Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Just had a phone call - so missed 8 38/9 am scalp buy from 1246 area

Now low of 1244/45

Need under 1240 and 36 to sell more and over 66 and 70 to stay with scalp buys

8 47 am

Not been trading it but i know Sun as been so update

the key level was 3088 /90 for scalping

It bounced up over 15 pips - but then after 8 21 and 8 30 am from 3104 - it been a scalp sell and now made under 88 to 84

Bounces staying under 98 - 3100 are sells again for now but we do need to see 3090/88 breached lower for a proper signal for more sells

Over 3100 and 3108 and 3110 - more scalp buys
8 51 am

Am I missing big pips today - yes massive pips - my excuse - first day back

Lets look at EJ - and I wish I had after 8 21 and 8 30 am

Its dropped approx 50 pips

The LitS area was clear and never acted on it - just scalped EU instead

Will post a EJ chart to explain - and show what I missed etc
for me hers the day so far ..............purely usd action as I wont bore everyone with the pairs involved

USD was bear in Asian session - BUT at around 6.01 am BST it hit support........and bounced

traded usd buys scalps till 8.30 ish .....5-6 nice runs

around 8.38 I decided an interim support had been breached and went to sell usd mode

so still selling usd ...........

Big test right now ...............8.56 into the 30m bar change

EJ - after Opens


1 min LR Chart with Line in the Sand area marked around main red thick LR

Under it favoured sells and it dropped 50 pips

Only been scalping EU so far - so missed the lot ;-(

That trading - and certainly not up to speed this morning - but still getting close to my daily target after only 2+ hrs



  • EJ - 210815am.png
    EJ - 210815am.png
    53.3 KB · Views: 433
for me hers the day so far ..............purely usd action as I wont bore everyone with the pairs involved

USD was bear in Asian session - BUT at around 6.01 am BST it hit support........and bounced

traded usd buys scalps till 8.30 ish .....5-6 nice runs

around 8.38 I decided an interim support had been breached and went to sell usd mode

so still selling usd ...........

Big test right now ...............8.56 into the 30m bar change


please tell me you guys are selling usd ............easy money so far...

gu up 4-5 pips

ucad sellofs 4-5 pips (y)

9 04 AM

Lits area around 5677 to 5692 ish

Above its Lit#s - which it is atm favours scalp buys for higher with 5725 the high so far

Not touched it yet

Easy above 5715 and 27 and 35 - all scalp buy areas and under 5694 and 88 and 77 all scalp buy areas

In between - let it sort its self out for now

Back in 10 mins
please tell me you guys are selling usd ............easy money so far...

gu up 4-5 pips

ucad sellofs 4-5 pips (y)

I think last hour from LO to 9 00 am was good on many pairs - even though I only stayed with EU

Not so sure atm - having a 10 min break - and might have to wait until after 9 21 and 9 30 am for my next clues etc

please tell me you guys are selling usd ............easy money so far...

gu up 4-5 pips

ucad sellofs 4-5 pips (y)

5720 the high so far on gu (y)

ucad is only offering bounce sells from 91 down to 84 so far
I think last hour from LO to 9 00 am was good on many pairs - even though I only stayed with EU

Not so sure atm - having a 10 min break - and might have to wait until after 9 21 and 9 30 am for my next clues etc


euro and chf are bailing south with usd trades from me in that camp recently (n)
now I like eu buys .............euro bouncing north

9 29 am

Clear range now down from 1295 to 1240 approx - ie 55 pips

Easy over 1285 and 95 and 1300 - ie all buys again

Easy under 1237 and 30 and 1220 - sells again

In the 55 pips in between then bias up above 1240 and down under 1270 and 60

Scalping for 5 - 10 pips therefore very much on and even longer moves if time favours us above 1240

Guess this is taking the wee wee out of some "other" live trading threads / journals

Like it


Morning F, was all live but the gang didnt seem to appreciate it. I think they lack your humour mate.

andrews ?

Theres a right up on stockcharts


Word has it, MM keeps his trident of triumph locked in a secret vault, along with his comics.

Dax is putting in reasonable move. So much so I had to rescale my charts this morning. It was tough but I got there in the end.

right click > proprieties > scale fix

EU & GU - This thread is always in advance of moves


9 04 AM

Lits area around 5677 to 5692 ish

Above its Lit#s - which it is atm favours scalp buys for higher with 5725 the high so far

Not touched it yet

Easy above 5715 and 27 and 35 - all scalp buy areas and under 5694 and 88 and 77 all scalp buy areas

In between - let it sort its self out for now

Back in 10 mins


Just nearly an hour ago - I commented out of all sells and only sell again under 36 and lower and basically look for scalp buys above 45 - but need over 66 to stay with them etc etc

Unless I am completely a nutter - these comments are in advance of moves - ie LIVE in ADVANCE - NOT hindsight 2 hr behind the moves

I am sure MM and NVP and Nick and many others must think what are all these dissers on about when they say we trade in hindsight etc etc ???

still - no satisfying everyone -

Trading Intraday and in the "now" is not easy and certainly not for everyone

But once you have the skill set - then it get easier and winning days are just the norm

Am I therefore calling most of the trade and Banksters liars - YES - its part of the game

Any way dog walk time - back later on next hour

Stay focused

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