lifestyle trader

Some good news. :clap: ASIC has suspended the Australian financial services (AFS) licence of Gold-Coast based, Lifestyle Investor Services Pty Ltd (LIS), until 7 February 2013. ASIC has recently posted a Media Release which provides details in relation to recent regulatory action taken by ASIC in relation to Lifestyle Investor Services Pty Ltd: see Australian Securities and Investments Commission - 12-25AD ASIC suspends AFS licence of ‘Aussie Rob’s’ Lifestyle Investor Services

For those who would like to pursue their refunds, you might like to submit a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Their service is free of charge to consumers. FOS can be contacted at:

Financial Ombudsman Service
Phone: 1800 78 08 08

Like Lyza, Deepdale and others, I too am disgusted with what these rogues have done to others and would encourage anyone affected to pursue them via the FOS and any other means at their disposal.
Well said Lyza. We think alike,
But interesting though is that Alpha Capital Management do not have an AFSL licence in their own name. Maybe ASIC will not give one to Priestley. Would you??.
Also have a laugh at Alpha's website.
It states "Alpha specialises in managed futures and quantitive strategies. Alpha is in the process of launching a Market Neutral Wholesale Fund in February 2012"
Well February has passed!!. The use of the word "specialises" is a load of CRAP.
You would not invest a bent penny with this man. The only thing he can do is destroy wealth. He is a genius at doing this. God help any poor investor.

Here is another NEWSFLASH!!!
It seems that Alpha Captial Management changed its name back on 06/07/0211 - it is now called MASTERPLUS Capital Management........ see this ASIC link: ASIC Free Company Name Search

Maybe this is a way they can hide building this managed fund??? Everyone thinks it is called Alpha Capital when in fact it is called Masterplus Capital??

THEN when you do a Google search for "Masterplus Capital Management", you find this link: crowdSPRING | MasterPlus Capital Management by mgcreatives (2...

So now you can see that Lifetyle Trader is definitely linked to this Fund that Rob Wilson and Murray Priestley are building.

Investors, run before you are burnt like everyone else that has been linked to these to crims. 😡
Here is another NEWSFLASH!!!
It seems that Alpha Captial Management changed its name back on 06/07/0211 - it is now called MASTERPLUS Capital Management........ see this ASIC link: ASIC Free Company Name Search

Maybe this is a way they can hide building this managed fund??? Everyone thinks it is called Alpha Capital when in fact it is called Masterplus Capital??

THEN when you do a Google search for "Masterplus Capital Management", you find this link: crowdSPRING | MasterPlus Capital Management by mgcreatives (2...

So now you can see that Lifetyle Trader is definitely linked to this Fund that Rob Wilson and Murray Priestley are building.

Investors, run before you are burnt like everyone else that has been linked to these to crims. 😡


You will note on his 2 March posting, he refers to opening a hedge fund this month. He refers to "**** happens" in a table. Rest assured **** will happen if anybody invests with this man.

You will note on his 2 March posting, he refers to opening a hedge fund this month. He refers to "**** happens" in a table. Rest assured **** will happen if anybody invests with this man.

I note in today's Gold Coast Bulletin (page 12) that there is a get rich free seminar to be held at the Royal Pines on Wed 14 March. The seminar is being put on by Mel Emery from
Does anybody know if Mal Emery has any connections with Lifestyle Trader/Aussie Rob or Murray Priestley?.
Or is it a genuine free seminar that will actually teach people to get real wealthy.
Any comments?.
Hi I was wondering if you would advise to pursue the Lifestyle Trader refund through the website of do you suggest a different approach

Thanks mate


Good on you! How did you do it? I just started the refund request process. My future behaviour (e.g. media) will depend on how quickly they provide a refund now. I purchased the product before the campaign period the ASIC refers to. The claims, however, were exactly the same ("renting shares out like real estate", 5-10%/month, etc).
I've got it written and on their free DVD they're distributed. We even talked to Rob Wilson personally after one even, where he repeated these claims)
We'll see.
Feel free to get in touch with me. Might be useful to know more people in the same boat, in case they refuse refunds for whatever reasons.
I note in today's Gold Coast Bulletin (page 12) that there is a get rich free seminar to be held at the Royal Pines on Wed 14 March. The seminar is being put on by Mel Emery from
Does anybody know if Mal Emery has any connections with Lifestyle Trader/Aussie Rob or Murray Priestley?.
Or is it a genuine free seminar that will actually teach people to get real wealthy.
Any comments?.

I am aware that Aussie Rob Wilson and Murray Priestley both took part in Mal Emery's training AND they both sold to people who attended Mal's seminar trainings.
Personally, I think you can learn from some of these speakers at these events - just do not purchase anything without going home and doing a lot of research on the product, the company, the promoter and what is available as competition. All the best.
To be fair your chances of getting your money back are slim to none... yes you could take action but from what I here, assets have been ripped out of the company as Wilson and Priestley further their own causes. However, what you can do is discredit these guys in any way you can... it may be small at first but it will get round and also complain to anyone and everyone, ASIC, Financial Ombudsman, Office of Fair Trading in your state and tell friends and family to be wary and get them to pass it on...

Let's get one thing straight, these guys don't care for you guys, all they are worried about is setting up new companies to fleece more investors...

Priestley's ineptitude has no bounds and so invest with him if you dare but you will almost certainly kiss goodbye to your money...

He paints a great picture but as word travels round, people will get to know; he has already been pulled from one business site at the truth came out about Lifestyle Trader going to the dogs, with him at the helm... see the below link to get a perspective on what you are dealing with..

Good Luck!!!

Aussie Rob Wilson is planning to do IT all over again, again!

I just read this on his Facebook wall:

"I have an opportunity to be involved with a new "dLiving Social" / "Groupon" type opportunity for Aus & NZ. What do you suggest we call it? Need a simply catchy name.

If you're looking for a ground floor part-time or full-time biz opp with great potential residual income. PM me with your email address and I get you an opportunity pack.

NO this is NOT MLM or anything like it. It's a licensing opportunity for local areas."

Stay away - this sounds just like Lifestyle Trader all over again!
ASIC has changed the wording on their website explaining why the License was taken away from Lifestyle Investor Services.

Australian Securities and Investments Commission - 12-25AD ASIC suspends AFS licence of ‘Aussie Rob’s’ Lifestyle Investor Services

Wednesday 15 February 2012

ASIC has suspended the Australian financial services (AFS) licence of Gold-Coast based, Lifestyle Investor Services Pty Ltd (LIS), until 7 February 2013.

LIS’ licence was suspended due to concerns that LIS had not complied with conditions of its licence and had not complied with financial services laws.

In particular, ASIC’s investigation found LIS:

failed to comply with a condition of its licence requiring it to notify ASIC within five days of Mr Scott Goold resigning as the responsible manager of LIS, and of other details as to a replacement responsible manager; and
failed to maintain the competence to provide financial services following Mr Goold’s resignation as responsible manager, with no person appointed to replace him in the role and with Mr Goold unable to adequately perform this role from overseas.

Further, ASIC had reason to believe that LIS will not comply with its obligations under financial services laws.

ASIC has ensured that although the AFS licence of LIS is suspended, for the purposes of LIS being a member of a dispute resolution system and LIS having compensation arrangements for clients, the AFS licence continues in effect as though the suspension had not occurred.

The suspension of LIS’ AFS licence is part of ASIC’s ongoing efforts to improve standards across the financial services industry.

‘The compliance of Australian financial services licensees with their obligations is central to the informed and confident participation of consumers in the financial services markets. ASIC will continue to deal with those who fail to meet these standards’, ASIC Commissioner, Mr Peter Kell, said.

LIS has the right to appeal against ASIC’s decision to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).
ASIC has changed the wording on their website explaining why the License was taken away from Lifestyle Investor Services.

Australian Securities and Investments Commission - 12-25AD ASIC suspends AFS licence of ‘Aussie Rob’s’ Lifestyle Investor Services

Wednesday 15 February 2012

ASIC has suspended the Australian financial services (AFS) licence of Gold-Coast based, Lifestyle Investor Services Pty Ltd (LIS), until 7 February 2013.

LIS’ licence was suspended due to concerns that LIS had not complied with conditions of its licence and had not complied with financial services laws.

In particular, ASIC’s investigation found LIS:

failed to comply with a condition of its licence requiring it to notify ASIC within five days of Mr Scott Goold resigning as the responsible manager of LIS, and of other details as to a replacement responsible manager; and
failed to maintain the competence to provide financial services following Mr Goold’s resignation as responsible manager, with no person appointed to replace him in the role and with Mr Goold unable to adequately perform this role from overseas.

Further, ASIC had reason to believe that LIS will not comply with its obligations under financial services laws.

ASIC has ensured that although the AFS licence of LIS is suspended, for the purposes of LIS being a member of a dispute resolution system and LIS having compensation arrangements for clients, the AFS licence continues in effect as though the suspension had not occurred.

The suspension of LIS’ AFS licence is part of ASIC’s ongoing efforts to improve standards across the financial services industry.

‘The compliance of Australian financial services licensees with their obligations is central to the informed and confident participation of consumers in the financial services markets. ASIC will continue to deal with those who fail to meet these standards’, ASIC Commissioner, Mr Peter Kell, said.

LIS has the right to appeal against ASIC’s decision to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).

Check the link below:
ASIC Free Company Name Search
An application has been lodged to put Lifestyle Trader into liquidation.
Fat chance now of clients receiving their refunds.No doubt Mr Priestley will disclose this latest achievement on Linkedin and Facebook!!!👎
Check the link below:
ASIC Free Company Name Search
An application has been lodged to put Lifestyle Trader into liquidation.
Fat chance now of clients receiving their refunds.No doubt Mr Priestley will disclose this latest achievement on Linkedin and Facebook!!!👎

Not exactly sure about Australian law vs UK law but the liquidator laws appear very similar.

The effect of appointing a liquidator is for the liquidator to collect as many assets as possible for the creditors (people owed money)

The liquidator also has the ability to undo any deals over the previous 12 months.

So any attempts by Mr Priestley or Mr Wilson to divert and hide money can be undone. ( For example, the proceeds from the sale of assets to Investment Capital Systems Pty Ltd )

The refunds (which are being enforced by ASIC) are a priority payment and so have first dibs on the assets.

Anyone owed money should contact ASIC to continue to enforce the Enforceable Undertaking to ensure that ALL refunds are paid out to the relevant claimants
I don't know who the people are that are posting but all of you are spot on. Not sure where you get your info but it is acurate. Asica you were right. Did anyone see the Australian newspaper yesterday? It stated that ASIC have filed with the Supreme Court in Brisbane an application to wind up Lifestyle Trader etc. Court date is 16 April 2012 at 930am.

I will scan the document and post here.

I doubt the matter will be heard on that day it will probably be just so the court can schedule a hearing date.

Finally justice!
I don't know who the people are that are posting but all of you are spot on. Not sure where you get your info but it is acurate. Asica you were right. Did anyone see the Australian newspaper yesterday? It stated that ASIC have filed with the Supreme Court in Brisbane an application to wind up Lifestyle Trader etc. Court date is 16 April 2012 at 930am.

I will scan the document and post here.

I doubt the matter will be heard on that day it will probably be just so the court can schedule a hearing date.

Finally justice!

The liquidator will have the power to conduct an investigation into the financial affairs of the company and any suspicious transactions and make appropriate recoveries. Well I think we all know the ICS transaction was suspicious!!. ICS - look out, the game will soon be over!!. Did these fools seriously believe they could just rip the assets and business out of Lifestyle Trader and then call it business as usual.
The liquidator will have the power to conduct an investigation into the financial affairs of the company and any suspicious transactions and make appropriate recoveries. Well I think we all know the ICS transaction was suspicious!!. ICS - look out, the game will soon be over!!. Did these fools seriously believe they could just rip the assets and business out of Lifestyle Trader and then call it business as usual.

Just looked at ICS website again. Nothing new but take a look:

About Us (ie Lifestyle Trader)

"Investment Capital Systems (ICS) is the leading source for trading strategies, safer investing and better returns. ICS provides trading instruments and tailored investment solutions that enable you to trade Forex, Commodities, Options, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Stocks".
The LEADING SOURCE for what. A whole heap of losses. This is a comedy show. What ICS need is Humphrey Bear as a presenter. Seriously, how much longer can this comedy show go on??? Corporate watchdog ASIC will make sure it will not be too much longer.
Its like watching "Days of the Lies of Lifestyle Management". The Murray Priestley, Rob Wilson, Murray Fullick & ICS, Alpha etc need to be shown that this cannot happen and will not happen anymore ripping off poor clients, staff, coaches, licensees and anyone that comes in contact with these people.

I have NEVER met so many people from Lifestyle Group Management that are the scum of the earth.

Cant wait to see them in Court.:smart:

I wonder what Law firm would want to take on this mess and they won't get paid like the other law firms etc.

Maybe Rob Wilson needs to have a garage sale to get some money to pay the lawyers 😆

This was in the Australian on 2nd April 2012


Its like watching "Days of the Lies of Lifestyle Management". The Murray Priestley, Rob Wilson, Murray Fullick & ICS, Alpha etc need to be shown that this cannot happen and will not happen anymore ripping off poor clients, staff, coaches, licensees and anyone that comes in contact with these people.

I have NEVER met so many people from Lifestyle Group Management that are the scum of the earth.

Cant wait to see them in Court.:smart:

I wonder what Law firm would want to take on this mess and they won't get paid like the other law firms etc.

Maybe Rob Wilson needs to have a garage sale to get some money to pay the lawyers 😆

This was in the Australian on 2nd April 2012

Exlifestyletoo- well said!!!
When you go to there is a link to Alpha. Click on the link and you get Alpha Capital Management in Pitt St, Sydney. Do doubt it is based in a dunny. But it goes onto say "Alpha specialises in quantitative strategies, (what the hell does this mean- no doubt Murray got it off the buzz word generator) and has just launched the Alpha market neutral fund." Well no where on this web page can you see details of Alpha's AFSL licence details. Surely an ASIC breach. But these people seem to have no care in the world about the laws that ASIC lay down. Finally, you have been warned again, do not trust these rogues with one cent.😈 They promise the world and deliver nothing. Peter Forster looks up to them in absolute awe. Now thats saying something.
I am back!

Told you Murray,Rob and Michael that it wouldn't be long.....see you in court. What a great day that will be. Hope you three have a fantastic weekend -NOT! Now you will have some sort of an idea how the rest of the people felt when you ripped the assets out and left us with your debt. No doubt you guys will be so gutless and not appear on Monday but just remember we are watching you and will NOT allow you to rip off any more people with your outrages schemes

Yes THIS Monday will only be for a hearing date to be scheduled but wait to they see what we have on them. It wouldn't surprise me if they all go into hiding.

People may have lost money from these scum bags but their DAY is KOMING
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You've seen nothing yet. Mike Baghdady, fake world champion and bankruptcy applicant is coming your way soon. He's a millionaire trader you know, but doesn't make a cent from trading. Please form an orderly line to sign up.