Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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ah do you mean the hi at 1356, confirmed buy a LL at 1358 was false? the LL getting bears in?

Yes - a scalp sell had been set off already - but only one to grab - and not hold

then another new high to get more bulls in

And then a top - - treble whammy lol
This could an even bigger laugh now

I think now MM - the haters are thinking you are another fraudster or crook

they think we are working together to scam people

There is more chance now for scientists to find the earth is actually FLAT

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This could an even bigger laugh now

I think now MM - the haters are thinking you are another fraudster or crook

they think we are working together to scam people

There is more chance now for scientists to find the earth is actually FLAT


Are you claiming the world is not flat?< now that is a step too far and i refuse to believe it
If all you guys want the REAL TRUTH


I am me - no vendor - no fraudster - just make money from trading FX

MM - he is himself - i don't personally know him - i hope he is no vendor or fraudster - but I have believed all he has told me so far in the thread etc and via our mutual friend who is also a member here - Johnifx - he was ex fxstreet

MM was not on FX street never member

Thats the truth

Its so boring


I am me - no vendor - no fraudster - just make money from trading FX

MM - he is himself - i don't personally know him - i hope he is no vendor or fraudster - but I have believed all he has told me so far in the thread etc and via our mutual friend who is also a member here - Johnifx - he was ex fxstreet

MM was not on FX street never member

Thats the truth

Its so boring



Have a good afternoon - evening, I will F

Always do F, but I only need a few hours a day to earn my "crust", god forbid, I had work evenings to earn money to make ends meet. I trade 4 hours a day, then leave the job behind and go and do things far more interesting than trading:). Its only a means to an end, and its the end product I like.:cheesy:

To answer an earlier point you made, Yes, I do follow, I follow the trend of the time frame I trade, jump into a trend after its established and get out before it ends, and I target 20 trades a week only from trading 16 hours a week only.

We will never agree, so I guess, we best leave it there, All the best.
dinos oh so sorry to see you depart (lol) btw what was your hindsight enter on dow ???

:LOL::LOL::LOL:, Tis a bugger the dow, its tripped me up more times than I can remember, I prefer the safety of the CAC, smaller pips, smaller moves more safety:D
3 30 pm time window just started

Back for more fun

i wonder how any of the other members are getting on with their LR charts??

AU still trying up and EA - nice 35 pip fall to support area again
EU made 3856 - interesting

Will we stay under 47 now as thats a line in the sand for me

30 mins later from 3840 area

That's bad

we only got to 463 - not touched 47

So I was way out again with my prices

Now we need under 33 and 30 to carry on holding scalp sells

But more likey get a HL so we end up with a BTZZ between 48 and 30 - 18 pips of tease could be ?

Must get back to the weekly and monthly charts and work on 500 pip stops - its so easy - its takes ages to find out if you are losing money

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I am me - no vendor - no fraudster - just make money from trading FX

MM - he is himself - i don't personally know him - i hope he is no vendor or fraudster - but I have believed all he has told me so far in the thread etc and via our mutual friend who is also a member here - Johnifx - he was ex fxstreet

MM was not on FX street never member

Thats the truth

Its so boring



This alone shows that there is some sort of connection between you and MM :

"and via our mutual friend who is also a member here"
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