UizBSme Nahmorz
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Well more news on the Aussie Rort, sorry Aussie Rob front!!!!
It seems that he is not content with netting a nice little earner from the deals struck with these new companies that took over his client base.
He has now been spotted in Thailand doing seminars to promote his new company Connect Private Wealth. And according to a reliable source, he is now relocating overseas(Thailand?), perhaps he will drop the Aussie, not that he has every been a true Aussie and just be known as Rort, there I go again, Rob.
Now if you are still waiting for you money, my suggestion is, bombard ASIC with letters and even write to ministers and query why in this day and age, this type of thing is allowed to happen.
I mean go broke one minute, strike up some nice deals so you get still get paid the next, start more new companies to rope in a few more unsuspecting punters and then disappear into the sunset, leaving mountains of unpaid debts.
You know I cannot believe that this Aussie Rob Wilson has not paid his creditors to the song of over $5m it seems - some employees are still waiting for some of their payments - yet this man is bold as brass and just leaves Australia and starts selling this new 'SCAM" called Connect Private Wealth to unsuspecting Aussies I dare say, in Thailand.
And this guy that had him as a 'speaker' at his training event - well I am sure he has been spun one of Aussie Rob's big sob stories. (oh woe is me, they shut my company, oh it wasn't me!)
Yeah right! Look out matey - he will USE you like he did everyone else - you have been warned. Once your usefulness has warn thin, he will dump you and not pay anything owed to you.
To be fair, it was not him alone, no it was Rob Wilson, Murray Priestley and that Michael Fullick, all of whom are still getting money from the Lifestyle Asset Management Group of companies - that all started out as Lifestyle Trader.
We can only hope that the Liquidators can find links between all these companies, and there certainly are, and **** more of the down, to take control of the assets, so that creditors will receive some small payment.
You know, what really angers me - Rob Wilson did not pay his coaches - every day people (traders) that gave up their time to help other traders with the promise of being paid. Put your invoice in he said, we will pay you. Nope, dupped them too.
How does he sleep at night I ask you?
Anyway, all of his properties are on the market - and none of them are selling, so he has huge debts and is not paying them. Now he is in Thailand.
What do you think he is up to now?? Looks clear to me. Disgusting is the only word to apply to this conman. 😡