Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Whilst the EA is trying up - as you might guess - the AU as been falling - but not in atm - but will now see if it carries on under 9234 - would need back over 45 and 51 to be looking at any scalp buys
7 26 am - and out of EJ scalp buy totally now at 142 19. Price as not made a new high above 23 and really 20 said scalp sell
7 29 am - similar with EA and EU - both not making any new highs - so even though only on 30% stakes - will exit within next 5 -9 mins if i see no new movements up.

EJ - is trying up again at 21 - so even though I took a scalp sell at - I will not hold if i see above 23 - as then really price will be trying up again
So - can we make above 3872/3 on EU - above 5021 on EA and EJ - will we get above 23 - or is 20 still a scalp sell??

Decisions - decisions - decisions - will always play safe - and not go with all 3 in a situation like this - and will await more clues

Not here for 8 00 am - but back in that hr
EU and EJ - still trying again - with new highs - still in EU scalp buy - out of EJ scalp sell with 2.5 pip loss and EA still in scalp buy on 30% stake
OK - noticed also now GU trying up - not taking anymore new scalps for now as out in 10 mins

Will just lock 30% in Eu only with stop just in over 1 pips profit and exit the EA 30% scalp buy at 5007

See you in a bit and GL
some nice volatility now guys...........

Europeans look bullish
USD is flat (surprise surprise)
yen and Aussies taking the pain

good trading
Back again now guys

No gain whilst i was out - was knocked out of EU 30% scalp buy trade before it went up - crafty bar stewards - but what do you expect in this game ;-)

We have Pound news at 9 30 am - lees than an hr so will be looking at that pair more

Just getting an update before next time window in approx 6 mins
EJ is bullish - but a scalp sell atm from 41

i will be looking where to buy it again as 32-35 is support and then under there 22 to 25

back over 47 and 50 - more scalp buys for higher
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EA - similar again - so far session bullish above 4980/85 - high at 5021 - and atm a scalp sell under 5011

actually this pair is in a BTTZ atm - and with 2 pip spread atm - will ignore
Got an hour spare so gonna make some money here quickly:

EJ scalps sells 142.22 142.26, buys 142.54 /57
GU sells 1.6824/21 buys 1.6850/52
eu 68/66sell buys77/79
Must hold levels and prove to me that i'm right befire I get in.
Will update with results as I close trade.
Guaranteed pips. No losing days in years. Not gonna start now!
GU - news in under 40 mins - price at 6838 - after a nice 30+ pip rise from after the Opens

Yes under 36 and 34 scalp sells and over 41 and 44 scalp buys - but yet again - set up atm - just to tease and take your money in a tight resting range

Dont be tempted just yet
Got an hour spare so gonna make some money here quickly:

EJ scalps sells 142.22 142.26, buys 142.54 /57
GU sells 1.6824/21 buys 1.6850/52
eu 68/66sell buys77/79
Must hold levels and prove to me that i'm right befire I get in.
Will update with results as I close trade.
Guaranteed pips. No losing days in years. Not gonna start now!

"No losing days in years" , you should work harder , i've never had a losing trade in my life !
Got an hour spare so gonna make some money here quickly:

EJ scalps sells 142.22 142.26, buys 142.54 /57
GU sells 1.6824/21 buys 1.6850/52
eu 68/66sell buys77/79
Must hold levels and prove to me that i'm right befire I get in.
Will update with results as I close trade.
Guaranteed pips. No losing days in years. Not gonna start now!

Hi Devilicus

Just going to check your levels out - - what are your stop sizes for levels holding - as that will be key ??

how many trades are you taking - or planning a day and whats your MM methods ?

If it like mine - your a winner


I'm an expert so just 4 pips stop usually.
I'll update with my results. Only here short term to demonstrate how easy it is.
I'm an expert so just 4 pips stop usually.
I'll update with my results. Only here short term to demonstrate how easy it is.


Well if you are an expert I will soon know (y)

If you are pee taking - it easy to spot after a bit

have you just seen my comment on EJ - ie scalp sell at 41 from what 13 mins plus a go and it dropped to 23 and I was out at 26

Thats an expert for you - so hope you got it

Good trading


OK - this will be interesting now - as I think D is scalp selling under 26 and what 22

GL - as it is falling and I am out atm
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