Murray Priestley Lifestyle Trader - Lifestyle Asset Management

I have a lot that I will post here in the next few days about the three dodgy Amigoes

Rob Wilson, Murray Priestley and Michael Fullick.

Wait till I tell you about Michael Fullick.

We are all waiting with great anticipation.

And what was the deal with Scott Goold?
Mangement issues and internal bickering asside... the product was a scam. It was massively expensive and it didnt work. The whole Lifestyle Trader was based upon scamming clients into buying dud product. Now its rebranded as Investment Capital Systems. Good Luck.

"The whole Lifestyle Trader was based upon scamming clients into buying dud product".

As all vendors do. This Lifestyle Trader guy ( Murray Priestley ) seems no different to any other vendor. They are all excrement flowing down the Forex sewers.
Congrats to Murray Priestley for the great job he did as CEO, taking a profitable company and driving it into Liquidation in less that 2 years. I would think that may have to be a record!!!
Rob Wilson - shame on you for supporting him and authorising his actions.
See the link from the ASIC site below.

Lifestyle Trader is now in liquidation............. and look out Murray Priestley and Rob Wilson........ further investigations are under way now!!! See you in court!

Australian Securities and Investments Commission - AD12-71 Lifestyle Trader Pty Ltd wound up on ASIC’s application
Well, I have been having a look on the ASIC website and found more on this Alpha Capital Management that this Murray Priestley and Rob Wilson have set up.

This is copied from the ASIC site:
ACN: 120 224 535
ABN: 40 120 224 535
Registration date: 16/06/2006
Next review date: 16/06/2012

So, does this reek of sus or what?
Murray Priestley and Rob Wilson (and Michael Fullick I dare say) what are you up to now?

So, here is the trail.

Lifestyle Superannuation Pty Ltd
had a name change to be
Alpha Capital Management Pty Ltd
which then had a name change to be
Masterplus Capital Management Pty Ltd........

The plot thickens. I do hope if anyone is thinking of investing in any way shape or form with either Robert Lloyd Wilson or Murray Priestley (or Michael Fullick) that they find this forum and others like this one to find out the reality of what these men are like.

For those searching, here is another link full of great information you should read.

17 pages and climbing from people wanting to warn you of the demons these men are.

Be warned........ they have another scam at large, even as ASIC continue to investigate their conduct while directors and heads of Lifestyle Trader and Lifestyle Asset Management.
What a joke! An article with this title supposedly written by Murray Priestley on his blog site (simple as it is - suits the owner I guess)

Here is the blog title...... Why Managed Funds Fail

Why do managed funds fail??? Because they have terrible CEO's like Murray Priestley running them!
Just come across this, Alpha Captial Management, becoming an authorised representative of Columbus Investments on 28 March 2012 and ceasing on the 3 May 2012.... what's gone on there then?

I mean that is a short involvement in business, even by Lifestyle standards.

Did Columbus stumble on something from a creditor and/or client about Priestley and the other guys, that put them ill at ease, I mean there is plenty out there to find?

If I was a new Alpha investor, I would certainly want this question answered by Priestley and I would check it out with Columbus as well.
Well I read a couple of threads on this site re Lifestyle Trader

and I have also read the profile on LinkedIn of the CEO Murray Priestley.

Murray Priestley - Australia | LinkedIn
Of course, as you would expect, the relevant bits are not available to the public but I have my sources... but it states..
Lifestyle Asset Management
March 2009 – November 2011 (2 years 9 months)

Diverse Financial Services company that included a commodities, forex and derivatives introducing brokerage and trading software. Two core divisions were sold in DEC 2011 & FEB 2012.

I cannot believe we are talking the same guy...

I mean he started with a well cashed up company in Lifestyle Trader in 2009.
In two and half years, he brought it to it’s knees
He started numerous other companies within the group of Lifestyle Asset Management, of which Lifestyle Trader became a subsidiary..
They all failed, yes you heard it right everyone failed....

He sold products to investors with guarantees which are now worthless, did these clients make money... well you guess right again – no they did not....

And so with him at the helm, Lifestyle Trader went down the tubes, yes you can blame Aussie Rob but he was away and had no day to day involvement.

So what happened as Lifestyle trader went down the tubes, well he hired more staff and did not curb the spending.... and the result, staff lost their jobs, clients and creditors are owed vast sums of money..

He was still selling in November at the 2011 Gold Coast Summit and some clients paid in advance for the 2012 Summit.. which he was aware of and knew full well this Summit was not going to happen.. Just ask him where have all the Summit videos have gone, I mean he was the face of the company but where is he now to answer to clients and creditors... I’ll get to this in a minute.

So what do I read on LinkedIn, 2 core divisions sold in Decemeber 2011 & February 2012.... Murray the company went to the dogs, you have a nerve to write this, so you create a great impression, you are a born idiot with lots of front...

And now we get to Murray Priestley - Business/Investing Thoughts & Ideas

In here he says he pulled the plug on Facebook because you wasted time there... Coincidentally this was when Deb Rein, a dedicated licensee that you put offside with Aussie Rob, fingered you on Facebook and did not want anything to do with you Aussie Rob, or Lifestyle Trader....

And so now, you are building Alpha Capital Management or Masterplus Captial Management or whatever other company you come up with... and it is a fund, so basically you are going to invest clients money to make them money... yeah right... to lose them money.

I mean if it is like any of your previous products that went out of the door, basically untested in terms of profitability... smacks of autotrading within Lifestyle Trader which had to be pulled because client were losing money, as it had not been tested.

Murray you need to take a good look at yourself.... you are all front with no substance, you cling on to this expert, that expert and you talk a good talk but you cannot walk the walk...

If you are reading this, feel free to do your own research on this guy but whatever you do get a second opinion from someone who knows and if you run across a company and this man has involvement my advice is one word.... RUN and if it has to do with investing your money, RUN FASTER!!!!!!

Hi, I just typed in Murray Priestley on facebook and he's on there, no secrecy there. Can't understand people stating things that aren't quite correct. Cheers.
Hi, I just typed in Murray Priestley on facebook and he's on there, no secrecy there. Can't understand people stating things that aren't quite correct. Cheers.

Really Allanastic. You have three posts on this forum and ALL of them are extolling the virtues of this disreputable and despicable scammer that has fleeced many people of their life savings.

Now, Murray Priestley (aka Allanastic), you are just being pathetic.

It is becoming embarrassing that you have become so desperate as to write your own fantasy stories about yourself and your achievements at Lifestyle Trader.
There are simply too many people that have been ripped off by you and your mates (Michael Fullick and Aussie Rob Wilson).
There are also too many ASIC charges about your behavour.

Your new scam at Alpha Capital Management will soon be pursued by ASIC.
Hi, I just typed in Murray Priestley on facebook and he's on there, no secrecy there. Can't understand people stating things that aren't quite correct. Cheers.

Well Alanastic57 - You are certainly one of 3 people. You are either Murray Priestley, Aussie Rob Wilson (himself) or your best mate in deception, Michael Fullick.

Well done Marbig - I think you have nailed this one. So Murray Priestley, you say that RueleTruth has posted false comments. On the contrary!
EVERY single comment made by Rueletruth is accurate and truthful.

As Marbig said, it is really sad that you have the audacity to even make a comment in support of this fowl play king, Murray Priestley. I personally know for a fact - that this man ran Lifestyle Trader into the ground, that this man lies openly to your face, to support HIS cause, that this man will instruct staff to sell an 'untested', untried and unproven product to unsuspecting clients, just so he can get money in - to save his butt.

Murray Priestley promotes himself as a business coach. Oh my gosh! He is good at running companies into the ground, that is all he is good at - oh and lying of course.

AND Murray Priestley did indeed close down his facebook for sometime, after being put on notice that he was at the cause of the Lifestyle Trader demise. And yes, his facebook profile is now live again - does he communicate with anyone? NO. It is only live so he can keep a track on the whistle blowers, so he knows when to go into hiding.

I could go on and on about how many lies this man has told and of his selling products that had not been tested..........

AND then he gets 'handed' Alpha Capital Management' on a platter - a system built by staff on the Lifestyle Trader payroll - then it is ripped out of the plan of things, so it does not show as being an asset of Lifestyle Trader - why? So he and Aussie Rob Wilson do not have to pay back creditors (to the tune of over $5 MILLION!) And do you think Aussie Rob Wilson is getting a hand out from the money taken by this company? Of course he is - he will be getting money passed out the back door and off to his Panama bank accounts, so he does not have to pay his creditors. No conscience these people - none at all.

He took funds from clients, invested them, then took those funds to pay some Lifestyle Trader debts (probably HIS invoices for HIS so called services) and you guessed it, those clients have lost their funds.

Well done Murray Priestley - you have been warned, have nothing to do with this man, or Alpha Capital Management OR the new name - Masterplus Capital Management.

Am I angry - my word yes. All these people - everyday Mums and Dads that Aussie Rob Wilson, Murray Priestley and Michael Fullick, took money from - with no intention of returning. Why wouldn't I be angry? Hell I at least have a conscience. 😡
Again, I am not Murray Preistley. I have however gleaned enough info from this forum to realize that it might be a good idea to invest my $40,000 odd into a more reputable and "main-stream" investment. Time to check out term deposits in a bank me thinks. My money may not be the huge amounts that many people have to play with, but it's a helluva lot to me. Thanking you all for your help warning me of these people.
Hope you are not Murray Priestley, Allan cause if so, according to today's Gold Coast Bulletin 30/01/2013, it looks like he has been summonsed for public examination on 14/15 February 2013. This is in relation to his position as CEO in the failed Aussie Rob Lifestyle Trader operation, which closed it's doors in December 2012 with massive debts. The result of this is, 243 unsecured creditors, debts of 3 million plus and the liquidator has found no cash or assets. Ooops, does not look great on your resume, I bet!!!!!!
Hope you are not Murray Priestley, Allan cause if so, according to today's Gold Coast Bulletin 30/01/2013, it looks like he has been summonsed for public examination on 14/15 February 2013. This is in relation to his position as CEO in the failed Aussie Rob Lifestyle Trader operation, which closed it's doors in December 2012 with massive debts. The result of this is, 243 unsecured creditors, debts of 3 million plus and the liquidator has found no cash or assets. Ooops, does not look great on your resume, I bet!!!!!!

I have been involved in the Gambling and Trading Industry since the 1960's and seen just about every scam and con artist come and go.....

Sadly our industry attracts and retains thousands of them a year and we will never ever shed this shady reputation verses other business opportunities

such is life - but the more threads that get started like exposing people early on ........the more peoples money we save 👍

He is a well known temperament, United Nations agency perpetually keeps on finding investment way-outs for mind-minded businessmen. have you ever ever detected of Alpha plus Managers? it's a firm that has offices in city and Singapore. Murray is a full of life member of this organization and has utmost experience in fund management, various investments, monetary markets & software system development.
He is a well known temperament, United Nations agency perpetually keeps on finding investment way-outs for mind-minded businessmen. have you ever ever detected of Alpha plus Managers? it's a firm that has offices in city and Singapore. Murray is a full of life member of this organization and has utmost experience in fund management, various investments, monetary markets & software system development.

Well HOWDY! M-A-T-E!
You must be Michael Fullick. His skill and intelligence level would be needed to type such drivel. Murray has sent his business offshore to Singapore cause he thinks that will save his guilty butt! 🙁
Unveiling Murray Priestley

Over the World Wide Web, there might have read several success stories related to the outstanding investment tactics suggested by Murray Priestley. He, along with his friends Michael Fullick and Aussie Rob aka Rob Wilson, recommend beneficial deals to the customers so as to get profitable returns from their investments.To know more about his story, continue reading until the next section:

In February 2010, there was a company, which was facing a really bad time. Initially, it dismissed most of the employees because the company was not performing well. Late in early April, 2010 their morale went so low that they had to beg in-front of the ex-employees urging them to rejoin. Even the cancer patients were requested to rejoin the company because there were no employees willing to join the firm. Somehow the company managed to survive and the remaining staff was told to not to worry about anything. Then it happened that Murray Priestley joined as a CEO and starting running the organization.

He motivated the key executives to work collaboratively in order to get the desired outcomes. He imparted self-grooming virtues in his employees so as to mould them into extremely different and positively thinking candidates. He maintained peace and harmony in his office and never pressurized his workers to extend their working hours. Along with stuffing the premises with old and experienced people, he also recruited young blood to mix n match experience along with the speed.

Murray Priestley, along with his team of workers helped a lot of staff, coaches, clients and Licensees to multiply their money. He treated all his customers as his own family members and always motivated the people to “become a part of the Lifestyle FAMILY.” Unlike other firms, employees of his team were never exploited and were never forced to work more than their shifts. Also, they were paid according to the work that was obtained from them. Not only this! They were also made the holders of shares, rises and other growth mediums related to the company.

Working with his group, employees were so happy that they never thought of leaving the cluster. Even if they had better job opportunities in hand, they never shifted their jobs. Working with the Lifestyle group was and is a dream for several aspirants.After all! Who would not like to work as a contributing partner in a progressing firm!

We all have been working in some or the company like slaves, but for Murray Priestley, employee the priced-possession. He tries his level best to facilitate all the comforts to his co-workers. You can be in his touch so as to get information about the modern financial markets or to work with him in order to contribute to the vast field of finance and investment.
Unveiling Murray Priestley

Over the World Wide Web, there might have read several success stories related to the outstanding investment tactics suggested by Murray Priestley. He, along with his friends Michael Fullick and Aussie Rob aka Rob Wilson, recommend beneficial deals to the customers so as to get profitable returns from their investments.To know more about his story, continue reading until the next section:

In February 2010, there was a company, which was facing a really bad time. Initially, it dismissed most of the employees because the company was not performing well. Late in early April, 2010 their morale went so low that they had to beg in-front of the ex-employees urging them to rejoin. Even the cancer patients were requested to rejoin the company because there were no employees willing to join the firm. Somehow the company managed to survive and the remaining staff was told to not to worry about anything. Then it happened that Murray Priestley joined as a CEO and starting running the organization.

He motivated the key executives to work collaboratively in order to get the desired outcomes. He imparted self-grooming virtues in his employees so as to mould them into extremely different and positively thinking candidates. He maintained peace and harmony in his office and never pressurized his workers to extend their working hours. Along with stuffing the premises with old and experienced people, he also recruited young blood to mix n match experience along with the speed.

Murray Priestley, along with his team of workers helped a lot of staff, coaches, clients and Licensees to multiply their money. He treated all his customers as his own family members and always motivated the people to “become a part of the Lifestyle FAMILY.” Unlike other firms, employees of his team were never exploited and were never forced to work more than their shifts. Also, they were paid according to the work that was obtained from them. Not only this! They were also made the holders of shares, rises and other growth mediums related to the company.

Working with his group, employees were so happy that they never thought of leaving the cluster. Even if they had better job opportunities in hand, they never shifted their jobs. Working with the Lifestyle group was and is a dream for several aspirants.After all! Who would not like to work as a contributing partner in a progressing firm!

We all have been working in some or the company like slaves, but for Murray Priestley, employee the priced-possession. He tries his level best to facilitate all the comforts to his co-workers. You can be in his touch so as to get information about the modern financial markets or to work with him in order to contribute to the vast field of finance and investment.

Where on earth did you get this TRASH from!!! What a load of ROT! This is the most UNTRUE STORY I have read on this forum yet!👎
you really need to read more threads !......this is just average lieing 😎

😱 Ah yes, point taken NVP. I guess I haven't read that many threads.

I do know that the comments I referred to were much more than 'average lies' though. They have been written here to support Murray Priestley as he has just sat through questioning in the Brisbane Magistrates Court about his role in the demise of the Lifestyle Trader company.

The thing that really upset Murray Priestley at that questioning was the good number of 'affected' people, who were sitting in the public gallery (as it was a public hearing) that KNEW when he was lying - and he knows they know.

Thanks for making me realise, my comment had become somewhat 'emotional'.
I WAS seriously annoyed to read such falsehoods and trash.
I removed long comment I made about Priestley, utter utter bull$hit

I was also in the audience while Priestley sniggered and lied knowing we knew the truth

Can't believe they could lie like that