Rant of the Week

This is like someone sitting in their car and stating there is traffic on the roads.

Let's cull the human race - as long as it's not me gov! 😆

I know that, too. Any other solutions? Because that's the way it is! If the population grows at the same rate , what is it going to feed on? Where are we going to get the young people to do the work? South Africa is, already, short of young manual workers because of aids. So far, there is no cure for aids.

Who is causing pollution and poisoning all the rivers? , etc. Why are there no fish left? Who is creating a food problem by buying cereals for fuel production? There might be an argument that global warming is not our fault, although I don't believe it, but the previous points I raised can not be argued away like that. It is us that is doing all the damage and there are two alternatives

1. That we take on population control ourselves which I, frankly, don't believe possible at this stage.

2. Nature, in some horrible way, will do it for us. That is the more likely to happen

Otherwise, explain to me what we are going to do when we are 20 billion? Not all that far away.

Atilla, no harm meant, but whether you can wipe your backside, or not, won't matter because, as things go, the rest of us will be too kindhearted to see you die. I have a father-in-law, bless his heart, who shuffles along as best he can at 97. Believe me, he doesn't want to die, yet, and I would not want to be the one to decide for him. What you, I and he thinks about our personal lives doesn't matter much. We are talking about billions of people fighting for some kind of a life, here.

What is the world going to do?


Hi Split,

No offence taken feel free. 😀 I hear what you are saying and I can see the problems but two is the preferred choice imo. No matter how destructive nature is or on what scale, death comes to us all.

The problem is when man thinks he can do a better job of it with option one.

It's simply a question of how we live our lives and when we die.

What is the big deal about dying. Eternal peace no different to restful sleep.

Lights out and bliss. 🙂
What about Cornish super-dad ? 17 kids already - wife carrying and a pregnant mistress too. As far as I remember he is about 50 ish. On the dole - never worked a day in his life - well the poor fellow is probably resting all day for the night's coming activities. If he lives to be 90 odd, a lot more to come too !
Can he overpopulate Cornwall all on his own ?
Bring on Govt. ordered vasectomy after 2 I say
What about Cornish super-dad ? 17 kids already - wife carrying and a pregnant mistress too. As far as I remember he is about 50 ish. On the dole - never worked a day in his life - well the poor fellow is probably resting all day for the night's coming activities. If he lives to be 90 odd, a lot more to come too !
Can he overpopulate Cornwall all on his own ?
Bring on Govt. ordered vasectomy after 2 I say

Bed blocking on the rise again...

What do you do with the elderly who:

can't get out of bed
can't walk without aid
can't wash
can't cook
can't feed
can't shop
can't sit down
can't sit up
can't visit the toilet
can't get in to bed

There are a whole spectrum of people who can do some of these things above but they are at risk of an accident because they are frail.

There are those who can do most of these things but they need help.

Of the ones who are least mobile and able need two nurses as well as much medication to keep these poor souls alive.

Now the councils cutting aid and services because there is not enough monies (tax revenue).

My rant this week is where are their children, brothers or sisters or relatives to take care of these people.

This is a real dilema on all of us...

Very sad reflection of life.

Is the problem

The family
Government policies
Health service too good
The elderly them selves

The vikings when they were too old to fight battles they would go and jump off the highest cliff and end it all - as they felt dying in bed would leave a black mark on their off springs honour. :idea:

I think if my parents went this sad way (lonely without us the children with them) I would be dishonoured. 😢
Simple answer is too many people doing too many things using too many resources....anyway......none of this will matter in the final analysis, because nature will deal with the problem ultimately....the problem is those least able to deal with nature will suffer the most....is this a problem ?...no not for me, a long overdue correction....nay correction may be the best outcome....extinction is probably far more likely....dinosaurs...religions....everything has a time and we may just be witnessing our own demise.

Am I bovvered....nope not in the slightest....the fact that man pretends to be superior and above it all is just plain nonsense.....the bugs will win in the end !!😆 😆
...the bugs will win in the end !!😆 😆

I have a funny feeling that in a few million years later the bugs will have evolved into lefties and righties, conformists and non-conformists etc. etc. just like us. LOL

pollution, crime, looney militants, disease, meteors etc. as Pte. Frazer would have said "We're doomed, doomed"
I have a funny feeling that in a few million years later the bugs will have evolved into lefties and righties, conformists and non-conformists etc. etc. just like us. LOL

pollution, crime, looney militants, disease, meteors etc. as Pte. Frazer would have said "We're doomed, doomed"

We could all fight back by subscribing to this site and arm your selves with one of these... :cheesy:

My favourite is this one... 😆 Notice the health and safety wrist strap... Niiicccceee !
Time gentlemen please....

Simple answer is too many people doing too many things using too many resources....anyway......none of this will matter in the final analysis, because nature will deal with the problem ultimately....the problem is those least able to deal with nature will suffer the most....is this a problem ?...no not for me, a long overdue correction....nay correction may be the best outcome....extinction is probably far more likely....dinosaurs...religions....everything has a time and we may just be witnessing our own demise.

Am I bovvered....nope not in the slightest....the fact that man pretends to be superior and above it all is just plain nonsense.....the bugs will win in the end !!😆 😆

I hear. Maybe in the final analysis of life = energy . Then it will continue . in what form ? who knows. In the meantime> Yes please John, 2 pints of Woodfords mate...😛

3 Pint philosophy awaits.........as we continue, into the weekend..... BuRP! 😀