Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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8 46 am - and missed out big time while I was out on GU and EU buys ;-(

Still that's trading - will after find those pips elsewhere ;-)

Will update for hr change window
Gu - above 6920 still scalp bullish

AU - EA - GA - strange - all going up atm - thats different - but maybe they have been uncoupled for now as the market can do just what it likes when it needs to
EJ - my favourite - when its good and not asleep :)

In a down scalp channel from 141 80 and currently at 60/61 and needing above 67 and 70 to hold scalp buys on for higher - or under 54 and 51 for test at the 141 40 interim support area as long as any pullbacks then stay under 65

From 2hrs ago - EJ - stayed above 65 and made over 67 and 70 - with no pullback and now topping at 142 08 area

Any pullbacks staying above 93 are still bullish and more scalp buys for me

under 141 89 and 86 would be holding on any scalp sells or taking more
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GU - 6941/2 interim top for now

Watch to see if breached within 30 mins - and would need above 45 and 48 for more scalp buys

Under 44 - now scalp sells
Thanks but its genetic !

always had an idea that you were a very profitable undercover trader (y), but dont let your head get to big or you will have trouble getting through doorways (lol only kidding tar ----- well done )
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Concentrated on GU scalp sell from top - and missed EU one at same time - interim topped at 8 51/2 am - start of the 9 00 am time window

Dropped so far 18 pips - better than GU - that's only 9 pips so far - missing out this morning
EU - 3910 -12 is an interim support area on EU

under 09 and 07 scalp sell more - but back over 12 and 14 its may try and turn again

The high at 3931 as not held for 30 mins so far - needs another 10+ mins - but might try a LH now - then another fall

Over 3931 and 34 - more scalp buys would be on
GU - news in 15 mins time

6941/2 is the interim high for now - but still not quite held for 30 mins so far

Would need really over 6950 and 60 to llok at more buying after news

Under 6920 and 6900 - then look for scalp sells
GU - 6941/2 interim top for now

Watch to see if breached within 30 mins - and would need above 45 and 48 for more scalp buys

Under 44 - now scalp sells

From approx 25 mins ago - GU only dropped 14 pips to 6930 and i have only got 10 of those pips - but will take them now - as news in approx 5 mins
GU - need above 6955 and 60 now in next few mins - otherwise will exit scalp buy and then look for scalp sells under 40
GU - need above 6955 and 60 now in next few mins - otherwise will exit scalp buy and then look for scalp sells under 40

For me now I will watch to see if the 6953 high is breached within 30 mins - and will scalp sell at 49 - although if we dont go under 40 - will just pull it whether I get 2 pips or 5 pips
70% off GU scalp sell at 6837 and will leave 30% on with stop in profit at 47

Out in 10 mins for approx an hr and then back for a few hrs

See you later guys and GL


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