Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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ucad is swinging nicely with decent inverse correlation on cad vs usd ..........but still not seeing more than 3-4 pip opps ...........

slooow day for me so far
Thanks for the help and assistance.
I am not enjoying this content and will take a step back from here for a while.
I would prefer to get on and keep making money rather than listen to others trying to drag people down due to their own inadequacies.
Life should be fun and sharing with like minded people something pleasant and enjoyable.
I will look in from time to time but will avoid getting sucked back in by the mindless people who don't like your content yet are drawn here day after day and even start more threads to say how they don't like you me or anyone else who enjoyed your methods.

Good luck this week and every week.
Take care.
Thanks for the help and assistance.
I am not enjoying this content and will take a step back from here for a while.
I would prefer to get on and keep making money rather than listen to others trying to drag people down due to their own inadequacies.
Life should be fun and sharing with like minded people something pleasant and enjoyable.
I will look in from time to time but will avoid getting sucked back in by the mindless people who don't like your content yet are drawn here day after day and even start more threads to say how they don't like you me or anyone else who enjoyed your methods.

Good luck this week and every week.
Take care.

Hi Nick

No problem

As you say - dont get sucked in - but whats good - it really tests your emotions and mindset - not just the market but the dissers and haters

By handling both - you become a better trader - via strengthening your focus and ability to stay in the "zone" whilst all the sh8ts going on around you

Take it easy and have a good week


EJ - From 5 50 am Monday AM - UK time - 4 scalps 29 pips

Its a Monday AM and its slow

I have this morning only focused on one pair so far - my favourite pair the EJ

Now for all those who have not been following this thread over a few months - I emphasis Key Times - 6 per hr - Time windows - the 6 times are in 2 TW's per hour - LRs - interim levels - scalping - ultra tight stops - ie 3 to 7 pips max - timing etc etc and the LitS levels that give you the price structure bias for a session

This chart sums them up nicely


i could not get a line in after 6 00 am showing the scalp sell - all mentioned earlier on - as it would knock out other 2 times

So far in just over 1 hr - 4 scalps 29 pips

Believe me or not - no part multi stakes - no multi pairs - just simple 4 scalps producing 29 pips

Please dont expect to copy me from day 1

But after 6 months plus - if you cannot do similar - ask yourself - Are you cut out for scalping / intraday etc etc

Only you can answer that




  • EJ - 100815 am.png
    EJ - 100815 am.png
    74.7 KB · Views: 791
Thanks for the help and assistance.
I am not enjoying this content and will take a step back from here for a while.
I would prefer to get on and keep making money rather than listen to others trying to drag people down due to their own inadequacies.
Life should be fun and sharing with like minded people something pleasant and enjoyable.
I will look in from time to time but will avoid getting sucked back in by the mindless people who don't like your content yet are drawn here day after day and even start more threads to say how they don't like you me or anyone else who enjoyed your methods.

Good luck this week and every week.
Take care.

sorry to hear that Nick

I wish the moderators would take note of so many good traders losing interest in T2win due to the ongoing negative impact of just a few very vocal dissers

they are destroying T2win.............they contribute absolutely nothing apart from sniping people who are offering ideas on how to trade .check out anyo of their profiles and the only threads are usually slagging others off plus their endless posts of negativity and sarcasm on any thread where people are offering idea on how to trade

I thought that was the idea of T2win was to allow people to share ideas without negativity and harassment - obviously I was wrong :smart:

7 20 am

Still slow - not much happening and not too nice PA on many pairs

EJ as had another scalp buy from 7 08/09 am - but it needs over 136 50 and 53 to stay with it
usd is slow started today .........Monday blues .............5-6 pip range does offer scalps but you need the 2nd currency to be working harder ............

usd bounced north from 6.11/12 .......small scalps around ...............5-6 pips max buying usd into ususal suspects...........uchf was best really so far


7.09 I saw a bounce opp on ucad ..........4-5 pips so far but slim pickins :whistling
7.18 the usd offered some sells opps .............didn't take any though.......nothing grabbed me
usd drifting north into possible breach areas now ...but equally I am tuned into fast resells ...........

sorry to hear that Nick

I wish the moderators would take note of so many good traders losing interest in T2win due to the ongoing negative impact of just a few very vocal dissers

they are destroying T2win.............they contribute absolutely nothing apart from sniping people who are offering ideas on how to trade .check out anyo of their profiles and the only threads are usually slagging others off plus their endless posts of negativity and sarcasm on any thread where people are offering idea on how to trade

I thought that was the idea of T2win was to allow people to share ideas without negativity and harassment - obviously I was wrong :smart:


What baffles me is they have the audacity to complain about this thread when it a proper thread discussing FX intraday trading and is open to all and sundry - although quite rightly is maybe not advisable for complete FX newbies and they would not understand much of it content and what we do

I would love for 5 more trading journals to appear - ideally doing FX everyday etc etc - but there are just not enough full time experienced FX members who seem to want to do it .

Maybe they dont want to help others etc - thats there prerogative - but discussing methods is positive - it helps everyone

I welcome all comments - all charts - anything on FX etcetc
looks like 7.30 bar will sort things out one way or another ...............buckle up

7 30 am update

In a bullish PS - just

Under 0975 for now is just sells with supports at 0950 and 0960

If we can stay above 50 - I would look for buys again - but need over 75 to stay with them

Under 0945 and 40 - different ballgame - bearish PS and tests then down to supports at 0920 and 0900 and 0890 etc
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