Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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please tell me you have made some small scalp sell pips on AU and GU ??

I trade most only EU, but have now 1 more monitor so will check 1 more pair. because you know I lazy and hate to switch too much the charts.

can you give me advise which one other then EU I have to monitor.

I know normal you make the smallest amount by EU, but I have confidence at this pair, so I will not miss it.
but now I miss it because of write this :))
but the market will not go and stay the rest of my live, for sure.

thanks in advance
I trade most only EU, but have now 1 more monitor so will check 1 more pair. because you know I lazy and hate to switch too much the charts.

can you give me advise which one other then EU I have to monitor.

I know normal you make the smallest amount by EU, but I have confidence at this pair, so I will not miss it.
but now I miss it because of write this :))
but the market will not go and stay the rest of my live, for sure.

thanks in advance

HI fx

I was like you a few yrs back - i spent approx 3 year taking 80% of all my scalps just on the EU and my daily target was then only 20 pips and increased to 30 pips in the third year

I was then trading on 2 screens - today I have 4 available and I do think 3 to 6 screens are advisable for trading multi pairs.

I then ventured more with the GU and Swissy - and then went on to EJ and GJ ( the beast)

I found many days - I would do 15 -30 pips on the EU - spending a few hrs on it - but in between 30 -50 pips on other pairs - with ease

I would recommend you follow AU - Swissy and even EG or UJ as well -as they are all not too wild, The GU /EA /EJ /GJ can all be beast when they want to - great when the going good - but if you get it wrong in a wave - you can be caught out very very quickly

The best thing i did was look at 3 -6 pairs rather than staying 80% with just one pair

I dont depend just on correlations - but they can help as with EA and AU - and Swissy and EU - but there are many times of the day - one pair will be having action - and the pairs you might be stalking are asleep

hope that helps


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EU -Placed my 30% free trade stop at 3655 for now still in nearly 28 pips of profit -its a scalp sell under 73 for now - not in it hope it stays above 56 ;-)
please tell me you have made some small scalp sell pips on AU and GU ??
I hope so - I have - so pleased - already over target today - but not money wise yet

Yeah bought some sterling this morning, but only caught about 25% of the up-move. Managed to catch 10 pips of that EU rise too - thought I was clever until it then went up another 30 pips :)
Looking again - i suppose i ought to place free trade stop at 45 or 47 rather than 55 - - will review again in next 10 mins
Yeah bought some sterling this morning, but only caught about 25% of the up-move. Managed to catch 10 pips of that EU rise too - thought I was clever until it then went up another 30 pips :)

WD - DJ - I get caught out every day on cutting trades to quickly - still - as we know better to be safe I suppose - even when we do get it wrong :)
I have also now 4 monitor.

1x 19" for chat
1x 19" for dukas Jforex and smal browser window for binary
2x 23" for MT4 charts, every one I want 1 pair, M1 chart and small overview charts M5 and H1/H4

I think you have to switch a lot if you want all pair monitor in time, i feel dizzy if I switch many time.
this is good advice
"I would recommend you follow AU - Swissy and even EG or UJ "

because if I sometime start early, I in the timezone +7GMT, so the AU / Sydney market are open and later at London open, may I switch to EG, and have Swissy open all the time, that will cover the EU because of correlation.

thanks Forexmospherian
I use 1 screen for watching 4 or 6 pairs simultaneously - and 2 other screens for trading

I don't think 6 or 8 screens would really help me - as i would be spending too much time switching and seeing too much going on - and then maybe doing no better

I am OK going down to 2 screens - but just off laptop or tablet seems too restrictive - unless I stay with just 1 or 2 pairs
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just gone 10 00 am UK time and many pairs having a rest atm

Will check through and see if any are ready for their next moves
EJ - falling from its high at 139 69 - presently scalp sell - but might be able to get a scalp buy again above 30 -33 area

Under 24 and 20 would still be more scalp sells
Looking again - i suppose i ought to place free trade stop at 45 or 47 rather than 55 - - will review again in next 10 mins

EU - kept stop at 55 when it went up higher to 3687 - presently a scalp sell under 80 - but hoping 64 or 59 might stop further pullbacks
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Yeah bought some sterling this morning, but only caught about 25% of the up-move. Managed to catch 10 pips of that EU rise too - thought I was clever until it then went up another 30 pips :)
good to see :cool: you cannot walk on water :cheesy::devilish: btw well done DJ
good to see :cool: you cannot walk on water :cheesy::devilish: btw well done DJ

Far from it. This morning's performance is nothing to write home about. I was up about $260 buying sterling and euro (as mentioned above), then took a hit on the dollar and lost $106. :( lol.
Far from it. This morning's performance is nothing to write home about. I was up about $260 buying sterling and euro (as mentioned above), then took a hit on the dollar and lost $106. :( lol.

just my little bit of humour (T macadam will be pleased :devilish:) hope mac has a laugh
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