Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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GU - strange again - cannot breach under 6115 - and presently scalp buy above 18/19 - but would hope to get a scalp sell again under 37 /39 area

posted only about 10 mins ago - but here at 37/39 area

Still cannot scalp sell yet but out scalp buy too early by the look of it ;-(
Its pound strength still - above first R's at 39 and now trying second R;s at 52-55 area

I missed out and did not leave 30% stake on when I exited scalp buy on GU at 36 - silly me ;-)
Thats been great play on GU this morning - ie

Bulid it up - get bulls in - fry them at news - get bears in who would then think GU will drop big now - and then fry them

Players 10/10 v Normal traders 0/10
GU high so far 6162 at 10.15 - outside time window - so watch 30 min rule now and we still need 43 to go to confirm a turn being tried

So under 6162 is a scalp sell - but if you get in before 43 - the be ready to just take a few pips and then see it bounces after under 43 for another scalp sell under say 58/60

Hope that makes sense and over 65 - then still bullish so out any scalp sells
which means several trades in a row bad. half would have been ok with a wider sl, or more importantly, waiting for a retest entry. frustrating to get taken out of a move then watch it do what you thought

Yes the market wants you in wider or bigger stops - because then its won and will have more off you over 100+ trades

The market is extremely clever - it will do everything to psych you out - and to take your money

So you have to be extremely clever as well and read the situations on teases and bermuda triangles etc etc
GU still not under 43 and now trendline slope from 45/6 area still say up until it breaks under 49

Top only held 14 mins - so scalp sells still not really confirmed
EU - for me we have a couple of key prices ie - 3535 and 3515.

Above these 2 prices - then I would be looking at holding more scalp buys for price trying up again

Under both prices - well hopefully you would already be in scalp sells then for lower with first main S area then around the big number 3500 - 3503.

I am more encouraged to scalp sell atm - especailly if 20 goes again

With it being near main news - the players either catch you out by keeping moves going before the news = or the other ploy is into sleep mode until then

Need to check out a few pairs meanwhile for after the hour change and 9 min time window
AU - another scalp sell pair under 9395 with it just making a lot in last 5 mins at 9373

EU fell to 16 - ( not low enough - need under 15) so out at 18 - as 18/19 was also a scalp buy - but would need to see it over 30 to think of holding it on for a turn

With news now 20 mins away - not enough clues yet to think of holding any part or free trades on for longer
AU - another scalp sell pair under 9395 with it just making a lot in last 5 mins at 9373

EU fell to 16 - ( not low enough - need under 15) so out at 18 - as 18/19 was also a scalp buy - but would need to see it over 30 to think of holding it on for a turn

With news now 20 mins away - not enough clues yet to think of holding any part or free trades on for longer

With only 3 mins to news - out EU again - as it made 29/30 - and now out of AU at 9380 - as its not breached the 73 low again - but still in scalp sell mode - not prepared to leave any on for these multiple red news annoucements as probably spikes to come soon

GL if you are in anything
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