lifestyle trader

One of the goals of this thread is to try to highlight and prevent people from parting with their hard earned cash.

However, the last few posts indicate a far worse issue.

Jamie, I truly sympathise with your issues and want to make a point.

At this very moment,in Great Britain there is a lot of media coverage on a similar topic and it is big news since
the gentleman in question is/was very high profile. He has passed on but this is not stopping a full investigation into his past.

Just check out any of the newspapers there and you will see what I mean.

What this shows is, that it is never to late to report this sort of thing - Never. I don't know but in time, it may well bring closure on your issues.

Syndication, I intend to respond to your post but in the Connect Private Wealth thread,

since it is my view that Lifestyle Traders creditors have done their dough and it is possibly too late for them.

It irks me so much though, when I am sent through details of 3 Aussie Rob Properties currently on the market on the Gold Coast. In today's Gold Coast Bulletin (9/11/2012), he has 2 commercial properties for sale, one is 5 Million, the other, not sure but let's say a million plus and also a residential property on the market for close to 1 million.

You must be staggered by this!!!! Well I can tell you, I was.

Is this creditors money? Well not directly but most probably, will they see it, probably not.

So why post to my response to syndication CPW thread, well I see another bus load of lemmings loading up on the well traveled path of Aussie Rob, who
will no doubt end up at the bottom of the cliff. We need to highlight this fact to them and they may well look at that post but not this.

I think it would help all on the forum to know what type of abuse you suffered. Does not matter where you live. This is serious.
I think it would help all on the forum to know what type of abuse you suffered. Does not matter where you live. This is serious.

Hello Deepdale,

I need to send you a private message but as I'm a long way short of the necessary 15 postings to use the pm facility could you please pm me.

Please be assured, this is a sincere request and I don't represent any official authority.

Thank you.
I think it would help all on the forum to know what type of abuse you suffered. Does not matter where you live. This is serious.

I am sure, that people should share. At specially on the forums where can be different people from different countries and with different points of view. This sharing can help solve the problem even if you have never met this people before or they totally don't know you.
Hello Deepdale,

I need to send you a private message but as I'm a long way short of the necessary 15 postings to use the pm facility could you please pm me.

Please be assured, this is a sincere request and I don't represent any official authority.

Thank you.

I can send you a PM, but I am not sure how you fit in with the posting by JamieTobis87???. If I PM you, how can you PM me back?.
I can send you a PM, but I am not sure how you fit in with the posting by JamieTobis87???. If I PM you, how can you PM me back?.

Well all

It seems the nasty hand of Aussie Rob Wilson has struck again. I note the comments made by JamieTobias87 about him personally have been removed from this thread. AS well as comments made that were quoting these comments.

Sadly, this means a deep and personal comment about the sort of man Aussie Rob Wilson is has been removed from the public eye.

However - I do have copies of these comments and if you wish to read them (as they were available publicly - please send me a PM requesting them.

As I said recently, Aussie Rob Wilson is basically a bully. If you do not do what he wants, he will bully you to the put of making your life horrid. He has no caring for what he has done to the lives of others, including the large number of creditors he owes in excess of $5m to from his failed company, Lifestyle Trader.

He took the funds and has purchased a good number of properties that are all on the market now - and even as we discuss this - he is selling his new scheme (scam) to those who believe his sob story - he is selling Connect Private Wealth.

Do NOT believe his sob stories. Rob Wilson deceived and lied to us all about his precious Lifestyle Trader and its charts............ he will lie to you now about his Connect Private Wealth.

The only wealth he is connecting - is yours with his. 😡
InteractiveOptionsAU (IF YOU LIKE MY POSTS LIKE US ON FACEBOOK and come talk about trading)

UPDATES: on this forums best mate


WEBSITE: Connect(me with)PrivateWealth
With NO UPFRONT PAYMENT just an insanely affordable monthly subscription


It might be worth all those that were ripped off by him to get onto his FB... maybe say something like...

"Will this end up the way Lifestyle Traders did?
With ASIC revoking licences and where the general public gets fleeced of their hard earned money on a system that is utter garbage?
Same scammer, different scam
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I suggest you go to his Facebook page and look for people that are following him, send them a message via Facebook and inform them about the scam. If you copy/paste the message you can inform a lot of people in a short time. Send a link to this thread as well as any ASIC press releases about him.
Send a link to this thread as well as any ASIC press releases about him.

The ASIC link is located on my websites page that I have running, that's good enough for me, I'm not one of his victims I'm merely someone who dislikes dishonest inadequate people and like to post what information I can find that might be of interest to others.

I was going to post on his FB page and or interested people but why would people believe me, I am nothing to do with him or his so called services and also maybe some of these people are simply his friends or associates.
Well as well a Lifestyle Trader being in external administration here:

It looks like the Aussie Rob property arm Broomstix Pty Ltd is also in trouble and too is in external administration:

According to the Gold Coast Bulletin 18/01/2013 one property has been sold off for less than half what Broomstix paid. Apparently, there is more coming up over the next few weeks re Lifestyle Trader.

MORE? I wonder what is on the cards now?

Not sure these are the credentials I'd be looking for in someone that professes to teaching Financial Freedom.

Incidentally has anyone ever seen a live trading statement from this guy?
Interesting... just looking into some thing then i'll be back.
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Been following this thread for a while now, as I met this guy a while back.

I think the Gold Bulletin may have got wind of Brisbane Court cases, plenty to see when you go here:

Party search

Stick Lifestyle Trader into the party search and you will get a list of things going on.

Case 11622/12 seems to be the go.

It seems Aussie Rob Wilson, his wife Kerry-Lee, Murray Priestley, Michael Fullick and a fair few others are up for public examination.

Now that does not sound good to me, this can't be commonplace in a liquidation case can it?

Anyhow it has been adjourned from December2012, so another date is in the offing, I would guess, February/March time.

I'll have a bit more of a dig!!!
Been following this thread for a while now, as I met this guy a while back.

I think the Gold Bulletin may have got wind of Brisbane Court cases, plenty to see when you go here:

Party search

Stick Lifestyle Trader into the party search and you will get a list of things going on.

Case 11622/12 seems to be the go.

It seems Aussie Rob Wilson, his wife Kerry-Lee, Murray Priestley, Michael Fullick and a fair few others are up for public examination.

Now that does not sound good to me, this can't be commonplace in a liquidation case can it?

Anyhow it has been adjourned from December2012, so another date is in the offing, I would guess, February/March time.

I'll have a bit more of a dig!!!

Had a look at that link to the court - agree with you. Doesn't look good. It says the summons for all those people to attend the court was lodged with the SUPREME COURT! My gosh, don't think that would be a run of the mill procedure by any means. And you would think there wouldn't be too much time would lapse before that hearing date - maybe 8 or 10 weeks after it was filed, so that makes it in Feb sometime.
Wonder what happens to them if they don't show up?

Meanwhile, it seems the great Aussie Rob Wilson doesn't care much as he has been off on a cruise ship! Yep, he owes all these people large amounts of money - but he still can afford to go off on a cruise.

I just got to read that newspaper article. So this man who is a self confessed wealth coach - is losing money on what looks like all the property he bought - he boasts on Facebook he left Australia with just 2 suitcases full. Doesn't sound like someone who is successful - if you can't be successful yourself, how can you be a success coach? Answer that Mr Connect Private Wealth.
According to today's Gold Coast Bulletin, the public examination is set down for 14/15 February 2013. It looks like there are 243 unsecured creditors, debts are 3 million plus and the liquidator have found no cash or assets. Big question is then, what have they done with everything?
According to today's Gold Coast Bulletin, the public examination is set down for 14/15 February 2013. It looks like there are 243 unsecured creditors, debts are 3 million plus and the liquidator have found no cash or assets. Big question is then, what have they done with everything?

It's probably laundered to some offshore location. These guys know what they're doing, these things are set up with this all in mind.
It's probably laundered to some offshore location. These guys know what they're doing, these things are set up with this all in mind.

It would not surprise me as this seems to be part of the package for the new operation he has set up. It has already been picked up on here:

And he even has the nerve to market to his old Lifestyle Trader database, some of which are almost surely creditors!!!!
It's probably laundered to some offshore location. These guys know what they're doing, these things are set up with this all in mind.

You know one of his big boasts with the new Aussie Rob Wilson Connect Private Wealth, is he will teach you how to put your money into offshore banks link in Panama! So not hard to guess where the cash has gone from Lifestyle Trader.
I call that stealing! 👎
You know one of his big boasts with the new Aussie Rob Wilson Connect Private Wealth, is he will teach you how to put your money into offshore banks link in Panama! So not hard to guess where the cash has gone from Lifestyle Trader.
I call that stealing! 👎

Well maybe Priestley will not be in the Supreme Court on Feb 14 & 15 after all:


Jan 25, 2013 – Murray Priestley – Founder & CEO of Alpha Asset Managers, an alternative assets advisor. Alpha is a market neutral specialist that provides ..."

Alpha Asset Managers is based in Singapore. Check out the website...looks familiar. Great returns etc etc. You have all heard this rubbish before.

So he has escaped the clutches of ASIC and is now about to rip off the people of Singapore. We will see!!!:cheesy:
Well maybe Priestley will not be in the Supreme Court on Feb 14 & 15 after all:


Jan 25, 2013 – Murray Priestley – Founder & CEO of Alpha Asset Managers, an alternative assets advisor. Alpha is a market neutral specialist that provides ..."

Alpha Asset Managers is based in Singapore. Check out the website...looks familiar. Great returns etc etc. You have all heard this rubbish before.

So he has escaped the clutches of ASIC and is now about to rip off the people of Singapore. We will see!!!:cheesy:

well certainly hope Murray Priestley hasn't escaped the clutches of anyone. He needs the award for the CEO that sent a company down in record time!

It will be great to hear that he was shown up in court to be the crook he is.

Talk about crooks, have you seen what the king of crooks is doing now - yes I mean the self proclaimed guru Aussie Rob Wilson - he has started a new trading system. And is calling it 'Instant Trading Results'........ it spruiks "new systems helps you trade stocks, options & forex like a pro! Whilst building your own unique trading strategy.".......... wow, forex, options, but hey, stocks no longer seem to be a disease! Come on - this is Lifestyle Trader ....the phoenix, rises again. Look on here to read more about this dodgy dealer.