Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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10 56 am

GU - down to 30% stake on sells from 87 and 85 at 76

We need to see under 67 to hold the scalp sell on longer - and so will only keep 30% stakes on whilst under 86

We could have another HL at 6575 - but too early to say atm - need more clues

Will stay over 11 00 TW and then have another break for 30 /60 mins - as its pretty boring again now
11 00 am

EJ - still not made over 137 84 - its tried for 2 hrs - but now we have just seen a LL at 758 from previous 76/77 low so scalp sells again with say 83 as a stop
GU - some seriously naughty price action going on last couple of hours. We had a bad number out an they are teasing it higher. A likely smash down to 65s before the 1.30 number me thinks. lol.
GU - some seriously naughty price action going on last couple of hours. We had a bad number out an they are teasing it higher. A likely smash down to 65s before the 1.30 number me thinks. lol.

i agree with the naughty action

I have scalp bought above 82 and now down to 30% stakes at 89 and will leave them on to test this 90 -95 area.

Yes could be just another LH - but if we get above 6600 and 6604 then will be holding scalp buy still
i agree with the naughty action

I have scalp bought above 82 and now down to 30% stakes at 89 and will leave them on to test this 90 -95 area.

Yes could be just another LH - but if we get above 6600 and 6604 then will be holding scalp buy still

they would dearly love to F but I dont think they can, this sucker is going down prior to the 1.30 number. :LOL:
I notice we have 2 more red news announcements - one at 1 30 and another at 3 pm - both on dollar - a busy day ;-)

Loads of time for more teasing - chopping wood and false sentiments - never mind some stop huntings as well lol
GU - they really threatened to gun the 95s level, a ton of manipulation today, looks like the big seller are capping it off at 90 though.

Wanted to sell it as did not think it will make 9300 again for now and ideally in the 82 to 85 area

Price atm 81 after a 88 high and 87 LH at 11 56 am - perfect scalp sell signs

Trouble is need under 77 and 73 to keep scalp sells on - otherwise - it might turn and try up again
so where will all the longs in the past 2 hours put their stops? there will be a lot under the 74 low and then the 67 low.
12 35 pm


i think now I really need under 78 to hold scalp sells on longer as I can see even at 80/81 there's a possibility to slip price down and then bounce before end of my time window

We know we need to see over 93 for holding then scalp buys and of course the MM's can still top in at 95/6 and tank it lower

All good stuff - all other pairs not really so interesting atm
AU and EA

Not mentioned these 2 so far today - mainly because when I looked earlier - of not much interest after the falls of AU and rises of the EA yesterday and last night

Now we have retraces - with EA down over 25 pips and AU trying up again

Until the AU gets back above 9300 again - for me this move up could easily fizzle out in the 9285 - 95 area

Will keep an eye on both and when I see good scalp opportunities will mention


Wanted to sell it as did not think it will make 9300 again for now and ideally in the 82 to 85 area

Price atm 81 after a 88 high and 87 LH at 11 56 am - perfect scalp sell signs

Trouble is need under 77 and 73 to keep scalp sells on - otherwise - it might turn and try up again


An hr or so later - still not got under 78/79 yet

Still a sell under 82 - but no 77 and 73 - then might have to exit and look for scalp buys again
1 22 pm

8 mins to US news

EU is in a scalp sell from 1 00 pm TW under 67

Its bounced at 56 - so a mini BTTZ - ie above 56 scalp buy - under 67 scalp sell - and then over 68 and 71 scalp buys and under 55 and 50 more scalp sells
CAD news from 2 hrs ago

it stopped at 0965/66 and price direction changed - calling for a scalp buy

Now its made 79 and above 72 - still a scalp buy

From 3 hrs ago

After another rise then if fell under 72 and 69 into scalp sell land

Just made another low for today at 0960

Does mean dollar is weaker for news ?
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