Rant of the Week

I am seriously thinkin' of packing me tucker bag and leaving Oz for ever !
No not about the bleedin' foreigners but about my suggestion of free beer on Sundays not being accepted. Small minds or wot !!!!!!!!!!!
Howabout Mondays then LOL
I am seriously thinkin' of packing me tucker bag and leaving Oz for ever !
No not about the bleedin' foreigners but about my suggestion of free beer on Sundays not being accepted. Small minds or wot !!!!!!!!!!!
Howabout Mondays then LOL

I read an article in the papers which suggested:

There is a popullation growth explosion and that something like 6.7 bn people can not be supported.

I considered this statement as it didn't rest well with me. What is the writer exactly saying?

What is the correct popullation size for planet earth?

What is the judgement criteria?

What is the right number of popullation size for planet earth? or Any particular country?

I thought you stupid effing ******* of the writer of this article as the statement underlies sentiments the likes of the Nazi Hitler had. Some freacking notion of what is right and what is wrong based on some total fruit cake.

Someone should find out where this twit lives and terminate him first for starters so we may have a chance of achieving the right popullation size for what ever his reasons are... 😈
I understand what your saying Attilla but at some point this earth can only sustain the lives of so many people. Already in certain parts of the world there are problems with fresh water. Satellite pictures are showing whole lakes that have dried up in less than 40 years. These havent upped and off to pitch tent somewhere else. You watch any film or documentary from 40 years ago and the streets are empty. You see one now and each city is bustling. This planet only has so many resources to support us all and at some point maybe not in our lifetime there will be restrictions on birth rates. Or maybe even a partial wipeout of the population when nature decides.......

I read an article in the papers which suggested:

There is a popullation growth explosion and that something like 6.7 bn people can not be supported.

I considered this statement as it didn't rest well with me. What is the writer exactly saying?

What is the correct popullation size for planet earth?

What is the judgement criteria?

What is the right number of popullation size for planet earth? or Any particular country?

I thought you stupid effing ******* of the writer of this article as the statement underlies sentiments the likes of the Nazi Hitler had. Some freacking notion of what is right and what is wrong based on some total fruit cake.

Someone should find out where this twit lives and terminate him first for starters so we may have a chance of achieving the right popullation size for what ever his reasons are... 😈
I read an article in the papers which suggested:

There is a popullation growth explosion and that something like 6.7 bn people can not be supported.

hmmm had a friend around last night, she is Tibetan in origin , fled to safety as a nipper 1958, she goes back to teach basic healthaid to remote Tibetan communities and is just about to launch her own charity to fund her trips and build support for the communities. I'll be building the website over the coming weeks.... In exchange for her Tibetan curry recipe. She asked, so I said. 😛

She said... "Theres enough for peoples needs but not enough for their greeds"

crap buddist serving curry to a Buddhist. 🙂 I know what ya thinking, CB the curry, what was it like?

"It was a curry of Nirvanic proportions"

Good health all.
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hmmm had a friend around last night, she is Tibetan in origin , fled to safety as a nipper 1958, she goes back to teach basic healthaid to remote Tibetan communities and is just about to launch her own charity to fund her trips and build support for the communities. I'll be building the website over the coming weeks.... In exchange for her Tibetan curry recipe. She asked, so I said. 😛

She said... "Theres enough for peoples needs but not enough for their greeds"

crap buddist serving curry to a Buddhist. 🙂 I know what ya thinking, CB the curry, what was it like?

"It was a curry of Nirvanic proportions"

Good health all.

Yes I agree with her view CB. Disagree with G.Edward.

The problem time and effort is spent on greed which is termed as living a good life.

I think a little like nomads, people and nature will balance based on it's own laws of survival. Some lakes dry up and in other areas we have flooding.

If man wanted to it has enough technology and resources to eliminate the basic requirements of life - food clothing and shelter, for all people imo. It's simply that it chooses not to. Not saying it's right or wrong. Let the price mechanism and market decide choice. Throw in some politics, social and moral values into the pot too.

For someone to suggest it and come up with ideas like controlling birth rates as the Chineese have done is very very wrong. I believe these social problems are rearing their heads in India, China and Japan where men are having problems finding women to marry. How wrong is that? 🙄

Regarding fresh water, we build road, rail and oil pipelines across thousand and thousand of miles but not water pipes and treatment plants. If we can build electricity grids and transport infrastructures - not essential to life and most people do not travel more than 15 m in their normal lives surely we can build life sustaining water infrastructures. 🙄

I think it is a fact that you can fit all of World's popullation into the continent of Australia and still have a nice room with a view?
And yes you are right on this one. But man has shown his need to then explore and edge into territories that are home to some of the worlds greatest creatures and animals. Also the amount of wealth spread around the world as we know is not in proportion. So where sometimes the poor have to survive by killing animals that are nearly extinct to survive or even worse falling into the greed category just like us and kill them to make money. So i think global growth population is a problem and should be addressed somewhere or other. I agree with the problems in certain countries and the program on TV the other night showing people in poorer countries giving girls away as they see tham as no use. There was also a shocking sight of dead newborn baby girls lying dead behind a building. Population problems will exploxde all of a sudden just like the problems with the environment...

I think it is a fact that you can fit all of World's popullation into the continent of Australia and still have a nice room with a view?[/QUOTE]
So i think global growth population is a problem and should be addressed somewhere or other.

Hi GEdward,

I may change my opinions if you see this as a problem and not simply life and living then knock your self out first. :cheesy:

One might say we have an aging popullation and need some more births?🙄

You might hold the view we were here first and so we should have more say than the new pops but that does raise the question of morality?

My rant was that this writer is playing God just like Dante.

Popullation is not the problem our approach to life and popullation growth is the problem imo.

I think we have to agree to disagree. :|
fundamentally the problem with distributing wealth, resources etc equitably so that everyone has a fair share which can sustain life, is the insurmountable problem of corporate, institutional and governmental corruption.
look at Rhodesia, once the bread-basket of Africa, now a basket case along with Zaire et al. Burma, so rich in natural resources but the average citizen lives on less than a buck a day. North Korea, so inept, it has to accept aid from it's 2 worst enemies.
How many millions have been poured into Africa as Aid (thanks Bob), to what effect ? Has this lessened the immigration impact on UK, Oz, US or EU 'cos now suddenly these people have "learned to fish ".
While you have the junta leaders driving around in armoured Merc convoys, every single penny raised for charity is at best, a complete waste, or worse actually funds the regime responsible.
So the question is, who in their right mind would bring a child into this World ? The future is uncertain, scary even. What kind of legacy are we leaving for our kids' kids ? And I've not even got onto pollution, ecology etc.

And yet the answer, when you look into your new-born's eyes and see the dawning of recognition, of a spirit, of a little human, is Yes, Absolutely We Must Live in Hope
fundamentally the problem with distributing wealth, resources etc equitably so that everyone has a fair share which can sustain life, is the insurmountable problem of corporate, institutional and governmental corruption.
look at Rhodesia, once the bread-basket of Africa, now a basket case along with Zaire et al. Burma, so rich in natural resources but the average citizen lives on less than a buck a day. North Korea, so inept, it has to accept aid from it's 2 worst enemies.
How many millions have been poured into Africa as Aid (thanks Bob), to what effect ? Has this lessened the immigration impact on UK, Oz, US or EU 'cos now suddenly these people have "learned to fish ".
While you have the junta leaders driving around in armoured Merc convoys, every single penny raised for charity is at best, a complete waste, or worse actually funds the regime responsible.
So the question is, who in their right mind would bring a child into this World ? The future is uncertain, scary even. What kind of legacy are we leaving for our kids' kids ? And I've not even got onto pollution, ecology etc.

And yet the answer, when you look into your new-born's eyes and see the dawning of recognition, of a spirit, of a little human, is Yes, Absolutely We Must Live in Hope

Absolutely agree with your view. We do have lots of problems of our own making but to call it a too high popullation growth is way off the mark.

According to human demographical factors - the rich wealthy couples devote them selves to their careers and have less children. Germany and Northern European countries like Sweden, Norway and Denmark will die out in another 100 years or so. Maybe 200. Fascinating stuff.

Germany has to import 500,000 immigrants every year to maintain it's popullation growth. This was the fact some research carried out by some institution came up with. Can't remember the source.

Where as the poor countries have higher birth rates.

This popullation problem is emenating from the rich countries imo not from the poor. :idea:
So i think global growth population is a problem and should be addressed somewhere or other.

I think it is a fact that you can fit all of World's popullation into the continent of Australia and still have a nice room with a view?

I believe that population control is the only solution to the world's problems but I do not think that it will resolve itself before a gigantic catastrophe occurrs.

We are, now, talking about 6.700 billion people in 2050. But I have not heard anyone mention 2100. What will it be, then? 2100 is a generation away. My father was born in 1900, its no time at all, so what is going to be the world's populaton in 90 years?

Population growth is the crux of pollution, global warming, starvation, everything and if we do not find a way to control it the planet is going to die. I cannot see how all these rules based on half baked ideas like credits to reduce pollution is going to work. What I do see is another prosperous country buying a poor nation's pollution credits because that nation is too poor to pollute.

The politicians can make all the noise they like and try to make themselves holier than the Pope with do-good plans on how to make the planet cleaner and greener, but the basic problem of all this is population control worldwide. If we can't find a way, then nature will---what nature there is left.

What we are all afraid of is dying. I admit that I don't like the idea, myself, being a healthy human being. But here we all are, actually supporting an ageing population and worrying about how the social services are going to find a diminishing number of young people to look after the growing number of geriatrics.

9.2 billion humans by 2050, estimation.


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I believe that population control is the only solution to the world's problems but I do not think that it will resolve itself before a gigantic catastrophe occurrs.

We are, now, talking about 6.700 billion people in 2050. But I have not heard anyone mention 2100. What will it be, then? 2100 is a generation away. My father was born in 1900, its no time at all, so what is going to be the world's populaton in 90 years?

Population growth is the crux of pollution, global warming, starvation, everything and if we do not find a way to control it the planet is going to die. I cannot see how all these rules based on half baked ideas like credits to reduce pollution is going to work. What I do see is another prosperous country buying a poor nation's pollution credits because that nation is too poor to pollute.

The politicians can make all the noise they like and try to make themselves holier than the Pope with do-good plans on how to make the planet cleaner and greener, but the basic problem of all this is population control worldwide. If we can't find a way, then nature will---what nature there is left.

What we are all (Not all. When I become severely disabled and immobile and I can't wash my self or wipe me rear I'd like to end it with dignity) afraid of is dying. I admit that I don't like the idea, myself, being a healthy human being. But here we all are, actually supporting an ageing population and worrying about how the social services are going to find a diminishing number of young people to look after the growing number of geriatrics. Sooner or later this question will impact somebody somewhere when one talks about controlling popullation growth if you think and believe it is too high now.


This is like someone sitting in their car and stating there is traffic on the roads.

Let's cull the human race - as long as it's not me gov! 😆
This is about the ONE problem that Bush and Rice should make an impact on with their bumbling.
George is all set for a medium sized war with Iran - that should cull a few, but still not in the Hitler/Stalin/Mao league but give the guy credit he's trying hard.
This is about the ONE problem that Bush and Rice should make an impact on with their bumbling.
George is all set for a medium sized war with Iran - that should cull a few, but still not in the Hitler/Stalin/Mao league but give the guy credit he's trying hard.

You are right but shouldn't one start at home first?

US acccounts for less than 1% of the global popullation but contribute to 25% of World's pollution. 🙄

Bush being what he is it wouldn't be surprising to learn he has got his maths wrong... 😆
This is about the ONE problem that Bush and Rice should make an impact on with their bumbling.
George is all set for a medium sized war with Iran - that should cull a few, but still not in the Hitler/Stalin/Mao league but give the guy credit he's trying hard.

Report: U.S. Sponsoring Kurdish Guerilla Attacks Inside Iran

Going off at a tangent but this stuff is like a mosquito bite to Iran.

I doubt they will be effective as the US in Iraq to the tune of 600,000 +
I believe that population control is the only solution to the world's problems but I do not think that it will resolve itself before a gigantic catastrophe occurrs.

We are, now, talking about 6.700 billion people in 2050. But I have not heard anyone mention 2100. What will it be, then? 2100 is a generation away. My father was born in 1900, its no time at all, so what is going to be the world's populaton in 90 years?

Population growth is the crux of pollution, global warming, starvation, everything and if we do not find a way to control it the planet is going to die. I cannot see how all these rules based on half baked ideas like credits to reduce pollution is going to work. What I do see is another prosperous country buying a poor nation's pollution credits because that nation is too poor to pollute.

The politicians can make all the noise they like and try to make themselves holier than the Pope with do-good plans on how to make the planet cleaner and greener, but the basic problem of all this is population control worldwide. If we can't find a way, then nature will---what nature there is left.

What we are all (Not all. When I become severely disabled and immobile and I can't wash my self or wipe me rear I'd like to end it with dignity) afraid of is dying. I admit that I don't like the idea, myself, being a healthy human being. But here we all are, actually supporting an ageing population and worrying about how the social services are going to find a diminishing number of young people to look after the growing number of geriatrics. Sooner or later this question will impact somebody somewhere when one talks about controlling popullation growth if you think and believe it is too high now.


This is like someone sitting in their car and stating there is traffic on the roads.

Let's cull the human race - as long as it's not me gov! 😆[/QUOTE]

I know that, too. Any other solutions? Because that's the way it is! If the population grows at the same rate , what is it going to feed on? Where are we going to get the young people to do the work? South Africa is, already, short of young manual workers because of aids. So far, there is no cure for aids.

Who is causing pollution and poisoning all the rivers? , etc. Why are there no fish left? Who is creating a food problem by buying cereals for fuel production? There might be an argument that global warming is not our fault, although I don't believe it, but the previous points I raised can not be argued away like that. It is us that is doing all the damage and there are two alternatives

1. That we take on population control ourselves which I, frankly, don't believe possible at this stage.

2. Nature, in some horrible way, will do it for us. That is the more likely to happen

Otherwise, explain to me what we are going to do when we are 20 billion? Not all that far away.

Atilla, no harm meant, but whether you can wipe your backside, or not, won't matter because, as things go, the rest of us will be too kindhearted to see you die. I have a father-in-law, bless his heart, who shuffles along as best he can at 97. Believe me, he doesn't want to die, yet, and I would not want to be the one to decide for him. What you, I and he thinks about our personal lives doesn't matter much. We are talking about billions of people fighting for some kind of a life, here.

What is the world going to do?
