Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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GU - 2 30 pm to 3 30 pm UK Time


The last hr - 2 great scalps - one buy and one sell - (so far )



  • GU - 25714 - An hr in the life.JPG
    GU - 25714 - An hr in the life.JPG
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4 21 pm

Start of the half hr TW and EU teasing down again at 3429

Its been a scalp sell since 3 00 pm TW again - but now its hitting supports of previous low at a TW - when many might take profit again - or look at buying after setting up false sentiment

Not enough clues atm for next move

Already done more new lows today - but now near another support at 136 65 /66

Like EU - will it breach down lower - or is it time again to bale out ?
thanks for above chart on GU , couple of questions pete (1) Are the triangles where your stops are placed (2) did you enter 2.35/36 bar or did you wait until 2.38/39 bar ???
Good Morning Fx Intraday Traders

Last day of the week - and one many ignore - either not trading Friday or even a Monday ?

Why i don't know - once you learn to Intraday trade properly - you never fear any day - not even NFP Freaky Friday - simply because you are in control via stops and knowing you only trade when you feel there is a high probability price will go your way in your time frame

I expect to lose today - at least once - maybe 3 times or more even - BUT I am confident I will also win 8 or 10 or even 15 times - all depending how busy the markets are over the day

Normal stuff - quick review and updates on the main pairs I will be trading

Have a great day



Hi FXmo

What keep's you motivated to turn up and work everyday.
And not just the money.

thanks for above chart on GU , couple of questions pete (1) Are the triangles where your stops are placed (2) did you enter 2.35/36 bar or did you wait until 2.38/39 bar ???


1 - No - but they could have been as both well under 5 pips and on the EU and GU with spreads under 1 pip I would not want to see price go against me by maximum of 5 pips - but dont mind 1 - 3 pips on entry.

2. Waited to later Bar - the half hr change gave me the set up - and really the 2 38 /9 pm bar confirmed price would try up

Have a good weekend - away towards end of next week for a bit - so need to get you in that "groove" before I leave ;-)

Hi FXmo

What keep's you motivated to turn up and work everyday.
And not just the money.


Hi 12WBT

Good question - it made me think because you are right - it's not all about money - although it is a major factor.

I suppose some of it is because I am "old school" - ie used to the hard work ethic after spending 25+ years in Business and would be working 5 /6 day weeks up to 70 /80 hr a week sometimes - and a 50 hr week was like a rest. I have always worked hard and played hard - enjoying many holidays all around the world 3-5 times a year and liked the nice things in life - ie fine wines, great cuisine. fast cars, sailing etc etc - all the things that require you to have money.

I earned well in my business career - semi retired at 50 yrs old - lost a lot in the 2008 crash - so had to carry on earning for my family - but still plan to only stay in this game only a few more years.

I enjoy challenges - am very competitive - but still some days only actually spend only 3-5 hrs trading - even though I might be keeping an eye on the market over 10 -12 hrs a day.

I just wish i had discovered FX 20 years ago :)

Good Trading to you


Monday 28th July 2014 - Approx 6 45 am UK time

Good Morning FX Intraday Traders - I hope you all had a great weekend

I am off later on this week for a short Holiday break - before a longer one later on in August.

I hope whilst I am away other traders will get involved and comment on this thread their own Intraday thoughts and trades etc.

They need not be from a 1 min LR chart - they need not be on the 6 main currency pairs I normally trade - they can be any pairs etc - and please don't worry if you are wrong - its all part of trading and most days I will be wrong on 1 or a few trades

Then when I am back sometime towards the middle of next week - i can review some of the trades etc etc and we can all learn more

OK - back to this morning's session and quick review and update

Have a good day - and week



Low so far 3421 just after London Close on Friday. We have not been back above 3436 and everybody and their dog knows that the EU is bearish and in theory - should fall more.

The problem is - if everyone ( and their dog and granny) are selling the EU - as they look upon it a a no brainer - then some player etc - will be looking to buy and make money from all those thousands of stops on the weak bears - ie all the ones under 30 or 50 pips etc.

So whats the answer - 70 - 100 or even 200 pip stops ?

No just learn to trade with the flows both ways - and take advantage of what ever happens.

For a start we are in a 10 -12 pip range. We need above 3437 to hold scalp buys on for higher - and under 3424 and 3419 for taking or holding on scalp sells.

Maybe we should look for scalp sells under 3433 for a start in this time window ?

Its been a scalp buy from the 6 00 am TW and is still trying up with price now at 6980 - up only 5 pips but at least a consistent move up

We need over 6984 and 87 to hold scalp buys - and if we stop and turn below here we have supports from 6974 to 77.

The GU as been bearish falling from the 7200 area during July- but personally I dont think it will keep falling under 6900 and 6800 for now - but that's just guessing - so always have an open mind and try and get rid of your own bias

A similar price structure set up to the EU with price currently at 136 71.

We have been down to 136 40 area last week and more recently posted a HL at 136 64.We need to see above R's at136 85 and 90 to have any try into the 137 00 area - where we peaked last week at 137 25

i am looking at scalp selling under 80 or 82 - but like the EU am aware that if we breach the R areas we will carry on up higher and for now I am not in any scalp buy on the pair.
EU at 3431 and EJ at 77 - and both these pairs I am looking at scalp selling - but out of TW tm so may have to wait another 8 mins or so.

If we breach the R areas by over 3 -5 pips - forget the sells for now

Got the feeling with the GU - if it pullbacks now under 85 - then still above 78 /79 its another scalp buy.

Under 76 and 73 - forget looking at scalp buys and shift to scalp sells

UCad is not a normal pair I trade - but have included it more this last month instead of the Swissy - which after all is just too slow most of the time

The CAD this morning is just hovering above a big round number of 0800 - at 0803

We have seen a rise up to 0822 area n Friday and generally price as been rising in July

its a scalp sell under 0813 - but 0800 might stop it .
EU and EJ

Still cannot scalp sell either atm - in fact I wish I had gone with the scalp buys on them rather than waiting to see if the scalp sells lined up

EJ at 87 atm and EU just at my scalp sell area of 3433 -34.

Lets see if the turn after the half hr
7 39 am

EU - still unconvinced with this pair. I wanted to just scalp sell under 3433 -34 area - but if I do I can see supports building up from 3428 -30 area - so it could be another scalp buy there.

We need above 45 to hold on scalp buys for higher and under 3624 and 20 for looking at holding any scalp sells taken under say 34.

Out on 10 mins for around 30 mins - will be back for the 8 30 am TW
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