Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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This the dashboard I watch to select trades... RAT ZONE, BUY ZONE, WEEKLY OPEN CROSS, DAILY WICK ZONES. I know a few traders wonder how I could possibly trade all those methods.

One final chart... Exits.

Do you use the same chart for exit as you do for entry?

If you think about it, does it really make sense? The exit criteria is not just the opposite of the entry criteria.

I will return to posting in my thread.
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Hi Guys

Sorry - been off today with it being a Bank Holiday in the UK - and knew would be out with family etc and could not commit to a few hours of trading etc

Glad some of you have been having some good trades - WD Tar and TRO - will yes comment on what I disagree with you about - but sorry - no disrespect - even if you were Paul Rotter - Warren Buffett or even George Soras - I just don't do e-mails or private conversations - but quite open to discuss anything openly on this thread with regards to FX trading.

I have nearly 100 old trader friends from the past who still get in touch - and i end up letting so many down not always returning their e-mails - I just think don't give yourself more problems ;-)

Hope to be back to normal tomorrow - and guys - when you get to 15000 live trades -you can multi task quite easily - as long as you are not doing silly things like me trying to trade with 50 lot size - as that might totally throw you if you get a few wrong.

Love this indicators discussion and seen some of your other comments TRO on the other threads and agree with you on some of them - and then on others - would have to disagree

Look forward to discussing the debate further


Tuesday 6th May 2014 - Pre Opens

Good Morning Intraday Traders

Before I do a quick review and update of the main pairs I plan to look at and trade today - one pair stands out through the Asian Session - and yes it is as news at 9 30 am this morning as well

Yes - thats the GU - it's risen approx 30 pips since midnight - and the PA as been clean with no real manipulations - as happened on many associated with the news last night - like the AU - EA and the GA

GU top so far was 6894 at the end of the 5 30 am UK time time window at 5 39 am and since then its dropped over the last hr to 6886 and is resting

I would need under 6883 and 81 to scalp sell and then there are interim supports at 6872-74 area

Back over 93 and 96 - scalp buy time again for 6900+

I know this is difficult to understand for non scalpers - buts its a scalp sell under 93 in a session bullish mode - ie I would look at scalp buying again at 72 -76 area and only hold any scalp sell then under 68 and 64
EU - line or area in the sand of importance atm is 3875

Above 76 and 81 - the EU is still in a scalp bullish mode and would want to try above 3888 - 90 and then tackle 3900+

Under 3874 and 72 - scalp sell land for lower - with net interim supports at 3860-63 and 3850-53

Currently in that no mans land ( sand ) but with a scalp sell bias prior EO in approx 5 mins time
EJ - my favourite - when its good and not asleep :)

In a down scalp channel from 141 80 and currently at 60/61 and needing above 67 and 70 to hold scalp buys on for higher - or under 54 and 51 for test at the 141 40 interim support area as long as any pullbacks then stay under 65
AU- EA and now will include GA as well as spotted a longer term direction maybe on this pair.

AU - after news made over 9300 to 9316. Then fell back - but still scalp buy bullish above 9270 and then 9296.

Need under 69 and 65 to take on new or hold existing scalp sells for lower

EA - still bearish for me under 4980- after falling to 4900 area and then bouncing back up to 4970 area. Presently a scalp sell under 62

GA under 8160 - and 30 would look at holding scalp sells

Above 8200 - i think it will struggle for now - but if price makes 8210 I would be in scalp busy again for a try at high area of 8220 ish

European Open now so will update this hour as not here at 8 00 am but back that hr

Good trading guys


GU - heres a tip on interim highs and lows - 30 and 60 mins time gaps important

Interim low of 38862 as lasted over 30 mins and therefore until its gone over and 60 mins - it would favour price testing higher and R's

The fact that the high was over 90 mins ago - means that is open to be breached - until the low at 86 as made as similar time of 60 -90. So I scalp buy above 87 - but without 93 - Know I cannot hold the scalp buy on for longer and would therefore just take 2- 5 pips scalp profit
7 30 am - and so boring just atm - see if the next 9 mins sees anything happening - otherwise it will be next hr before this market wakes up
GU - heres a tip on interim highs and lows - 30 and 60 mins time gaps important

Interim low of 38862 as lasted over 30 mins and therefore until its gone over and 60 mins - it would favour price testing higher and R's

The fact that the high was over 90 mins ago - means that is open to be breached - until the low at 86 as made as similar time of 60 -90. So I scalp buy above 87 - but without 93 - Know I cannot hold the scalp buy on for longer and would therefore just take 2- 5 pips scalp profit

Gu made 6897 and at 95 I have taken 70% stake off my scalp buy

Will only hold 30% stake on above 38885 - ie in profit
GU - gladly take 30% off at 3899 - as am out now for 40 mins - at at 8 00 am we may see LO play etc

Still scalp bullish above 94 - and really only look now at scalp sells under 92 and 87


See you later

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