Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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3 15pm

EU - 56 low and now trying back up and at 3664 now

We are still scalp bullish - but the PA is so bad and awful - its making it difficult to hold scalps on

Gu still not given up - high so far 7061 - which is a LH to previous 7063 - but still scalp bullish and that really only changes under 47 and 43.

EJ - still not made over 138 59

Need to keep an eye on 30 min rules on interim highs now

Out collecting son in 20 mins but back after 4 00 pm
EA and AU

Turns already started - with AU now back over 9400 and EA dropped from 4547 - 40 pips - yes a nice scalp sell

May get bounces at 3 30 pm TW
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3 20 pm


well just carried on and burst up above 61 and 63 making 73

Got some pips on 30% stake - but not what I had expected as thought we would have seen under 7048 earlier on for a larger fall. Shows GU still stronger than EU - and teasing and posturing was again false
I´m done. Today was hard, somehow.
Gained and that is everything that matters.

See ya tomorrow. Have a nice evening F.

Cheers Sunzy and same to you

Totally agree it been a difficult Monday with lots of manipulation - false moves - teasers etc - everything to make it more difficult

Actually had 5 bad scalps today - but still only lost 13 pips in total

On the positive - had 11 good scalps and easy over my target - even with all those losers (y)

Staying around to 6 00 pm I think so will review again this hr
4 17 pm

Gu still scalp bullish and now another high at 7112

Would need under 7102 to look at scalp sells and above 03 still stay with scalp buys
hello Forexmospherian and fellow traders...
i am just happy to find out after reading then first page that this thread is still going.
i am scalper wanna be by heart and i totally relate to what u said on the first page,,,gonna hone skills i got here or mold,,gn
hello Forexmospherian and fellow traders...
i am just happy to find out after reading then first page that this thread is still going.
i am scalper wanna be by heart and i totally relate to what u said on the first page,,,gonna hone skills i got here or mold,,gn

Hi patient pip

Your welcome and feel free to join in etc etc

Check out my other thread to understand more of my method etc etc

Have a great July


Tuesday 1st July 2014

Good Morning FX Intraday Traders

7 09 am UK time and late this morning due to circumstances beyond my control etc etc

Normal quick reviews and updates on main pairs I will be looking at today

Notice the NFP is onThursday the 3rd July rather than normal Friday - as the 4th of July is a US holiday - ie Independence day

Will check out calender etc and have a great trading month



made 3697/8 yesterday - yes not quite 3700.

Price atm 3682 with a drop of approx 12 pips in last 4 hrs - yes that slow

We know 3660 -65 is a support area and also 3680 is also suppose to be one - but did not yesterday act a a R

I still see intraday bull bias - but not in any trade on EU for now

Another pair with a another new high yesterday of 7114/5

Price currently at 7102 - with 7100 the low and a support area

More red Pound news at 9 30 am - so a pair we will be looking at this morning

Still a scalp sell under 7109 - but supports would need to be well breached for lower atm

High yesterday of 138 74 and then overnight up to 139 97.

Last 3 + hrs price dropped to the support area of 138 77 with 70 -75 the support area.

Need back above 138 89 and 93 for scalp buys atm - and we need to see if 68 -74 is tested if 77 is breached.
morning P------ what pair are you stalking at moment

for new trade

Morning BP

Well EJ is a 2-5 pip scalp sell for now - but all pairs are in just BTTZ areas - and awaiting some big money to poke them one way or other

7 30 am coming up - hopefully - we will start to see some action - but very slow as start of a new month and London not open yet

Have a great trading day and month


why I ask just pick one out and for this thread post your entry /exit live for all to see ( you can do it as your typeing skills are lightening fast )
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EU - so far dropped 6 pips from 7 00 TW - not in it as went with EJ - but looks like EU and even the GU have had better small falls
why I ask just pick one out and for this thread post your entry /exit live for all to see ( you can do it as your typeing skills are lightening fast )

Live none scalp calls are easy at only certain times of the day

During the next 3 hrs - I would hope to call at least 2 maybe even 4

Other than scalping atm - I have no chance of predicting a 10 -20 pip move just at this time of the morning - as the movements so far are not large enough- plus the fact we have the teasing to come first
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