lifestyle trader

Well more news on the Aussie Rort, sorry Aussie Rob front!!!!

It seems that he is not content with netting a nice little earner from the deals struck with these new companies that took over his client base.

He has now been spotted in Thailand doing seminars to promote his new company Connect Private Wealth. And according to a reliable source, he is now relocating overseas(Thailand?), perhaps he will drop the Aussie, not that he has every been a true Aussie and just be known as Rort, there I go again, Rob.

Now if you are still waiting for you money, my suggestion is, bombard ASIC with letters and even write to ministers and query why in this day and age, this type of thing is allowed to happen.

I mean go broke one minute, strike up some nice deals so you get still get paid the next, start more new companies to rope in a few more unsuspecting punters and then disappear into the sunset, leaving mountains of unpaid debts.


You know I cannot believe that this Aussie Rob Wilson has not paid his creditors to the song of over $5m it seems - some employees are still waiting for some of their payments - yet this man is bold as brass and just leaves Australia and starts selling this new 'SCAM" called Connect Private Wealth to unsuspecting Aussies I dare say, in Thailand.
And this guy that had him as a 'speaker' at his training event - well I am sure he has been spun one of Aussie Rob's big sob stories. (oh woe is me, they shut my company, oh it wasn't me!)
Yeah right! Look out matey - he will USE you like he did everyone else - you have been warned. Once your usefulness has warn thin, he will dump you and not pay anything owed to you.

To be fair, it was not him alone, no it was Rob Wilson, Murray Priestley and that Michael Fullick, all of whom are still getting money from the Lifestyle Asset Management Group of companies - that all started out as Lifestyle Trader.

We can only hope that the Liquidators can find links between all these companies, and there certainly are, and **** more of the down, to take control of the assets, so that creditors will receive some small payment.

You know, what really angers me - Rob Wilson did not pay his coaches - every day people (traders) that gave up their time to help other traders with the promise of being paid. Put your invoice in he said, we will pay you. Nope, dupped them too.

How does he sleep at night I ask you?

Anyway, all of his properties are on the market - and none of them are selling, so he has huge debts and is not paying them. Now he is in Thailand.

What do you think he is up to now?? Looks clear to me. Disgusting is the only word to apply to this conman. 😡
Rob now living in Thailand. Started connect private wealth to allow Aussies to move money offshore and put in his private bank he set up in panama. He is selling this latest scheme to accountants and any dumb idiot who thinks this is a great idea to avoid paying tax. Operation illegal here and ASIC after him.
Run away fast - this is yet another scam, just like lifestyle traders, global equities and his banking scam in Vanuatu and the Bahamas. He is a crook.
Rob now living in Thailand. Started connect private wealth to allow Aussies to move money offshore and put in his private bank he set up in panama. He is selling this latest scheme to accountants and any dumb idiot who thinks this is a great idea to avoid paying tax. Operation illegal here and ASIC after him.
Run away fast - this is yet another scam, just like lifestyle traders, global equities and his banking scam in Vanuatu and the Bahamas. He is a crook.

Hi John from dodge
You post shows a lot of knowledge about this man - I would really appreciate it if you could contact me privately please. Click on my username here and you can send me an email.
I do hope to hear from you.

And yes, this man is being hunted by ASIC and the ATO I dare say - and I hope they get him. How many scams can he be allowed to 'get away with'? It is the way this man can look you in the eye and lie straight to you that shocks me. (yes I have been that close to him a LOT) So it is my - and many others on this forum thread - it is my goal to warn others to not be 'sucked' into his sweet talking and to save them from financial hell that he can cause them.

Be warned. Aussie Rob, or Robert Lloyd Wilson - what ever name he goes by - is a scam developer and rip off merchant with no conscience at all. He will take your money then abuse you for requesting a refund because he did not deliver what he sold you. 😡
Your 1st post. Hello Murray. You could actually post as yourself rather than pretending to be someone else.

Hi, believe me, I am not Murray Priestley, I have an amount of money ($40,000-$50,000) I wish to invest somewhere, and was just trying to do some homework before choosing a place to invest in. Living in Melbourne Australia I was interested in checking out "local product", and came across this site. Cheers
Rob now living in Thailand. Started connect private wealth to allow Aussies to move money offshore and put in his private bank he set up in panama. He is selling this latest scheme to accountants and any dumb idiot who thinks this is a great idea to avoid paying tax. Operation illegal here and ASIC after him.
Run away fast - this is yet another scam, just like lifestyle traders, global equities and his banking scam in Vanuatu and the Bahamas. He is a crook.

Why doesn't everyone just report him to the Australian Tax authorities?

If say 5 different people reported him about his panama bank acoounts, the tax authorities would have him in a flash.
Hi, believe me, I am not Murray Priestley, I have an amount of money ($40,000-$50,000) I wish to invest somewhere, and was just trying to do some homework before choosing a place to invest in. Living in Melbourne Australia I was interested in checking out "local product", and came across this site. Cheers

Hi, believe me, I am not Murray Priestley, I have an amount of money ($40,000-$50,000) I wish to invest somewhere, and was just trying to do some homework before choosing a place to invest in. Living in Melbourne Australia I was interested in checking out "local product", and came across this site. Cheers

Well good call Hoggums - and hello Murray Priestley.
So sad to see you need to go to the lowly ranks of the self praising to boost your morale. Now, of course, you deny that you are Murray Allanastic57, but who in any right state of mind, would read the comments on the threads in this forum about Murray Priestley and then go and say, "Oh I saw him on youtube - he looked switched on to me".

Really! You have a serious problem if you think what you see on youtube, is really showing you what this man is capable of. And if, by some miniscule chance, you are not him, and you go and invest your money with Alpha Capital Management or Masterplus Capital Mangement (what ever it is called now), well be sure to give it a fond farewell........... as you will never see your money again.

It will go straight to the Murray Priestley and Aussie Rob Wilson fund. :!:
For anyone monitoring this thread, and especially those owed money by Aussie Rob, please be aware of this thread. It seems he is up and running again already and still spinning the same ole fluff and stuff....

If you know anyone thinking of taking up this opportunity, they need to be aware that, Aussie Rob has done something similar before and it lead to a lot of grief for a lot of people.

The thread explains it all.

Just a heads up.
Why doesn't everyone just report him to the Australian Tax authorities?

If say 5 different people reported him about his panama bank acoounts, the tax authorities would have him in a flash.

Good Point Pom,

By the way got your PM and at this point, I do not know the answers. If/when I do find out, I'll PM you back

Why doesn't everyone just report him to the Australian Tax authorities?

If say 5 different people reported him about his panama bank acoounts, the tax authorities would have him in a flash.

Must agree with you. Think this is a plan of action for all who have been affected by Aussie Rob and his scams.
If you want a little company background information on the big BS man himself or to know a little of Rob-No-Conscience-Wilson's past ventures a little more you can here. It has been a while since more info was noted but you get the idea.
I have read a lot of material on this and other sites regarding Aussie Rob Wilson, Lifestyle Trader and Connect Private Wealth and also received the email inviting me to invest in the new company Connect Private Wealth.

A very non businesslike like email reply was sent back. Subsequently a warning regarding Aussie Rob, Lifestyle Trader and Connect Private Wealth was posted on 2 of 20 web sites that form part of an brand new international network of web sites at Skise.Com. Mr Wilson was aware of the posting, viewed the warnings and promptly contacted his Melbourne based lawyer who in turn has threatened defamation action against myself and sent through documentation. The information was removed from the web sites a short time later after the posting

Should this defamation action be commenced I am looking for additional persons who would be prepared to supply information in regards to the actions of Lifestyle Trader, Aussie Rob and Connect Private Wealth. All I need is an email address and brief details at this stage.

Anything can be email to me [email protected]

Additionally his current address and phone number would be helpful if someone has it. His visit to the sites supplied some very vital information that is of interest regarding his location

On a side note - ASIC and ATO are very interested in Mr Wilson, same with some Asian authorities who's children have also been victims of Lifestyle Trader.

I am sure there will be some people here who have been touched up financially by his company that could help out.

My websites just in the middle of a refurbish so I've changed the link to my Aussie Rob mention

Currently still under construction though.
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I have read a lot of material on this and other sites regarding Aussie Rob Wilson, Lifestyle Trader and Connect Private Wealth and also received the email inviting me to invest in the new company Connect Private Wealth.

A very non businesslike like email reply was sent back. Subsequently a warning regarding Aussie Rob, Lifestyle Trader and Connect Private Wealth was posted on 2 of 20 web sites that form part of an brand new international network of web sites at Skise.Com. Mr Wilson was aware of the posting, viewed the warnings and promptly contacted his Melbourne based lawyer who in turn has threatened defamation action against myself and sent through documentation. The information was removed from the web sites a short time later after the posting

Should this defamation action be commenced I am looking for additional persons who would be prepared to supply information in regards to the actions of Lifestyle Trader, Aussie Rob and Connect Private Wealth. All I need is an email address and brief details at this stage.

Anything can be email to me [email protected]

Additionally his current address and phone number would be helpful if someone has it. His visit to the sites supplied some very vital information that is of interest regarding his location

On a side note - ASIC and ATO are very interested in Mr Wilson, same with some Asian authorities who's children have also been victims of Lifestyle Trader.


:?: Well syndication, must say your comment is very interesting. I certainly agree the ATO and ASIC are very interested in Aussie Rob Wilson and his new antics with this Connect Private Wealth. It seems that Rob Wilson took it upon himself to email everyone from the Lifestyle Trader database - an action that one would consider is in breach of the restrictions applied under liquidation. I mean, isn't that database a Lifestyle Trader asset? AND what ever happened to the solemn promise Rob Wilson made to all who opted into his database that he would not sell it or market other products to them???

Again his word is worth nothing!

Anyway, I have contacted you by PM and look forward to your response.

As lloydbee says, there are many on this forum who would like to see justice served on Aussie Rob Wilson (and Murray Priestley - really he cannot be left out of this mess) 👎
:?: Well syndication, must say your comment is very interesting. I certainly agree the ATO and ASIC are very interested in Aussie Rob Wilson and his new antics with this Connect Private Wealth. It seems that Rob Wilson took it upon himself to email everyone from the Lifestyle Trader database - an action that one would consider is in breach of the restrictions applied under liquidation. I mean, isn't that database a Lifestyle Trader asset? AND what ever happened to the solemn promise Rob Wilson made to all who opted into his database that he would not sell it or market other products to them???

Again his word is worth nothing!

Anyway, I have contacted you by PM and look forward to your response.

As lloydbee says, there are many on this forum who would like to see justice served on Aussie Rob Wilson (and Murray Priestley - really he cannot be left out of this mess) 👎

Hello lloydbee and UizBSme

lloydbee check the web site thanks and has given me so reference material. I would be interested in the 39 Domains name Aussie Rob has registered or involved in. Interesting web site you are developing

UizBSme - I tried to reply to your private message but have to post 15 post before the system will allow me. ..which Im not sure I can do with any great value in the short time

Interesting point regarding the email database and I will address this with my contact in ASIC during the week. We hold a database of WA Lifestyle Trader clients which we will use to prove some points if necessary

A question was asked why hasn't Aussie Rob taken legal action against the postings on this forum - My thoughts would be it is a UK registered site and there would be info in the terms and conditions or elsewhere making it almost impossible for such action to be taken from Australia

UizBSme as I am unable to respond to private messages at the moment an option would be to sent me a brief email to the previous mentioned email address and I will reply with the information you want...or somehow I will have to post another 12 messages with some sort of intelligent information on the forum somewhere
If you want a little company background information on the big BS man himself or to know a little of Rob-No-Conscience-Wilson's past ventures a little more you can here. It has been a while since more info was noted but you get the idea.

Great site lloydbee. I am trying to get a list together of the websites that Aussie Rob controls - the authorities want to check them all for scam material.
Anyone have anything that could help, could you please send me a personal message? Looking forward to seeing Aussie Rob and Murray Priestley get what they deserve............ AND to see some funds go to the creditors of Lifestyle Trader. :!:
One of the goals of this thread is to try to highlight and prevent people from parting with their hard earned cash.

However, the last few posts indicate a far worse issue.

Jamie, I truly sympathise with your issues and want to make a point.

At this very moment,in Great Britain there is a lot of media coverage on a similar topic and it is big news since
the gentleman in question is/was very high profile. He has passed on but this is not stopping a full investigation into his past.

Just check out any of the newspapers there and you will see what I mean.

What this shows is, that it is never to late to report this sort of thing - Never. I don't know but in time, it may well bring closure on your issues.

Syndication, I intend to respond to your post but in the Connect Private Wealth thread,

since it is my view that Lifestyle Traders creditors have done their dough and it is possibly too late for them.

It irks me so much though, when I am sent through details of 3 Aussie Rob Properties currently on the market on the Gold Coast. In today's Gold Coast Bulletin (9/11/2012), he has 2 commercial properties for sale, one is 5 Million, the other, not sure but let's say a million plus and also a residential property on the market for close to 1 million.

You must be staggered by this!!!! Well I can tell you, I was.

Is this creditors money? Well not directly but most probably, will they see it, probably not.

So why post to my response to syndication CPW thread, well I see another bus load of lemmings loading up on the well traveled path of Aussie Rob, who
will no doubt end up at the bottom of the cliff. We need to highlight this fact to them and they may well look at that post but not this.