
Surely a death sentence is no great disincentive for "martyrs"?
True but it does stop them from repeat crimes and the jails are full.
They can't be treated as human beings with souls etc. More like dangerous animals.
Need build more jails.
It is becoming more and more like The Middle East elsewhere,where there is not enough money, people willing to act as guards and facilities etc. so Isis and other murderers don't stay in jail very long before they are out and re-grouping. Soppy New Testament thinking will no longer be sustainable.
The END of civilisation as we knew it as they will have won.
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The UK has a prison population of about 93,000, which means we have 3,000 "vacancies". The population is predicted to grow at 500-1000 per year into the 2020's.

I'm guessing we could make do with a heck of a lot more open prisons for non-violent prisoners as long as backed up by an effective re-arrest scheme.

I can't think of a convincing reason why such a geographically small country as the UK with such excellent internal communications but a shortage of public funding finds it essential to have over 130 prisons.
Originally you stayed on topic, then it descended into Empire bashing again, which had nothing whatsoever to do with the thread topic.
In the words of Clint. There are Two kinds of people in this world, those that can post in the forum and those that can't.

Come on Violet, I got an alert that 3 posts were deleted for being off-topic - OK, so the very next post I took xtra care to ensure it was ON-TOPIC.

I posted that Colonial History is not taught in schools because the country is in denial by choice. This is in line with you bringing Alan Wilson in and the thread title Fake News that none of the atrocities happened. And there's a whole lot more in this regard.

Come on Violet, there are 500 of you and just one little old me. You can't defeat me with such a big army? You have to call in a 3rd grader cop who's been in the marekta for 29 years and stilll has no trading experience (see bio) to shoot me in the back? ROFLMAO

Come on, put me back on so we can have a fair discussion.

See for yourself .................

I think we're all wondering about this, at some level of consciousness.

I've always assumed that if you committed a murder you would get life imprisonment. The justification being that this is the most serious crime and the perpetrator had denied any further life to the victim, so that only the most serious punishment would be appropriate and this should effectively deny the perpetrator of their enjoyment of life.

Planning, attempting or aiding in a murder are almost equivalent to murder. On the one hand I don't see why a guy who stabs someone through a vein should be treated much differently to someone who hits an artery. But with no reduction in sentence some would-be murderers might decide they just might as well and go ahead and eliminate the witnesses to escape conviction. So maybe 50 years would be appropriate, but no parole.

Well said, Tom. See colored text in quote>

Since this is what you believe from the heart without anybody here forcing you at gunpoint to believe thusly, why can't you apply the very same principle to just ONE instance (one instance at a time, otherwise its perhaps too overwhelming) .........

Nobody has been cott or accused or apprehended let alone thrown in jail for life for CRIMES AGAINST IRAQI PEOPLE .... initiated on PURE LIES

Explain to me Tom how you can fail to apply your own principles uniformly?

I'm all ears to allow the wisdom of the preachers from the UK to teach me this magnificent JUSTIFICATION creme de la creme technique🙂🙂
Surely a death sentence is no great disincentive for "martyrs"?


Hurray! Tom has just hit the nail on the head.

What further discussion of the subject is necessary after this? ............. Case closed. Let's talk Brexit or Clint Eastwood, shall we?
Originally you stayed on topic, then it descended into Empire bashing again, which had nothing whatsoever to do with the thread topic.
In the words of Clint. There are Two kinds of people in this world, those that can post in the forum and those that can't.

Consider this, Violet .............. the thread is about CRIMES of the British Empire. Where is the thread? In BritLand T2W. Britland does not even teach Colonial History in schools. The agreement is rock solid that Britland did nothing wrong and there were no crimes committed. Then just one fellow comes along and presents a counter view. Boom! He's expelled from the thread.

Discussion? How is it possible to have one in a 100% agreeing zone that throws the lone dissenter out.


Put me back on, Violet. I'll hold your hand and whack some sense into you - for 20 years you've ben here and know doodly squat. I can change that for you, for sure at least about your own country and her history. Nevr mind TRADING, you're a lost cause there, but your own HISTORY? You don't got that, you got nothin, baby, nothin.

Put me back on
Fibo -
When it comes to crimes against the Iraqi people, you should be more specific. What crimes and when and by whom?

(I know I'm going to regret this........................)
Fibo -
When it comes to crimes against the Iraqi people, you should be more specific. What crimes and when and by whom?

(I know I'm going to regret this........................)

Fair enough, I'll be as precise as I know ......................

Back in 2003 the UK govt. with Tony Blair as driver told George Bush that they had incontrovertible evidence that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. Blair knew this was a lie. His own intelligence agency told him there was no direct evidence, that it was just a very plausible factor. Add to this that Blair also put out info into George's ear that 911 was caused by the Iraqis. (We know that the 911 bombers were predominantly Saudis) .................. so then came the Iraq war, millions killed, women and children massacred ...............

ON A LIE = FALSE INTELLIGENCE = FABRICATED = telling the cops that your neighbor 5 blocks down from your house has bombs (lie) and they go and kill him and his whole family and blast the entire block to smitherens and then find out it was the wrong house, wrong street. England would give the murderers a medal - nobody would go to jail.

By your own stated principles, this is very wrong and you will not stand for it.

A major crime of epic proportion was committed against the Iraqi people with England as the main cause and America as an equally guilty party regardless - bought the lies of Blair.

Not a single murderer has been apprehended and therfore none have gone to jail for one of the most hideous crimes of this century.
Fibo -
When it comes to crimes against the Iraqi people, you should be more specific. What crimes and when and by whom?

(I know I'm going to regret this........................)
Britain did her best to get along with the local people and geared them up from mud huts to somethings better. Of course there were bad things done by both sides. Most of which is not worth muck raking it up from the past. Except it suits sleazy lying politicians with a view to power. Look how well it has turned out in Africa. Take Zimbabwe. They are requesting food aid from the UN now having got rid of their once efficient and productive farmers because they were white.
And Tom, this statement of observation has zip to do with England but everything to do with the US: during the first day of the war the news Media was blasting the stuff on TV live of course and the one thing that stood out to me that crashed my senses was this statement, "we have in under 2 hours accomplished air superiority" and there were cheers everywhere.

= Chuck Norris kicking the sh*t out of a 2 year old and then claiming easy victory.

Disgusting to the nth.
Fibo -
When it comes to crimes against the Iraqi people, you should be more specific. What crimes and when and by whom?

(I know I'm going to regret this........................)

Right from day 1 when you first spoke to me you would never have had to think you would regret it had you given me a straight answer instead of hocus-pocussing. 🙂 You were wrong to just put me on Ignore without further querries. You acted too soon, Tom.
Britain did her best to get along with the local people and geared them up from mud huts to somethings better. Of course there were bad things done by both sides. Most of which is not worth muck raking it up from the past. Except it suits sleazy lying politicians with a view to power. Look how well it has turned out in Africa. Take Zimbabwe. They are requesting food aid from the UN now having got rid of their once efficient and productive farmers because they were white.

Pat494 has already received the "Dumbest human alive at T2W" award several times already. ET has no counterpart. Such cats are rare. The only other duffer of such depth I have encountered was a foreign student in my University class who was so lost in the exams that he said to me, "Physics, Chemistry me don't like, but Mathematics, you write Sigma sigma you get marks"


Right from day 1 when you first spoke to me you would never have had to think you would regret it had you given me a straight answer instead of hocus-pocussing. 🙂 You were wrong to just put me on Ignore without further querries. You acted too soon, Tom.

Not from what I've seen since but never mind.

I'll reply to your post on Iraq soon but as a preview you can already assume I am rather unconcerned that the western powers abused their might in order to topple Saddam, but I am very concerned that having achieved his defeat, there was no viable plan for the country during the aftermath.
Back soon.
Not from what I've seen since but never mind.

I'll reply to your post on Iraq soon but as a preview you can already assume I am rather unconcerned that the western powers abused their might in order to topple Saddam, but I am very concerned that having achieved his defeat, there was no viable plan for the country during the aftermath.
Back soon.

(1) Consider this, in addition to earlier, now that you are more specific .................. but it does appear that the blood of the English is also deeply ingrained within you. I got a similar answer once from a Nazi re: Jews

(a) Saddam did nothing wrong to provoke anybody. What happens in a another country is no business of any Western power.
(b) Even assuming toppling Saddam was justified, what about the 1 million innocent civilians killed?
You are unconcerned about both (a) and (b) in your comment in red in quote

(2) viable plan for the country? Jesus H Christ, Blair/Bush took a functioning country with a thriving middle-class and razed it to the ground into a thriving criminal and death camp and turmoil and disorder of epic proportions.

I repeat: Nobody brought to justice for killing 1 million people and all the damage done to an entire country.


heck, in our world if one walks up to a house and breaks a gate or a fence or a wall or a window or damages a car, its jail time baby. Look at the tsunami of difference. We are talking about a tsunami waves of infinite height in comparison
Fibo -
When it comes to crimes against the Iraqi people, you should be more specific. What crimes and when and by whom?

(I know I'm going to regret this........................)

I found the ignore button and have used it for the first time ever, it saves me the temptation to respond to anything when I can't see the post in the first place, what a great invention!
Fellas, Brit bashing, my ass. The bashing if any is commensurate with WAR CRIMES. Same goes for the USA. Nobody gone to jail for the destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, now Syria. Earlier, the dumbest war ever, Vietnam.

The whole sh*thouse is going up in flames.
Will the latest Lions of London Bridge receive the same treatment as the first have-a-go hero? All of them should be awarded bravery medals, not put on terrorist watch lists FFS.
