Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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I think if I was a player - I would try and take the GU up to 6385 area - before letting it fall again - just to take some money of intraday bears
9021 low on swissy and in time window - need above 25 and 27 to say it trying a turn - but 23 is a scalp buy with stop say 3 pips for now

Under 9017 and 14 - be in scalp sells
that's why when in a type range - you sit on your hands - or only scalp for 1-5 pips ;-) and wait ;-)

I think MM it is worth explaining to you how I feel about different ways of scalping - as there are so many.

There are the one type - who only scalp for 1- 3 pips all day and either work on say 5 pip stops or even 10 pip stops - but then its risky as one bad trade out of 8 and you can be back to zero

I will scalp for 1 - 7 pips - if I need to - or am bored - but prefer SSS - ie sweet spot scalping - ie over 7 pips up to 25+ pips all within 10 -30 minutes - base on proper interim levels of S & R as well as other clues - like Time / trendlines / HH etc etc

So I will miss many scalps for 1- 5 pips and wait for a better one that will at least do a RR of 1 and hopefully 2+

A great example is the GU you have taken - yes you can get 1 to 5 pips out of it - but you need a level to break to know it will offer more. For me it needs under 58 and ideally 54 and 51 to get me thinking this could drop more

Hope that helps


Yes it refocuses me on important principles you have already shared, but will have to think more about how it solves what im struggling with. The range aspect is clearly a part of understanding and solving my question fully

No problem - its is confusing and frustrating for many developing their scalping skills and even for me - I know every day I will be caught out at some stages etc

To get really tight stops - under 5 pips - and have trades over 7 or 10+ pips - you need to be particular on when you scalp - ie there might only be one or two an hour - but there can be 10 or 15 small scalps an hour if you are just plugging away after 1- 3 pips - but get 2 wrong and hold over a stop of 10 pips - and you are in a losing battle - and wasting your time

The MM side is just as important and as your entries and exits and RR's of course ;-)

Hope this helps - but you will understand more and grasp new points - every week or 100+ scalp trades
GU confirmed a scalp sell at 11.52am time on a LH at 6369. still need under 54 and 51 to hold - and yout stop can be at 73
ok in hindsight I can see this is the correct entry. ty for not actually plating up the meanl for me but bloody hell its hard work!
However. we are still in range so....?

Yes correct 58 is another HL and 69 a LH so 11 pips to play in - and then we need a proper break out of a BT - not just 1 or 2 pips
Both EA and EJ still slowly falling - only in EA though and now need 46 and 44 to go before next time window - otherwise will take 70% or all off
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