Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Darktone and other dissers on T2win ..................

what is it ?............what is your collective problem ?

don't you like people trying to help other people ?

what is it ?

is it linked to childhood memories or inadequacy issues ?

are you poor traders or is it deeper ?..........

share ...........the doctor is in :cool:



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Just nearly an hour ago - I commented out of all sells and only sell again under 36 and lower and basically look for scalp buys above 45 - but need over 66 to stay with them etc etc

Unless I am completely a nutter - these comments are in advance of moves - ie LIVE in ADVANCE - NOT hindsight 2 hr behind the moves

I am sure MM and NVP and Nick and many others must think what are all these dissers on about when they say we trade in hindsight etc etc ???

still - no satisfying everyone -

Trading Intraday and in the "now" is not easy and certainly not for everyone

But once you have the skill set - then it get easier and winning days are just the norm

Am I therefore calling most of the trade and Banksters liars - YES - its part of the game

Any way dog walk time - back later on next hour

Stay focused


I scalp real fast..........not as fast as my 2-300 a day habit a few months back but still take a lot of positions when I am in the chair :eek:

I try to comment when I get time - but I recommend ANYONE try and call them live when scalping - its pretty impossible unless you have someone else posting while you trade (or 2-3 pairs of hands :LOL:)

since I have neither I do my best .......I love T2win and I love trying to inject a little banter and talk during what can be lets face it a pretty boring job ..................yes trading is boring if you are doing it right ........a job

and I cant call more tan 1-2 mins ahead dammit ........this is fecking scalping and not the higher snoresville timeframes .........

we are here to make money .........even 3 pips off a 3 pip stop is a 100% RR ratio ...........not the 20+ stop levels trying to achieve even half that ..........I want to make real money on a daily basis and not pretend that waiting an hour to make 10-20 pips off an equivalent (or higher) stop loss level .............when I can make the same money in under a minute with less risk

trading higher timeframes is for hobbyists............scalping will make you a decent income decide what you want to do with your trading and then comment on this thread ..or better still jut go away if you are not interested ..............let whoever is here call them

all the dissers can only dream of what F and MM are doing they snipe and criticize and diss.........................because they just havnt got what it takes ...or if they have they wont put it out there ...........easier to snipe isn't it ?

spare me :cool:
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Darktone and other dissers on T2win ..................

what is it ?............what is your collective problem ?

don't you like people trying to help other people ?

what is it ?

is it linked to childhood memories or inadequacy issues ?

are you poor traders or is it deeper ?..........

share ...........the doctor is in :cool:



Listen, being a swing trader ive a lot of non screen staring time on my hands. A fraction of that time I spend here,, enjoying.
In no stops, although the intention was secondary, I offered up some 'help'. It was cut down (quite rudely by some I might add) by near all. Does that make them dissers? Of course not. If I got disturbed by their comments, would they have a problem? or... You see where im going with this? Doctor :LOL:
75/6 now down to 68....but slooooow other Europeans stagnant:sleep:

63 the low (y)

this is scalping dudes ............5+ pips and you should be high fiving ;)

its just a job...slow grinding pips
Hi NVP, you, F & MM & others know I respect you all, but man alive, those posts Darktone made yesterday were f@@kin' hilarious....I mean seriously funny. Defo good to have p1ss takers (from knowledgeable guys). I remember the spat I had with itspossible a while back & quickly realised I needed to put my toys back in my pram.

This game is serious enough on the live side, with our money on the line, so when I saw those posts after hours, it was a tonic.

PS hello F, my addiction to the Dax is still needing to be fed. It's taken a proper surge this morning, so typing this in consolidation period atm.

Listen, being a swing trader ive a lot of non screen staring time on my hands. A fraction of that time I spend here,, enjoying.
In no stops, although the intention was secondary, I offered up some 'help'. It was cut down (quite rudely by some I might add) by near all. Does that make them dissers? Of course not. If I got disturbed by their comments, would they have a problem? or... You see where im going with this? Doctor :LOL:

so why stick around.?.....tell you what....... take your issues to other threads and contribute there .....start your own threads ?.....

promise I will avoid them like the plague and hopefully we can agree vice versa re wasting my time ..............I want to be making money trading and not answering dissers on a thread they should walk away from

Deal ?
Hi NVP, you, F & MM & others know I respect you all, but man alive, those posts Darktone made yesterday were f@@kin' hilarious....I mean seriously funny. Defo good to have p1ss takers (from knowledgeable guys). I remember the spat I had with itspossible a while back & quickly realised I needed to put my toys back in my pram.

This game is serious enough on the live side, with our money on the line, so when I saw those posts after hours, it was a tonic.

PS hello F, my addiction to the Dax is still needing feeding. It's taken a proper surge this morning, so typing this in consolidation period atm.

of course they are .................if you notice many long term traders at T2win have some off periods where they forget that its all banter........infact F is like a rhino so never drops the ball ..but many of us are more human than that ;)

its my turn at the moment ............we all have opinions and I give out as much BS as the next man here so fair do's

I think that I got a bit p*ssed when some people rocked up here whilst the thread starter was away and not able to defend themselves as they do admirably on a daily basis :sneaky:

Such is life

enjoy the show (y)....I do .......mostly :LOL:

9.21 (TW) and usd switched allegiance to bull from usd

I missed a lot of the early GU selloffs but doing ok now
I scalp real fast..........not as fast as my 2-300 a day habit a few months back but still take a lot of positions when I am in the chair :eek:

I try to comment when I get time - but I recommend ANYONE try and call them live when scalping - its pretty impossible unless you have someone else posting while you trade (or 2-3 pairs of hands :LOL:)

since I have neither I do my best .......I love T2win and I love trying to inject a little banter and talk during what can be lets face it a pretty boring job ..................yes trading is boring if you are doing it right ........a job

and I cant call more tan 1-2 mins ahead dammit ........this is fecking scalping and not the higher snoresville timeframes .........

we are here to make money .........even 3 pips off a 3 pip stop is a 100% RR ratio ...........not the 20+ stop levels trying to achieve even half that ..........I want to make real money on a daily basis and not pretend that waiting an hour to make 10-20 pips off an equivalent (or higher) stop loss level .............when I can make the same money in under a minute with less risk

trading higher timeframes is for hobbyists............scalping will make you a decent income decide what you want to do with your trading and then comment on this thread ..or better still jut go away if you are not interested ..............let whoever is here call them

all the dissers can only dream of what F and MM are doing they snipe and criticize and diss.........................because they just havnt got what it takes ...or if they have they wont put it out there ...........easier to snipe isn't it ?

spare me :cool:

See what I mean. :D

Theres a whole pile of emotion going there NVP, just in case youre unaware. Could this be affecting your trading?


In my humble opinion, undoubtedly.
10 34 am

Back now for a bit

Missed GU sell of after 10 09 am and 10 20 am

The thing is the 57224 high before 9 30 am had gone over 30 mins with no breach - time rules so after 33 - 35 mins favoured falls and sells

Once under 5700 and 5690 - it then came out of bullish PS from Lits areas and was firmly a sell

All bounces staying under 5700 are sells again - BUT if any low holds over say 33 mins from printing - then bias will go back to scalp buys again
of course they are .................if you notice many long term traders at T2win have some off periods where they forget that its all banter........infact F is like a rhino so never drops the ball ..but many of us are more human than that ;)

its my turn at the moment ............we all have opinions and I give out as much BS as the next man here so fair do's

I think that I got a bit p*ssed when some people rocked up here whilst the thread starter was away and not able to defend themselves as they do admirably on a daily basis :sneaky:

Such is life

enjoy the show (y)....I do .......mostly :LOL:


Fair enough mate, you seem to be a little defensive of F's thread & I get that, you contribute, so it's your right to be on the lookout as it were.

But I have gleaned some good opinions from people basically telling me I'm a tw@t, most often in good humour ;)
Actually i agree with Darktone about most methods - whether Andrews PF's or Harmonics or the Cloud - Eliiots Gann etc etc - most at best only work about 50 -55% of the time

They just don't have enough "edges" to make them works over 70%+ of time

Now by adding time and clever Money management and other tricks of the trade - you can end up with a modified great system - that will work every day of the week - in any markets

Its then down to the trader him/herself to be able to carry it out - and as DT says - many times thats is the hardest part of trading - controlling the emotions and the method day in day out

10 45 am Update

well - 1294/5 held - saying sells

them 1240 ish held saying buys

So now still in range

We need over 63 and 66 to buy more and then 70 to 80 is all R

Under 48 and 42 I would be looking at scalp sells but know I need under 36 and 30 to stay with sells or takemore

In between - leave it to you - scalp for 3-7 pips or just wait for it to make its next move etc
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