Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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2. Manipulates people by "pulling strings" or "pushing the right buttons" .

6. Has an exaggerated sense of self-importance, thinking that the world revolves around him. Also that when thwarted - it's a conspiracy against him.

11. Twists and distorts facts to his advantage.

13. Applies his distorted sense of reality (psychosis) to others, accusing them of faults and weaknesses that are actually his own. This is known as "projection".

14. Inability to accept responsibility or blame for his actions. He is always "in denial".

15. Can get vicious if cornered. (Narcissistic Rage)

16. Spin a "web of deceit".

17. Has a "hidden agenda".

18. Has a "selective memory" - remembers your mistakes but forgets his own.

20. Takes the credit for other people's work. Can also claim other's lives & credits as their OWN!

21. Demands absolute loyalty. Only likes you if you do exactly what he wants, therefore attempting to reinforce manipulation.

22. Tries to make you feel guilty ("the guilt trip") if you protest about doing what he wants you to do. For example, saying to you "You are causing me so many problems because of your selfishness."

25. Happy to dish out criticism or abuse - not happy to receive criticism or abuse - "do as I say, not as I do".

28. Gives you a sense of being "talked at" rather than being "talked to" when engages you in conversation.

29. Inability to understand irony.

30. He can't be trusted. Breaks promises and breaches matters intended to be in confidence.

37. Flies into a rage over a small problem - "nit picking".

41. Changes the rules frequently but denies the inconsistency.

42. May plunge into detail about something without appreciating that you don't know the context.

51. Never remembers his own emotional outbursts or denies having them.

53. Lectures you endlessly until you agree. For example, think of the tendency of dictators to give speeches that go on for hours - this is "extreme lecturing".

7. Is a "fantasist". (Lives in fantasy world but blends in to the real world)
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I must compliment the two posters who have spent time trying to link more rubbish on me

Did you know - if you keep throwing enough mud at a wall - some of it will stick.

By the time they have finished I will be looked upon in this group

Meanwhile - the posters fit in this group -

Have a good day trading - make sure your charts are not upside down

Today I will push the ignore button - I will miss you.................. after all idiots are amusing-
Freaky Friday - 7th March 2014 - Pre Opens

Morning Traders

A quick update and review of the main pairs I will be trading today

EU - clear supports from 3850 to 55 ish - this support area needs to be breached for any fall to 3820 ish or lower.

Resistance at 3866 to 75

In between a BTTZ - only 25 -30 pip range there but ideal to take your money - and keep it

GU - Fell from high at 6779 down to 6728 -

Scalp bearish under 6748 and 55 - but would need under 24 and 20 to crack on lower for now

AU - just under 9100 - after making 9111 yesterday

9080 to 9100 the BTTZ - currently scalp bullish above 88

More to follow in next 10 mins

Have a good day - remember the main news as well


Thats better 7 09 am - end of hr time window and price made 6723 so far

Will it stop here for a rest or a bounce ?

Still scalpbearish under 6734 - but would not want to sit and watch a 11 pip bounce without have some profit already

So 70% off scalp sell at 24 and would allow 30% back up to 32
GU - Very nice atm - 25 became the scalp buy - so took the 30% part of sell off at 27

Not in the scalp buy - but would hope to scalp sell again by 35 or 37 ish - if time and other clues line up
7 25 am - in the half hr time window - GU price just touched 67341

Cannot scalp sell atm - might be able to at half hr maybe ?
GU - Not made 37 or 35 yet - 34 is stalling and so is this the scalp sell point ?

Well if we go over 34 we still might stall at 36 - it would be over 40 when the scalp sells off for now
7 30 am - not about for London open - but back at desk in that hr

GU and now EJ - have been my 2 scalp pairs so far
GU - looks like 30/31 wants to hold any price fall for now

We need now under 29 and 26 to take or hold more scalp sells on

39 and 42 would be scalp buy areas for higher
Out now back in 40 mins or so

out of GU - could not get under 27 on fall from 35

Now in tight tease zone

38 - 41 + all scalp buys

Under 26 and 23 scalp sells

GL if you are using LR's on tick or 1 min
I'm confused ... honestly ...

Thats better 7 09 am - end of hr time window and price made 6723 so far

Will it stop here for a rest or a bounce ?

Still scalpbearish under 6734 - but would not want to sit and watch a 11 pip bounce without have some profit already

So 70% off scalp sell at 24 and would allow 30% back up to 32

GU - Very nice atm - 25 became the scalp buy - so took the 30% part of sell off at 27

Not in the scalp buy - but would hope to scalp sell again by 35 or 37 ish - if time and other clues line up

7 25 am - in the half hr time window - GU price just touched 67341

Cannot scalp sell atm - might be able to at half hr maybe ?

GU - Not made 37 or 35 yet - 34 is stalling and so is this the scalp sell point ?

Well if we go over 34 we still might stall at 36 - it would be over 40 when the scalp sells off for now

GU now at 35 - will it stay under 37 for a scalp sell for me ??

GU - looks like 30/31 wants to hold any price fall for now

We need now under 29 and 26 to take or hold more scalp sells on

39 and 42 would be scalp buy areas for higher

Out now back in 40 mins or so

out of GU - could not get under 27 on fall from 35

Now in tight tease zone

38 - 41 + all scalp buys

Under 26 and 23 scalp sells

GL if you are using LR's on tick or 1 min
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