Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Well done, all.
there's no reason why any of us should have any losing trades when you think about it.
Keep it up.
great :clap: I like a good boxing match :whistling


Its great to see some great calls this morning - and not mine - as I have had 3 losses now - but as you might guess a lot more winners and gains

Not been easy last few hrs - as currency markets are slow - and been manipulated by liquidity providers like mad - ie - they don''t like it when its too slow and low volumes as traders - might be able to get their trades OK - so they need a few spanners in the works - just to keep catch them out.

To me its a fight every day against the commercials and the players - i just want to ride on their backs when I can - as i know i cannot beat them as they have far too muscle power and clout :)

Good Trading to you

Regards F
Well Done Devilicus - (y)

thanks, but it's as easy as falling off a log.
Don't have much time so likely won't add much more here, but looks like others here are also able to mainain a 100% winning rate.
Have to wait for more trades, but Tar has started strong with a +40.
thanks, but it's as easy as falling off a log.
Don't have much time so likely won't add much more here, but looks like others here are also able to mainain a 100% winning rate.
Have to wait for more trades, but Tar has started strong with a +40.


i wish it was - but well done to you and Tar - levels are so important to help you trade and you called out some good ones

i will spend an hr or 2 this afternoon looking for some more trades now - as movements are up again



141 -83 is the interim low - price tried over 142 and and now is falling again

Will we get a HL over 83 - or will it be breached ??

Under 80 scalp sell more but down to there get ready i case its false and then a pullback up
Wednesday 30th April 2014 - Pre Opens

Good Morning Intraday Traders

Looks like I have missed some nice action the last couple of hours on a few pairs this morning

Will do a quick update and review on the main pairs I will be looking at to intraday trade today.

Remember - i normally take scalp trades in both directions through out the main European and first half of the US sessions - and then try and get a few on what I call NPGT 30% - with the stops already in profit from the original scalp trade.

On ranging days - scalping is fine both ways but NPGT's are not so good - ie might only make 15 -40 pip moves - but on nice breakouts or session trends - then a NPGT might be on for over 50 or 100 pips. Its only a few like the one from mid March on the EA that can stay going and never go back past the original scalp stop and end up 500+ pips up that can really help you account - maybe just 1 or 2 of out 100 scalps like that - but when they happen its great - as then you can still carry on scalping either with your NPGT - or even against it - in both cases on larger lot sizes

Have a great Wednesday


EU - and Swissy

EU a scalp sell from 3804 - as LH again on fall down from 3815 and 3810

As I type its broken through 3800 and still trying lower - but expect a bounce at its the hr change and EO

3805 would be like the line in the sand here - ie under still scalp bearish - above start looking at scalp buys again

Swissy - 8842 as I type and as expected rising as EU falls - as normally opposite correlations

Not in Swissy scalp as in EU and GU already and the Swissy is normally a slower mover .

Above 8838 /40 - Swissy scalp bullish - under there - start then looking at scalp sells with 34 and 31 further confirmations of sells

This pair started a fall from over 2 hrs ago at near 6830 area.. Now at 6809 - and i have only been in the scalp sell from 6814 and unless we do under 6805 - will exit as would expect bounces this hr - rather than a straight fall under 6800 and 6790.
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AU and EA

An opposite correlation pair and 2 of my favourites along with EJ ( EU not so keen on nowadays)

This last 2 months we have seen the EA make a nice fall from the 5500 area after peaking early year at 5818 area. Under 5200 as far as I am concerned its still bearish on the big map with a low so far in mid 4600 area Yesterday it went up into the 5000's again but as since dropped down to 4875 price - its a good mover and a lot faster then the AU. Above say 4750 still trying up and bullish - under 5100 and 5200 - still bearish - so in between ie say 300 pips - then moves really both ways to capture

AU - not quite like EA on movements but still been a nice opposite. Moved up from 9000 area up to high 9400's and since then fallen down to the mid 9200's

Price now at 9285 and need over 9300 again for taking or holding more scalp buys

Need under 9278 and 75 for scalp sells
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