Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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EJ - now at 36 - but exited at approx 25 just prior to news

Dont know whether to re enter scalp buy on any pull backs above 26 ?
Its a shame now

Devilicus hour's nearly up and I will be sorry to see him leave - as he's had some great calls

Love the wind up - but you could be really good - as long as you stick at it

Your welcome any time


It would be good if you went into that other live blog - and made your calls - they would soon be on you - like a ton of bricks - but just be a bit more arrogant and brag a lot more - then they will really love you - lol
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Just entering the 10 00 am time window at 9 51am

EU seems to be struggling and cannot so far get back over 71 - down to 30% on it on a scalp buy - but would pull it under 64

EJ - cannot get over 41 for now - 31 and 28 scalp sell guides
GU - low at 92 - is coming up to 30 mins with no breach

Above 95 its a scalp buy - and would need over 6810 to hold the scalp on longer for further tries up
GU - struggling at 6810 - next target is 18 - will exit all at 6808 - as out for 20 mins

Back for next half hr window change guys

Nice FX trades on the live threads forum by Sigma-D, shows exactly what constitutes a live trading call.

Clear and transparent, certainly no fuzzy lines.
Nice FX trades on the live threads forum by Sigma-D, shows exactly what constitutes a live trading call.

Clear and transparent, certainly no fuzzy lines.

Trouble is Dinos - he still learning and having to make calls that he is not 100% sure of - leading to what 9 calls wrong in a row the other day

Check out Devilicus's calls this morning - see waht you think of those ?

They were in advance as well - so you have to give him credit


GU - now 5 mins to hr change - stuck at 18 after making 20

we need 21 and 23 to make more scalp buys and under 10 and 07 for back to selling
AU looks as though its topped for now and falling

its so slow at this period of day - so might just be in a BTTZ now - ie 65 to 55

Breach of either means sells under 55 and buys over 65- but wait for proper breaches - not half a pip etc
leading to what 9 calls wrong in a row the other day.

Irrespective of whether he made a winning or losing call, the point is, He's prepared to put his neck on the line with definitive times, limits and stops, and not cherry pick trades. Everything is transparent, win or loss, I like that.

Just a thought matey, don't want to enter into an arguement.
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11 39 am UK time - end of half hr time window

Noticed the AU as done another high and EA another low today

Movements are slow and so do not suggest just jumping in any pair atm

Too many BTTZ areas for now - i will just wait for breaches of levels and next hr hope to see some more movements
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