Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Hehe - bu**er - ;-) it gone over 88 now and not in it - see MM we all do wrong things at times - that's trading - you can never get it right 100% of the time and you will always make errors - this was not a loss off account - but opportunity loss of a say $300+ gain on my profits - silly me - shows I need my lunch ;-)
ok feel I have learnt something already today F which balances out the bad trades at least. back later gotta do some stuff for xmas ( so it begins)

Good - trading itself is simple and easy - trading to make money ongoing is not simple or easy - thats another reason 80% + retail traders fail - they are not tuned in and focused enough to really understand the complexities :)
EJ still - we know now over 91 and say 95 we will try up over 137.00 - and probably up to 137 06 / 10 area

We need under 75 and 72 to be holding scalp sells or to take them - with 79 another dynamic support to crack to scalp sell

We have no help from EU as stucjk in range still
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I gotta do these jobs or the earache will be deafening! back asap!. sl at be on e/j

Yes - i am going to have a bite to eat in a bit as well ;-)

Only went with 3 lots and left only 1 lot on on this - now regretting it - as it going OK - thats trading - lol ;-))
EJ - just touched 137.002 - will lock my 30% in stop profit at 93 and forget as only 1 lot - so will leave for 30 mins and if it stopped no problem
EJ still - we know now over 91 and say 95 we will try up over 137.00 - and probably up to 137 06 / 10 area

We need under 75 and 72 to be holding scalp sells or to take them - with 79 another dynamic support to crack to scalp sell

We have no help from EU as stucjk in range still

Well - 79 / 75 and 72 went and it was scalp sells down to its low of 136 .58

Was out so did not get it - and also out again in 10 mins = so my Friday afternoon trading will have to wait till later ;-)

Those prices are on the way down now R's on way up and really need over 90 to hold scalp buys on longer again

GL - see you later
Just gone 4.00 PM UK time and I have taken a scalp buy on the EJ at 136,87 and now watching to see if it can fully clear 90 and previous high at just over 137,00

Late coming back and so disappointed not in from 81 area
PA is like pulling teeth - all due to HFT and manipulation etc - not all buyers and sellers fighting it out ;-)

EJ now made 97 - still in on 30% and will keep that on - whilst over 91

Under 90 and 87 scalp sells take over again
Might have guessed it would take me - and should have just pulled all at 137.00 or 136.99 - but another 9 pips to add to the tally
What is my tally today - will check out after half hr change - see if we can get some more scalps in before 5.00 pm time
EU - now a new high again and same on EJ . The PA is totally unhelpful just atm - so not going to just jump in for now
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