
where do you find the TIME to write all this stuff??
and find and upload pics?

You've asked me this 4 times already. But you never accept the answer.

Let's try again ................................

You have 24 hours in a day, so do I. Your inability to manage TIME is used as a yardstick to judge my time management skills

We both do the same things: Eat, sleep, drive, run errands, trading, etc., etc., family time, movie time, travel, reading, music and whatnot. In your case you've run out of TIME. In my case TIME is so plentiful that I have sections of the day that just allow me to wander the beach and DO NOTHING FOR A SEEMING INTERMINABLE TIME. I end up having sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much freetime, its staggering. Often when I wake up, a common thought is, "damn I got nothing to do today, I'm off to T2W to post and then bugger off to the beach or go knock down a new antelope.

When you see me post here, I don't even need to watch my trades as they are not real time for the most part so I rarely bother more than 5 seconds per day with my trades. My computer time is spent on RESEARCH into trading techniques = hours per day.

Lately its been all T2W because I have never ever ever ever had this much fun dealing with such a vast number of uneducated duffers that its so staggering as to be a boon for my personal education in the realm of HERD behavior and the sybaritic shock that the IQ bar is even lower than I had expected it to be and that I have not uncovered the bottom YET.

Time for me is not the same as Time for thee.
where do you find the TIME to write all this stuff??
and find and upload pics?

Another way to view this, trendie ..................

How often does a fella in one lifetime find a goldmine like T2W? I would say that a lucky cat would find one such goldmine (stock that is going to go the moon) once in 100 lifetimes. I found it in this lifetime. And I gotta tell you its Huuuuuuuuuuge.
Its akin to being on a spaceship searching for human life and not finding any for 40 years of roaming around the galaxies and then booom! There it is. A novelty. Such a primitive people its downright entertaining and thoroughly enjoyable. I'm tickled pin and it now is truly sybaritic pleasure.

Where else in the entire Universe is one likely to find a totality of one-directional thought, all in solid agreement with each other as if there is ONLY ONE PERSON - in almost all threads here - there is NO other side of the TRADE at T2W. In comes fibo and takes the other side. Why? Nature abhors a vacuum!!!!!!!!! 😗😗😗😗😗

God, do I love it so!!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

Have a nice day trendie, say Hi to your Mummy and show her my videos of the British Empire
Another way to view this, trendie ..................

How often does a fella in one lifetime find a goldmine like T2W? I would say that a lucky cat would find one such goldmine (stock that is going to go the moon) once in 100 lifetimes. I found it in this lifetime. And I gotta tell you its Huuuuuuuuuuge.
Its akin to being on a spaceship searching for human life and not finding any for 40 years of roaming around the galaxies and then booom! There it is. A novelty. Such a primitive people its downright entertaining and thoroughly enjoyable. I'm tickled pin and it now is truly sybaritic pleasure.

Where else in the entire Universe is one likely to find a totality of one-directional thought, all in solid agreement with each other as if there is ONLY ONE PERSON - in almost all threads here - there is NO other side of the TRADE at T2W. In comes fibo and takes the other side. Why? Nature abhors a vacuum!!!!!!!!! 😗😗😗😗😗

God, do I love it so!!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

Have a nice day trendie, say Hi to your Mummy and show her my videos of the British Empire
Yes, thanks, F_T, for your fulsome answer.
I suppose a better question would, WHY do you bother to find the time to post this?
Today, in the same few hours, I have read a couple of chapters of a couple of books, pre-ordered some of my Xmas pressies, cleaned my kitchen, whilst waiting for signal pings.

Mommy says thanks, but she'll stick to Jackie Chan films and the odd (very odd) Mahabharata soap operas.
***apologies all, this is off-topic!! ***
Yes, thanks, F_T, for your fulsome answer.
I suppose a better question would, WHY do you bother to find the time to post this?
Today, in the same few hours, I have read a couple of chapters of a couple of books, pre-ordered some of my Xmas pressies, cleaned my kitchen, whilst waiting for signal pings.

Mommy says thanks, but she'll stick to Jackie Chan films and the odd (very odd) Mahabharata soap operas.
***apologies all, this is off-topic!! ***

Because it is sheer fun and sheer poetry and sheer top-notch practice for my Trading/Psychology/Group-think skills. I'm always working, always, always, always. Do you remember what the MASTER, the cat named NVP said in another thread? That even when one is on holiday, away from it all, one is always thinking about the markets and the urge to get back is always there. I am exactly like that. A holiday is great, getting laid is awesome but I kick her out fast after some tea and stuff, no lingering around talking sh*t all day long, the Markets and my research are beckoning all the time. In this line of PLEASURE there is no necessity for vacations. I am on holiday every damn day. My trades and TA at any given time posted here is the very best for that moment in time, its a 100%. I am therefore in school all the time - and willingly, gladly, it never ends.
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Trendie, here's another guy who will never learn .......................... check him out, trendie .............. your thread about EXISTENTIAL CRISIS at T2W should have a picture of this guy posted alongside the title 🙂

No live trades EVER, talks only small talk from thread to thread, contributes ZERO w.r.t. a site named TRADE2WIN
......................... has come at me multiple times with all sorts of accusations and every single time took it in the yazoo and buggered off to lick his wounds. If you were to follow his appearances at where I am in any thread, you will find that unbeknownst to him, the timing follows the Fibonacci Sequence, 1,1,2,3,5,8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 ........................

AS you can see trendie, such cats are so predictable, in real life the best they can hope for is to shine my shoes.

What gives them away is the number of times they have professed to place me on IGNORE but it never lasts or works out.

Another answer to your question Trendie ...........................

By the time a few months have passed, fibo will have added several areas of expertise under his belt .............. Islamophobia, British Empire History, British Empire taken apart piece by piece and examined without the influence of others, all my own conclusions, how the British Empire when charted shows me my 5 waves up starting from the year 1700s thereabouts. Where the British Empire finished its Cycle WAVE 3. .................... and much much more.

Had I not come to T2W, none of this would have been on the plate.
Jihadists should be a special category of prisoner, the default position is that there is no hope of reform and therefore they should be sent to Broadmoor and disappeared forever.

Excellent, we must be doing something right then. If we keep on tightening, then eventually there may be enough doctors appointments and school places for our own.

Well done for finding this article.


Agreed 100%

You're doing something else right too. Something big. B R E X I T. Get the Hell off the sinking ship. Portugal, Italy, Spain and Greece are already at the bottom of the ocean and have a titanium chord plugged into UK's bum running thru' to the center of the Earth.

Run UK run and if you saw EURGBP you would run and bolt yesterday
Before the whole sh*thouse goes up in flames, I gots to go see ...................

Excellent, we must be doing something right then. If we keep on tightening, then eventually there may be enough doctors appointments and school places for our own.

Well done for finding this article.

I told you you were dirty. Locked me out of the thread while you're losing so heavily. Cowardly behavior! No fair fight in your lexicon. Eliminate the competition and you have it all a one-way street, no disagreements, no sellers only buyers. I told you, you guys are bad losers. How much longer now to ban?



Jihadists should be a special category of prisoner, the default position is that there is no hope of reform and therefore they should be sent to Broadmoor and disappeared forever.

I think we're all wondering about this, at some level of consciousness.

I've always assumed that if you committed a murder you would get life imprisonment. The justification being that this is the most serious crime and the perpetrator had denied any further life to the victim, so that only the most serious punishment would be appropriate and this should effectively deny the perpetrator of their enjoyment of life.

Planning, attempting or aiding in a murder are almost equivalent to murder. On the one hand I don't see why a guy who stabs someone through a vein should be treated much differently to someone who hits an artery. But with no reduction in sentence some would-be murderers might decide they just might as well and go ahead and eliminate the witnesses to escape conviction. So maybe 50 years would be appropriate, but no parole.
I told you you were dirty. Locked me out of the thread while you're losing so heavily. Cowardly behavior! No fair fight in your lexicon. Eliminate the competition and you have it all a one-way street, no disagreements, no sellers only buyers. I told you, you guys are bad losers. How much longer now to ban?




Originally you stayed on topic, then it descended into Empire bashing again, which had nothing whatsoever to do with the thread topic.
In the words of Clint. There are Two kinds of people in this world, those that can post in the forum and those that can't.
Absolutely stonking opening salvo fro JHB - my thoughts exactly. The comments made by Jack Merritt's father and published in The Guardian are doubtless well meaning but, to my mind, show a lack of understanding of the issue. Slice 'n dice it any way you like - Islamist terrorists simply aren't typical criminals. Someone who has been brainwashed by the likes of Anjem Chodary is a different category of criminal and needs to be treated differently to 'normal' thieves and fraudsters etc. Having an open and frank discussion about this without fear that one's comments will be dismissed as 'hate speech' or labelled as Islamophobic must, surely, be the necessary first step.

Its an unavoidable fact that determination of policies on law enforcement is a political issue, to be decided by politicians. It would be bad if politicians took hasty steps, especially if these were simply aimed at short-term electoral gain, but its hypocritically bonkers to suggest that politicians should not debate necessary steps.

I noticed that Ed Davey said this shouldn't be discussed by Labour and the Conservatives right now but I assumed he was just peeved cos nobody was asking him what he thought. And why would they?
I would suggest that convicted terrorists are jailed as usual but after 2 years are given the opportunity to repent and live otherwise it's THE ROPE.
Our politicians are much too feeble and should be tougher on murderers. They are a waste of space and resources.
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I would suggest that convicted terrorists are jailed as usual but after 2 years are given the opportunity to repent and live otherwise it's THE ROPE.
Our politicians are mucg too feeble and should be tougher on murderers. They are a waste of space and resources.

Surely a death sentence is no great disincentive for "martyrs"?