
Will the latest Lions of London Bridge receive the same treatment as the first have-a-go hero? All of them should be awarded bravery medals, not put on terrorist watch lists FFS.

+10 = A+ = Ausgezeichnet! 🙂 What a lovely girl! 🙂

Thanks for making it absolutely clear that the far bigger enemy than Muslims (only a lock resting on engrams) of the UK is "political correctness" ................. see the thing is one never knows how the being (or group) will meter out heavy justice to itself for past transgressions. Who would have thought that the Angel of Death would select POLITICAL CORRECTNESS as the weapon, hahahahahahaha. There is no defense, therefore a full-price payment is in the cards.

What is a lock and what is an engram? An engram is the dynamo = volcano sitting in ancient History buried in the collective unconscious mind. It has stunning power. In it are the entire bag of transgressions against fellow beings, nationality is irrelevant in the sphere of spirits. The Muslims, therefore are just a "lock" = a latest, relatively benign incident or series of incidents that could not exist without the ower base coming from the engram itslef.

Muslims are not the real issue here, they just happen to be the deliverer of the overt-motivator sequence Law application.

God, do I love it so!
Will the latest Lions of London Bridge receive the same treatment as the first have-a-go hero? All of them should be awarded bravery medals, not put on terrorist watch lists FFS.
Is this really true? Seriously? Or is it Katie getting a tad carried away and taking a little detour away from the facts down the cul-de-sac of fake news? I ask as I've not heard this before and I imagine I would have done if it were actually true.
Is this really true? Seriously? Or is it Katie getting a tad carried away and taking a little detour away from the facts down the cul-de-sac of fake news? I ask as I've not heard this before and I imagine I would have done if it were actually true.

There apppears to be plenty of news reports about it, now if only we had a fact checker that wasn't compromised and we could trust 🙁

Slightly encouraging this morning on Radio 4 when a reformed Isis militant has seen the light and realised that threatening others is a blind alley.
Slightly encouraging this morning on Radio 4 when a reformed Isis militant has seen the light and realised that threatening others is a blind alley.

Not listened to it, but trust the BBC to start promoting the odd so-called reformed Jihadi as an example of how they can be reformed, biased BBC will not have any answers and will not even ask difficult questions to get those answers, a waste of time.

Let's think about this for a second - Jihadist is found guilty of terrorist crimes, sentenced to x amount of years, sentence is immediately halved (because that's how British justice works, your sentence by default is half what the judge awards - someone explain to me how that works please?), let out on license, has £millions spent on incarceration, £millions spent of rehab with an outcome that no-one can guarantee.

The only deliverable that I can see is a rehabilitation/industrial complex, where £millions of tax payers money is spent on various NGO organisations, universities, rehab centres, constant monitoring by various authorities, involving countless individuals with no guarantee of success.

What a joke, we need to know what benefit the tax payer gets out of this for a start, what cost is it per Jihadi to the tax payer, what is the moral basis, at what point did the tax payer consent to such a process on financial and moral grounds and how we can change the process so that punishment works hand-in-hand with rehabilitation (if that is even possible) and what the likely outcomes are.

We need people with backbone to tackle this problem not spineless academics that are in bed with law enforcement and the judiciary, milking the tax payer every step of the way, get rid of sympathetic terrorst lawyers (quite unbelievable that Sadiq Khunt, the mayor of London is one), Jihadis are a special category of prisoner, absolutely zero% sympathy of any kind should be extended to them, we need a Jihadi prison such as Guatanemo.

Looks like an un-authorised experiment gone completely wrong, run by do-gooder idiots pretending to be know-it-alls, get them all back into prison and spend the next 10 years figuring what to do about them.

I think I've just moved myself into the Authoritarian side of the square 😡
Looks like an un-authorised experiment gone completely wrong, run by do-gooder idiots pretending to be know-it-alls, get them all back into prison and spend the next 10 years figuring what to do about them.

Having said that, we get to the crux of the matter, which effing idiots think it is wise to roll out anything untested, don't tell me, I already know the answer, bean counters,politicians and project managers, someone needs to lose their job.

Having said that, we get to the crux of the matter, which effing idiots think it is wise to roll out anything untested, don't tell me, I already know the answer, bean counters,politicians and project managers, someone needs to lose their job.

Its the same lot that has turned a blind eye to the predominantly pakistani mass rape gangs that have been prevalent in our towns and cities for decades, we need to shut up for the sake of diversity and we need deradicalisation for shouting about it, the authorities are useless PoS.

This is the result of radicalising our institutions in leftist ideology, no control.
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I think I've just moved myself into the Authoritarian side of the square 😡

An admirable rant there Sig!

I'm glad of the company over in my brigade. I think you'd make a great orator - I can just visualise you addressing a vast torch-lit rally, the banners waving gently, the rapturous crowds in a frenzy of, rightness. I'd suggest a book burning campaign but that's considered a bit passé these days and I'm not at all sure how one goes about eliminating Impure streaming content. Perhaps one could just follow tradition and just eliminate the consumers of said content....they could first be made to wear some kind of emblem that would show the world just what kind of monsters they really are......perhaps a star, with the colour representing their type of crime. Pink for BBC staff, maybe?
An admirable rant there Sig!

I'm glad of the company over in my brigade. I think you'd make a great orator - I can just visualise you addressing a vast torch-lit rally, the banners waving gently, the rapturous crowds in a frenzy of, rightness. I'd suggest a book burning campaign but that's considered a bit passé these days and I'm not at all sure how one goes about eliminating Impure streaming content. Perhaps one could just follow tradition and just eliminate the consumers of said content....they could first be made to wear some kind of emblem that would show the world just what kind of monsters they really are......perhaps a star, with the colour representing their type of crime. Pink for BBC staff, maybe?

I was thinking of inviting Greta Thunderchops as leader, she already has cult following status and I'm sure there is someone out there with a bag of Waffen-SS badges ready to hand out to her devout followers, BBC would be victims turned perpetrators, all we would need to do is pay extra taxes to support their globe trotting lifestyles and virtue signalling (peado) royals and celebs, the harder they virtue the bigger the badge.

The world has gone bonkers v39 (ethnic purity division)
I was thinking of inviting Greta Thunderchops as leader, she already has cult following status and I'm sure there is someone out there with a bag of Waffen-SS badges ready to hand out to her devout followers, BBC would be victims turned perpetrators, all we would need to do is pay extra taxes to support their globe trotting lifestyles and virtue signalling (peado) royals and celebs, the harder they virtue the bigger the badge.

The world has gone bonkers v39 (ethnic purity division)

Fear not Sig. The Chinese are showing us the way with their Social Credit system. Combined with the introduction of mass Facial Recognition, they're developing an up-to-date framework to ensure that the populace thinks correct thoughts and does correct deeds. If they don't then they're essentially marginalised and their freedom reduced - even more than now or simply taken away.
Not from what I've seen since but never mind.

I'll reply to your post on Iraq soon but as a preview you can already assume I am rather unconcerned that the western powers abused their might in order to topple Saddam, but I am very concerned that having achieved his defeat, there was no viable plan for the country during the aftermath.
Back soon.

End of the line, Tom. You put your foot in your mouth inadvertently, therefore 100% the inner truth with
" I'll reply to your post on Iraq soon but as a preview you can already assume I am rather unconcerned that the western powers abused their might in order to topple Saddam"

Not a word and zero concern for the 1 million innocent civilians who got murdered. Same goes for not only you but for the lot of you as I have clearly observed here over the last several months in more than just this thread

You've now proven my point: Brits make the Nazis look like amateurs and even though one could argue that their lust for murder and mayhem and genocide resides in the antediluvian past, the fact that it is in the blood, guarantees it can erupt at any time in the present moment - its there all the time in a state of dormancy waiting for a trigger.

Explanation (further): I've known for a long time now especially in my travels worldwide and especially knowing Germany like the back of my hand as I speak the language fluently and have lived there and engaged with Germans bigtime, if given a chance they would repeat WWs - they can't help it, its in their blood. Ditto for the Japs. The latter 2 are suffering bigtime now as the Angel of Reparations cripples them where it hurts most - MONEY. Britain makes both look like amateurs in the killing regard, but I believe your time to pay has arrived.

Hey guys, its been fun but the cat is out of the bag now, no need to hang out. I'm done, done, done .... So .....

all Brits crossed my path here \ send to\ Permanent Adios

Tony Robbins, whom many of you follow, said, "get away from losers as fast as you can" What he did not say and which I am adding is: you should not escape areas of losers and disease, you should go in and take risks to get at the understanding, only then make your escape"

🙂End of the line 🙂🙂🙂

Fear not Sig. The Chinese are showing us the way with their Social Credit system. Combined with the introduction of mass Facial Recognition, they're developing an up-to-date framework to ensure that the populace thinks correct thoughts and does correct deeds. If they don't then they're essentially marginalised and their freedom reduced - even more than now or simply taken away.

Coming to a country near you soon!

When the chinese man turns tyrant, it is his own freedom that he destroys.
Coming to a country near you soon!

When the chinese man turns tyrant, it is his own freedom that he destroys.

For some reason I read your aphorism as: "When the Chinese man turns tyrant, it is his own fridge that he destroys". Curious...

FWIW, me and my fridge get on quite well but Mme Canta's relationship with it makes me quite jealous....and in case you were wondering - whilst I can out-mongrel most mongrels, AFAIK I don't have any Chinese DNA...perhaps I should get some.
There apppears to be plenty of news reports about it, now if only we had a fact checker that wasn't compromised and we could trust 🙁

The Conservative Party have a fact-checker. At least, they said they did..... At least, they made me think they did........
The Conservative Party have a fact-checker. At least, they said they did..... At least, they made me think they did........

The fact-checker reminded me of that old tongue twister song "I'm not the Fact-Checker, I'm a Fact-Checker's son..." etc etc. and for your delectation, the original of which is included below:

"I'm not a pheasant plucker, I'm a pheasant plucker's son
I'm only plucking pheasants 'till the pheasant plucker comes.

Me husband is a keeper, he's a very busy man
I try to understand him and I help him all I can,
But sometimes in an evening I feel a trifle dim
All alone, I'm plucking pheasants, when I'd rather pluck with him.

I'm not a pheasant plucker, I'm a pheasant plucker's mate
I'm only plucking pheasants 'cos the pheasant plucker's late !

I'm not good at plucking pheasants, at pheasant plucking I get stuck
Though some pheasants find it pleasant I'd rather pluck a duck.
Oh plucking geese is gorgeous, I can pluck a goose with ease
But pheasant plucking's torture because they haven't any grease.

I'm not a pheasant plucker, he has gone out on the tiles
He only plucked one pheasant and I'm sitting here with piles !

You have to pluck them fresh, if it’s fresh they’re not unpleasant,
I knew a man in Dunstable who could pluck a frozen pheasant.
They say the village constable had pheasant plucking sessions
With the vicar on a Sunday ‘tween the first and second lessons.

I'm not a pheasant plucker, I'm a pheasant plucker's mum
I'm only plucking pheasants 'till the pheasant plucker's come.

My good friend Godfrey is most adept, he's really got the knack
He likes to have a pheasant plucked before he hits the sack.
I like to give a helping hand, I gather up the feathers,
It's really all our pheasant plucking keeps us pair together.

I'm not a pheasant plucker, I'm a pheasant plucker's friend
I'm only plucking pheasants as a means unto an end !

My husband's in the forest always banging with his gun
If he could hear me half the time I'm sure that he would run,
For there's fluff in all my crannies, there's feathers up my nose
And I'm itching in the kitchen from my head down to my toes.

I'm not a pheasant plucker, I'm a pheasant plucker's wife

And when we pluck together it's a pheasant plucking life !"
End of the line, Tom. You put your foot in your mouth inadvertently, therefore 100% the inner truth with
" I'll reply to your post on Iraq soon but as a preview you can already assume I am rather unconcerned that the western powers abused their might in order to topple Saddam"

Not a word and zero concern for the 1 million innocent civilians who got murdered. Same goes for not only you but for the lot of you as I have clearly observed here over the last several months in more than just this thread

You've now proven my point: Brits make the Nazis look like amateurs and even though one could argue that their lust for murder and mayhem and genocide resides in the antediluvian past, the fact that it is in the blood, guarantees it can erupt at any time in the present moment - its there all the time in a state of dormancy waiting for a trigger.

Explanation (further): I've known for a long time now especially in my travels worldwide and especially knowing Germany like the back of my hand as I speak the language fluently and have lived there and engaged with Germans bigtime, if given a chance they would repeat WWs - they can't help it, its in their blood. Ditto for the Japs. The latter 2 are suffering bigtime now as the Angel of Reparations cripples them where it hurts most - MONEY. Britain makes both look like amateurs in the killing regard, but I believe your time to pay has arrived.

Hey guys, its been fun but the cat is out of the bag now, no need to hang out. I'm done, done, done .... So .....

all Brits crossed my path here \ send to\ Permanent Adios

Tony Robbins, whom many of you follow, said, "get away from losers as fast as you can" What he did not say and which I am adding is: you should not escape areas of losers and disease, you should go in and take risks to get at the understanding, only then make your escape"

🙂End of the line 🙂🙂🙂

"End of the line"? You're "done"? "No need to hang out"?

Can it be true? Is it a dream? Is T2W free at last?