Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Yes looks like EU and GU are stalling - and either having a rest etc - or just teasing . Next hr will give us more clues - also some GU news as well
GU - we need back over 6200 - ideally before next hr change for this present up move to have more legs

6195 is like the cut off atm - scalpers will be selling for 1-5 pips and hoping 84 will let go but knowing back over 95 - out the sells and look for more scalp buys then

Under 84 and 81 hold those scalp sells

posted approx 20 mins ago - and 81 was the bottom for now
AU - called a scalp buy yesterday after 5pm London close and made some scalp pips on it - from 9145/48 area. Now over 9200 and still trying up - but had not left any free trade on - as it was a perfect example of why you should use these methods - as price never tested under 55 and you could easily have your stop around 75 to 80 - with 25 -30 + pips locked in and another 20+ pip floating as of now

Need under 9186 and 83 to be holding scalp sells or even starting them if you are not just scalping for 5 pips etc

AU - did not follow that post up from over 2 hrs ago - AU dropped 40 pips from scalp sell calls and now after any bounce under 66 and you can sell again
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