Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Any way lets talk a bit about you and some of the old school members group here.

Have any of you made say more than 3 consecutive weeks of profit??

Have you got your own method - or is it just standard stuff from books and theory??

Can you prove you are profitable?

You see forexmofo this is where you begin to look like the teenager who brags about all the girls he has bedded when all his mates know he is a virgin with a shrivelled up acorn.

I already posted up a statement of my 8 bags profit for January from my futures account I also have stocks/fx, here it is again. The bulk of my profits are from market neutral spreads/pairs/buckets v. etfs. Will we see you alleged 45k monthly statement or any of your fills. No we wont because they don't exist mofo.

But of course you will come back with some other bluster about how you just caught the last 3 pip trend. :LOL:


PS - this took me 30 seconds to screenshot. do you have a spare 30 seconds mofo?


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Just read some more sh*te - again

How do i know you are telling me any truth at all ?

You may as well copied that statement off a mate - you might have never traded in your life - and if you did work in the commercial world at any point - well what went wrong?

See anything you say or anything you do - will always be hated by some - its human nature

So every thing you throw at me - I can throw back at you - double - and every credible trading point you have - i can rubbish it and say you are lying and your wrong - whether I am right or not

You actually commented in a round about way - my ego would want me to produce a great statement - so that I could brag even more about it

Far from it - I will admit if I had one over $100k per month - then yes i would be on a high and want to produce it - because that would be good in any one's language. But even then I have to think of other consequences and also every scammer and fraudster copying the figures and using them elsewhere

I would have to take out all the times - trades that have been on for months etc and then all my commissions and spread deals I have (which are confidential) and basically you would get just a few figures that would not satisfy even a newbie.

Any business person with a brain would just say why are you doing that - what are you selling??

$45k in a month - yes one of my 3 best months in 4 years - is OK - but hardly anything for me to brag about really - its old hat and then only makes all the sundry think I am definitely selling something

I am getting a high and a laugh - just not giving into you - and getting under your skin - now that's good for my ego

The first time I produce a statement or statements - then the next problems start - as you and all know

Why in earth would you think I would tow the line and do anything you lot might ask?

Its similar to me saying - will you leave T2W - you are not going to - are you- because it part of your social life - until you get banned

Well from now on

Please spread the rumour I trade on microlots and that I have copied someone else's method etc

Obviously both total rubbish - but it then matches all the other stuff you have been saying - so thats no problem

i would have thought you personally might not want me spilling all the beans - because there are certainly some guys here who are dreading that happening and allowing some fresh less than 3 yrs forex traders- stealing a march on their 7 -10yrs plus of learning - my that is annoying


Do I care a toss??

I retire in under 3 (max 4) years - with another pension as well

Will I be bothered then ??

Off course not - and then i might even leave this site as well ;-))

Have a great Freaky Friday - yes i will



PS - oh the 3 pip trend as got under your skin - don't worry I did have a 1000 pip free trade in 2012 - but so inefficient
131k+ page hits now - certainly over 5k hits a week - maybe 8k this week - and I am not even selling anything.

Please you guys - stop giving me all this publicity

i think there are only about 10 genuine intraday traders who want to learn more now

That means if we all go through all the posts every day twice - in a week we might not have even a 1or 2k page hits a week - if that

Why are you making yourself look such idiots in front of so many people??

Baffles me
When ever anyone leaves FX street - for what ever reason - ie even if they choose to do it themselves - you inform the admin and they then take down your profile and all posts - as really they are yours - not FX streets.

There could be traders who have been there say over 5 years and have made no posts in last 2 years - and their profiles and posts might still be there - but it's good in a sense as it stops a site ending up with three million members and only 50 live and active

So unlike you Random - who must have been a big fan of mine at the street ;-)- the vast majority of retail traders and members here will have not heard of me and my views.

I still have a very good relationship with the owner Francesc and would therefore never knock the site and i wish it continual success etc. Although I never went over to meet him in Barcelona - I am sure I will meet up again with him in London sometime in the future on one of his frequent visits



Just all of your crap was deleted on purpose and you were told never to return ..seems from the comments on the blog you went on over there the same as what you are doing now, continuous pedantic babbling
There is a 100% EASY explanation

JohniFX - who both scalps and swings told MM - to check me out - the same month I left the street group. JohniFX was in to Pitchforks and Harmonics but probably through his scalping experience could make it work

MM after 2 years was not really getting anywhere with both - that's why he guessed he probably needed to scalp.

He then found me in November here at T2W

The rest is history

I have not seen a post here from JohniFX - but do know he is on Twitter and is a very clever guy from Hungary - I believe

Now let me tell you over 100 pages how I met my wife.................


Bit strange that MajorMagnum would find you here in November, when he was already a member of the forexmosphere site in October. Did you leave that site just as he was joining or something?
Bit strange that MajorMagnum would find you here in November, when he was already a member of the forexmosphere site in October. Did you leave that site just as he was joining or something?

MM is just a friend of a friend !
Just all of your crap was deleted on purpose and you were told never to return ..seems from the comments on the blog you went on over there the same as what you are doing now, continuous pedantic babbling

We had been too big for our boots at that site - as a few of us had argued with their gurus on trading matters - and of course those guys did not like it

Poor Francesc had a difficult decision to make - as the site had voted me the best contributor /trader in 2013 - voting had last 3 weeks - (so it was not a few traders and a dog) and had approx 300 "friends" who like my scalping style - and I had helped many of them in the street chat room - live

So the Doc and the US professor and a couple more well known tutors got their way and we came to a compromise after all the groups were disbanded

We had nowhere for our group of over 100 at that time - so various skype and sites were used in between

The street always delete all their ex members material - its been like that for 10 year plus - so yet again wrong again

It would be so embarrassing when the guru's might all be saying - sell the Euro today etc etc - and i and a few others where showing charts on why we were scalp buying

So the courses and DVD's the gurus were selling did not seem that good a value compared to the hundreds of members just wanting to join our group - free

However - when we said it was a closed group only for like minded free thinking traders - and not sheeple - that then did not go down well - anybody would have thought we were like the "hate mob" here lol

PS - your are a multi nic - qwerky - only 1 post and its to me - very strange - and the post you have used was taken down I believe ??????

You are more suspicious and dodgy then a used car salesman down the east end - now - let me guess who you are ;-))
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Bit strange that MajorMagnum would find you here in November, when he was already a member of the forexmosphere site in October. Did you leave that site just as he was joining or something?

There were 2 or 3 different groups - ie forexmospherians - forexmosgate and foremospheres - if I remember correctly - so a cross over period and meanwhile I joined here - because I had never blogged on this site before

( that is 100% total truth and I am sure the admins can check that out- so never been a multi nic blogger here - at all)

Why am I telling you this - i wanted to start my "gameplay" theory on the other thread - - too late now
We had been too big for our boots at that site - as a few of us had argued with their gurus on trading matters - and of course those guys did not like it

Poor Francesc had a difficult decision to make - as the site had voted me the best contributor /trader in 2013 - voting had last 3 weeks - (so it was not a few traders and a dog) and had approx 300 "friends" who like my scalping style - and I had helped many of them in the street chat room - live

So the Doc and the US professor and a couple more well known tutors got their way and we came to a compromise after all the groups were disbanded

We had nowhere for our group of over 100 at that time - so various skype and sites were used in between

The street always delete all their ex members material - its been like that for 10 year plus - so yet again wrong again

It would be so embarrassing when the guru's might all be saying - sell the Euro today etc etc - and i and a few others where showing charts on why we were scalp buying

So the courses and DVD's the gurus were selling did not seem that good a value compared to the hundreds of members just wanting to join our group - free

However - when we said it was a closed group only for like minded free thinking traders - and not sheeple - that then did not go down well - anybody would have thought we were like the "hate mob" here lol

PS - your are a multi nic - qwerky - only 1 post and its to me - very strange - and the post you have used was taken down I believe ??????

You are more suspicious and dodgy then a used car salesman down the east end - now - let me guess who you are ;-))

If it was taken down why is it still there....and maybe I do only have 1 post but at least it makes sense and its coherrent as opposed to 7000 odd posts of jibber jabber....And im no multi nic that has ever responded to you before today
There were 2 or 3 different groups - ie forexmospherians - forexmosgate and foremospheres - if I remember correctly - so a cross over period and meanwhile I joined here - because I had never blogged on this site before

( that is 100% total truth and I am sure the admins can check that out- so never been a multi nic blogger here - at all)

Why am I telling you this - i wanted to start my "gameplay" theory on the other thread - - too late now

You don't need to keep saying 100% total truth, it's not like you've lied to us before.

On the other thread, you haven't even covered Tease Zones yet, and you're moving on to gameplay theory?! And anyway, the 'free trade' was next. I bet Richard Branson didn't like this sort of disorganised approach.
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If it was taken down why is it still there....and maybe I do only have 1 post but at least it makes sense and its coherrent as opposed to 7000 odd posts of jibber jabber....And im no multi nic that has ever responded to you before today

All our posts - as is standard procedure with the street were taken down

The post you showed was from Francesc - the owner of the site

He was also a member of our group - but he was also a member of many other groups as well

He still owns the site and his still a member there - so his post will still be there

2 posts now you have done - and something totally strange

Are you Pboyles ?

Probably admin can check you out ??


All our posts - as is standard procedure with the street were taken down

The post you showed was from Francesc - the owner of the site

He was also a member of our group - but he was also a member of many other groups as well

He still owns the site and his still a member there - so his post will still be there

2 posts now you have done - and something totally strange

Are you Pboyles ?

Probably admin can check you out ??



He is not PBoyles. PBoyles is locked in a dungeon sonewhere in rural Belgium.
You don't need to keep saying 100% total truth, it's not like you've lied to us before.

On the other thread, you haven't even covered Tease Zones yet, and you're moving on to gameplay theory?! And anyway, the 'free trade' was next. I bet Richard Branson didn't like this sort of disorganised approach.

RB was a very shy reserved and nervous person - one to one

Put him in a group and he could be the life and soul of the party and was extrovert - and fun

101% total truth - :)

He would be saying now - you always did have an overactive brain - why have you not retired - what the hell are you up to at your age ?

My answer would be - I am younger than you mate;)

When you are not selling anything - you dont have to be organised - you can do how and when you want to

Your right - Free trades were supposed to be next - but after a few great false moves this week - gameplay seems to be one that can then lead on to the free trades reason

Anybody would think some members might be interested - I cannot see why :LOL:
RB was a very shy reserved and nervous person - one to one

Put him in a group and he could be the life and soul of the party and was extrovert - and fun

101% total truth - :)

He would be saying now - you always did have an overactive brain - why have you not retired - what the hell are you up to at your age ?

My answer would be - I am younger than you mate;)

When you are not selling anything - you dont have to be organised - you can do how and when you want to

Your right - Free trades were supposed to be next - but after a few great false moves this week - gameplay seems to be one that can then lead on to the free trades reason

Anybody would think some members might be interested - I cannot see why :LOL:
I wouldn't worry about those giving you a hard time.

Haterz gonna hate, Fxmo.

Eagerly looking forward to your next instalment.
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Who would you like to play you in a film about old branston, F?

Fascinating insight though, old bean. Thanks for that.
Who would you like to play you in a film about old branston, F?

Fascinating insight though, old bean. Thanks for that.

Last time i saw in was in a restaurant in Marbella - approx 9 years ago . He was with his family and I was with mine and we had an invite back on his hired yacht moored in the port

Only spoken to him twice since - my 3 year business association was back in 1985 to 88 - over 25 yrs ago. I would hardly make his top ten Director list- but my group CEO John Jackson - would have done - similar age - but the sharpest guy I have had the pleasure to work with

Regarding a film lol - I could play myself - only need to lose 2 stone and I look nearly the same as I did then - even no grey hair lol

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