Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Main news now just under 90 mins away - having early lunch and hope to be back in next hr

Just noticed question- so will answer that now


Hi F

No need to answer my question above, I was stopped out at 6875. Should I have not traded before the important news was being released.
Thanks F

If you want to do this via a private email let me know, as apposed to keep posting on this link?
Well there was a 5 pip drop about 20 seconds before the bigger drop - but my spreads on EU where 8 plus at that time lol
Thanks F

If you want to do this via a private email let me know, as apposed to keep posting on this link?

i dont actually do PM's or emails - but you are welcome on the other thread - ie under trading systems to ask all the questions etc etc- and I will try and answer as many as possible

Its not problem as although I do not teach or sell any courses or dvds etc - quite happy to assist openly on this forum

This 50 pip drop off news on EU - is nothing compared to the good old NFP days - but markets fairly slow nowadays at this time of the year - with holidays etc


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Well briefly - EJ and EA rose and still bullish - EU dropped 50 pips and under 3847 still bearish atm on retraces - AU down and GU - and they had been bearish earlier on

Out at 2 00 pm for about 30 mins and then more news at 3 00 pm - but not red news

So more of the same except for EU and swissy atm
Eu now - under 3847 and 32 bearish still

need back over 32 and 47 for buys really - except for 5 -15 pip scalps lower down

3 36 pm - and 3 mins to end of half hr time window

We have started to see since the hr change at 3 pm and minor news - retraces happening

Will update as back for a good hour or so now
Eu now - under 3847 and 32 bearish still

need back over 32 and 47 for buys really - except for 5 -15 pip scalps lower down


From 2hr ago - comment on EU

Well since 3pm - we have managed to get back above 32 - so hopefully - out of scalp sells - and then rose above 47 to 54 - above 45 atm still a scalp buy
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AU - this pair really woken up this hr - a complete retrace from just above the 9200 area at 9205 all the way back to just 9270 - what a move

Did I catch that 65 pip move ? - NO - was out but have just got 11 pips off it - so not to bad from a Friday afternoon after a liquid lunch ;-)
AU - topping around 9275 as we come to 4 00 pm time window

Would need under 9260 and 56 to hold scalp sells and back over 82 and 86 more scalp buys

9275-80 area is a R
Hi F

Cant believe I got stopped out at 6875, I would of had a nice return on that trade. If I hadnt of been out I could of caught the upswing as well. I suppose its worth being around when these important news announcements are coming out.

I will check out the other thread you mentioned. Thanks for letting me know
OK - 5 00 pm UK time

Finishing now and after a break will post my AU chart and maybe the EU or GU both also been nice
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