thailand and now Panama. All the millions whisked offshore when Lifestyle Trader was doing well in 2008, (pre Murray Priestley days of course - lol) is probably being sorted as we speak, seeing as Aussie Rob has another company there and almost certainly bank accounts in seedy parts of the world.

Has anyone alerted the Australian Tax authorities and the liquidator about Aussie Robs visits to theses tax havens?
Get the tax man to track down the funds and the liquidators will have lots more money to disburse to the victims and employees of the Lifestyle Trader.
I had gone through the post, The product working is some what good. Some of them making real money in a live account by following Lifestyle Trader rules. If we follow the strict rules of Financial Services companies and we may have chance to improve the better condition while compare to previous. Please produce some more attachments about the topic to view detail information.

lifestyle management ny
personal assistant nyc
I had gone through the post, The product working is some what good. Some of them making real money in a live account by following Lifestyle Trader rules. If we follow the strict rules of Financial Services companies and we may have chance to improve the better condition while compare to previous. Please produce some more attachments about the topic to view detail information.

lifestyle management ny
personal assistant nyc

What sort of clown are you?. You must be related to Craig Thomson!!!!:clap:
Well since it appears that "hadenhester" has only posted to be able to create a backlink to a very poorly produced website, I wish I could delete that comment in this thread.


Aussie Rob Wilson is at it again! Yes, it looks like he is preparing to take more money from people!
He has switched from Facebook to LinkedIn now it seems. He is the change to his profile there:
Aussie Rob | LinkedIn

My gosh, now he has started something called "Connect Private Wealth"!! and it is still listed in the Financial Services industry! How can this be allowed by ASIC and other ruling bodies!

He already has one company in liquidation - so many people have lost money because of this man and his partner in crime, Murray Priestley (who is now building an Investment Fund - Alpha Capital Management) Gosh, how many more people will loose money before these 2 are removed from the streets!

Please share this post and warn all against becoming involved with any of these names!
Well since it appears that "hadenhester" has only posted to be able to create a backlink to a very poorly produced website, I wish I could delete that comment in this thread.


Aussie Rob Wilson is at it again! Yes, it looks like he is preparing to take more money from people!
He has switched from Facebook to LinkedIn now it seems. He is the change to his profile there:
Aussie Rob | LinkedIn

My gosh, now he has started something called "Connect Private Wealth"!! and it is still listed in the Financial Services industry! How can this be allowed by ASIC and other ruling bodies!

He already has one company in liquidation - so many people have lost money because of this man and his partner in crime, Murray Priestley (who is now building an Investment Fund - Alpha Capital Management) Gosh, how many more people will loose money before these 2 are removed from the streets!

Please share this post and warn all against becoming involved with any of these names!

If there is any person out there who gets involved with Aussie Rob and "Connect Private Wealth", then there is only one outcome. You will DISCONNECT with your own private wealth. And the same applies to Alpha Capital Management. Avoid these 2 people and their schemes like the plague. Stick with reliable trusted investment products run by reputable people with a proven track record. Not people in the ASIC firing line.Ignore these warnings at your own costly peril.
If there is any person out there who gets involved with Aussie Rob and "Connect Private Wealth", then there is only one outcome. You will DISCONNECT with your own private wealth. And the same applies to Alpha Capital Management. Avoid these 2 people and their schemes like the plague. Stick with reliable trusted investment products run by reputable people with a proven track record. Not people in the ASIC firing line.Ignore these warnings at your own costly peril.

This is how dodgy this bloke is!!! Please go to this link: Security Validation

put in the little 4 numbers to prove you are human - THEN you will see the domain this Rob Wilson has purchased.

LOOK - see he has purchased it in his other company name of Trend Genie! And LOOK where it is based>>>> PANAMA

Is this another way to remove $$$$$$s from people in Australia, give them to this dodgy man, then send that money offshore to Panama, so he can leave in a year or so, and retire on hard working Aussie's money????

The more I research this Aussie Rob (Robert Lloyd Wilson) the worse he looks! 😡