Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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People don't seem to get the message and again I believe you are wrong - I would need to check that out with a computer tech expert - as it would not be totally anonymous - even just pictured and transferred to another computer

for me was important only to understand your real reason.
And now for me is absolutely clear that the reason IS NOT FOR SURE that you are terrified that if you post a picture someone can hack your trading PC.
This is the reason...really? It's ridicoulus !!!
And for this reason you post this article
"so in this hack, we'll install a script to periodically take a screenshot of whatever he's doing on his computer. That way we can monitor his activities and hopefully keep the world safe."
that talking about all other question...a script that take screenshot.
It is not necessary to be a computer technician to know that if you post a picture, there isn't problems for your trading PC.
And you also know this because you are not a stupid.
It clear that your motivation are other and you don't want to say it to us honestly.
But OK, it is only your choice.
Again, good trading and good luck to all.
Hi Anon

Thank you

I agree with you actually - i don't blame anyone being 100% skeptical on me and my method - especially in this industry with all the dodgy vendors - and even dodgier Banksters playing in unregulated FX markets

My main objective really has not worked

I wanted to teach at least 3 traders over this last 18 months to the same level as I got with Major Magnum.

Still I am not disappointed - I have learned a lot more about human nature - and things being too good to be true - ie its a brilliant way when fully learnt and its all free - but needs maybe 6 months plus of commitment .

Unfortunately you will now be down as another multi nic of me - but we both know that's not true and maybe the mods or staff will confirm that as well

Good trading - and please keep in touch and I will gladly try and offer more support and guidance when ever needed in the future



Hi F

if I wasn't so fixated on my own strengthmeter based approaches ;) I would have leaped headlong into your full system from day 1 .....(ive pinched bits of it anyway :cool:) .........still may do if my ole systems start to bore me or let me down (so far so good though over many years now :cool:)

looks like no one wants to put the effort in to achieve the results you do ...............despite the glowing evidence that MM provides that the system works .....really works !!!:smart:

does it really surprise you ?..............cmon you were in business many people did you meet that really had the edge and were prepared to go for it with all the time / effort and capital needed on the line day in day out to succeed :whistling

small percentage right ??? ..........the rest were losers and salary jockeys :LOL:

for me was important only to understand your real reason.
And now for me is absolutely clear that the reason IS NOT FOR SURE that you are terrified that if you post a picture someone can hack your trading PC.
This is the reason...really? It's ridicoulus !!!
And for this reason you post this article
"so in this hack, we'll install a script to periodically take a screenshot of whatever he's doing on his computer. That way we can monitor his activities and hopefully keep the world safe."
that talking about all other question...a script that take screenshot.
It is not necessary to be a computer technician to know that if you post a picture, there isn't problems for your trading PC.
And you also know this because you are not a stupid.
It clear that your motivation are other and you don't want to say it to us honestly.
But OK, it is only your choice.
Again, good trading and good luck to all.

so whats his motivation ?

he has posted many thousands of times over nearly 2 years
been there from dawn till dusk
outlined a successful approach (actually its all here if you look)
supported all sensible questions posted
been patient with newbies( yes patient unlike most advanced traders you meet)
refused to offer courses or trading rooms

unless i'm missing something and he is about to launch a tipster service or Mirror based trading service .....(and be instantly banned by forum).......what the hell is the problem here ? :whistling

I ran some pilot training a few years back and it DID MY HEAD IN ...........seriously .......F has the patience of a saint here at times ............jees

are many of you that genuinely ignorant / envious / scared of people good at what they do ?................guys ..........these people do bloody exist you know ..........they just generally don't lower themselves wasting time in forums where the plebs hang out ..........and based on the treatment F gets from the minority here its not exactly laying out a red carpet for others to join him ?........

so whats his motivation ?

he has posted many thousands of times over nearly 2 years
been there from dawn till dusk
outlined a successful approach (actually its all here if you look)
supported all sensible questions posted
been patient with newbies( yes patient unlike most advanced traders you meet)
refused to offer courses or trading rooms

unless i'm missing something and he is about to launch a tipster service or Mirror based trading service .....(and be instantly banned by forum).......what the hell is the problem here ? :whistling

I ran some pilot training a few years back and it DID MY HEAD IN ...........seriously .......F has the patience of a saint here at times ............jees

are many of you that genuinely ignorant / envious / scared of people good at what they do ?................guys ..........these people do bloody exist you know ..........they just generally don't lower themselves wasting time in forums where the plebs hang out ..........and based on the treatment F gets from the minority here its not exactly laying out a red carpet for others to join him ?........


Ok sorry,
this is really my last post.
I don't want to disturb "the gang".
I had a simple request: "F can you post your picture charts with your entries, so we can learn better your method, considering that you love help better other trader to improve in trading"?
For this, for me logic request, I begin an ignorant, envious ecc.
The answer is "NO...I dont show anything because I have fear that if i post a picture, also with another PC, someone can hack my trading PC"
OK, this is the answer.
Now can I say my simple opinion from an ignorant and envoius man?
Sicerily my opinion is that F is really a professional fx trader but his real results are absolutely not fantastic like he said, ( and if he shows his charts all can notice of it) and he is a person that like so much to be called "master" "teacher" ecc.
This is my simple opinion and is the reason he don't want to show anything.
so whats his motivation ?

he has posted many thousands of times over nearly 2 years
been there from dawn till dusk


Guys cut F some slack he's sitting in forums from dawn till dusk posting thousands of posts and thus he is a great trader ! :clap:
The crude reality is this, F will not show any historical trades because he has nothing to back up is fanatsy claims, he does not trade. He has not any idea how to trade.

His thread is full of garbage, he is a a professional scam. He has not life apart from this thread, this thread makes him important.

Yes he has some followers, he has created some kind of religious cult in trading , he attracts vulnerable people with his way of salvation, look at NVP, he has traded for 30 years and has not any idea and this could be his way out of hell, MM was claiming 1000 pips but when questioned in a structural manner his pips as himself crumbled in a few pips, then we have Nick the Moron, he was already a devoted follower and ready to sell is mother for F but was taken trades in the TW of 27 past which does not exist and apparently has Itspossible reported he is going to make about 500% return in the next 2 months. Then we have Sir W@nker, he believes he has been sent by God, he also was making 1000 every morning, but the other day he was showing a trade of 30 pips, on demo.

I think those guys are a disgrace to this community and to all the traders. Trade2win without them would be better place.

Best post on this thread by far .....Comedy gold at its best ...Well said Fugazsy
The crude reality is this, F will not show any historical trades because he has nothing to back up is fanatsy claims, he does not trade. He has not any idea how to trade.

His thread is full of garbage, he is a a professional scam. He has not life apart from this thread, this thread makes him important.

Yes, he has some followers, he has created some kind of religious cult in trading , he attracts vulnerable people with his way of salvation, look at NVP, he has traded for 30 years and has not any idea yet and this could be his way out of hell.... MM was claiming 1000 pips but when questioned in a structural manner his pips as himself crumbled in a few pips....... then we have Nick the Moron, he was already a devoted follower and ready to sell is mother for F but was taken trades in the TW of 27 past which does not exist and apparently as Itspossible reported he is going to make about 500% return in the next 2 months....... Then we have Sir W@nker, he believes he has been sent by God, he also was making 1000 pips every morning, but the other day he was showing a trade of 30 pips, on demo....

I think those guys are a disgrace to this community and to all the traders. Trade2win without them would be better place. Time to ban. them. Only my view.


hahahahahahahhhaaahha ...............superb .........i'm outed at last .......what a great warm up for the week ahead....jees i'm fired up now and ready to kick butt tomorrow !!!! (y):clap:

F - when is the next chanting session ?...........

ummm ummmmm



  • ommmm.JPG
    35.3 KB · Views: 76
heres the last trading room video from Friday

F was on the bigger trumpet I think ...........taped just before the usd news came out in the afternoon....


Best post on this thread by far .....Comedy gold at its best ...Well said Fugazsy

agreed .............cmon guys why don't you all get out the closet again and hurl stuff at us ...........sends the threads popularity into orbit (y)
Guys cut F some slack he's sitting in forums from dawn till dusk posting thousands of posts and thus he is a great trader ! :clap:

yep - and he has the religious cult to lead as well ...........never enough hours in the day it seems ;)

omm ommm

Ok sorry,
this is really my last post.
I don't want to disturb "the gang".
I had a simple request: "F can you post your picture charts with your entries, so we can learn better your method, considering that you love help better other trader to improve in trading"?
For this, for me logic request, I begin an ignorant, envious ecc.
The answer is "NO...I dont show anything because I have fear that if i post a picture, also with another PC, someone can hack my trading PC"
OK, this is the answer.
Now can I say my simple opinion from an ignorant and envoius man?
Sicerily my opinion is that F is really a professional fx trader but his real results are absolutely not fantastic like he said, ( and if he shows his charts all can notice of it) and he is a person that like so much to be called "master" "teacher" ecc.
This is my simple opinion and is the reason he don't want to show anything.

no keep posting ...............we love it ...........gets us nice and fired up for tomorrows session .....adds to the spice of day in day out trading and making money ;)
As I wrote in a post in the other thread, I have tried the method for some day and seems that not work work for me, but I'm not an experienced scalper.
The problem is, in my opinion that this can not be called a method.
A method is something that can be replicated with accuracy (es. buy when close bar price cross LR25, ecc)
F "method" instead has a lot of clue to take in consideration and is not absolutely replicable with accuracy (consider Lits area, above better scalp buy, but you can also scalp sell for little pips....and then??? take a look to 30 min rule but not every time, consider PA price must be near support or resistance ...near ??? S&R can be static but also dynamic then?? but sometimes it' better if I see HH HL or LL LH, consider Price Structure and 9 Linear regression 3 quick for scalping, 3 medium for evaluate to stay in trade and 3 longer for the PS, when you take position better if 3 quick LR go under or over the price but sometimes 2 LR is enough...and then? consider Key Times but sometimes is good 1 or 2 minute before or after...and then? consider Time windows also to manage a trade but you have to exit at any time if it reverse of some pip...and then? consider correlation in pairs but you can take the also without correlation for less pip...and then? ecc ecc)
Really, sincerily, in your opinion is this a "Method" that we can follow ??!!!
In each single case it is possible to justify why a trade was taken or not.
(yes was scalp buy because there were 3 of my clues, more is better but this is was not scalp buy because there were not these others clue and these are not enough)
Is for this reason that is very important that F show us your EXACT entry points so we have a single chance to learn how he trade.
Whitout this sure I could try for years without understand really what I have to do.

Seems like you have it and should be making money in the morning, I will!
Ok I think I have it now.

No one makes money on any markets except the alternative fan club.
Even if you provide a lot of information we will find a way to pour scorn on it.
Yes I wanted to do a trading thread but don't worry won't bother now as whatever I do there will be wrong.
Only opinions of worth here are from the alternates and everyone else is broke, on demo, liars, charlatans and whatever else will discredit them.

For me I am generally not a forum person and because of F's efforts I became interested and thought ok why not. What an idiot I was.

For the record I have made very significant money on the markets over many years, do I care if you believe me, not one bit. I am also reasonably sure if I told Pat my name he would verify it (as we come from a small country and we all know someone who knows someone) but what is the point, oh that was when it was easy or you started with a big sum etc etc.

So I will lurk in F's thread but other than that I'm done. Well done haters it seems your success lies in throwing dirt as opposed to trading and real traders will be put off from participating.
Ok I think I have it now.

No one makes money on any markets except the alternative fan club.
Even if you provide a lot of information we will find a way to pour scorn on it.
Yes I wanted to do a trading thread but don't worry won't bother now as whatever I do there will be wrong.
Only opinions of worth here are from the alternates and everyone else is broke, on demo, liars, charlatans and whatever else will discredit them.

For me I am generally not a forum person and because of F's efforts I became interested and thought ok why not. What an idiot I was.

For the record I have made very significant money on the markets over many years, do I care if you believe me, not one bit. I am also reasonably sure if I told Pat my name he would verify it (as we come from a small country and we all know someone who knows someone) but what is the point, oh that was when it was easy or you started with a big sum etc etc.

So I will lurk in F's thread but other than that I'm done. Well done haters it seems your success lies in throwing dirt as opposed to trading and real traders will be put off from participating.

Tell me your name ...Im Irish
and just remember that F choses not to exclude anyone from this thread unlike others ......
and just remember that F choses not to exclude anyone from this thread unlike others ......

Well he doesn't have a choice hence its not in the Journals section .
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Ok I think I have it now.

No one makes money on any markets except the alternative fan club.
Even if you provide a lot of information we will find a way to pour scorn on it.
Yes I wanted to do a trading thread but don't worry won't bother now as whatever I do there will be wrong.
Only opinions of worth here are from the alternates and everyone else is broke, on demo, liars, charlatans and whatever else will discredit them.

For me I am generally not a forum person and because of F's efforts I became interested and thought ok why not. What an idiot I was.

For the record I have made very significant money on the markets over many years, do I care if you believe me, not one bit. I am also reasonably sure if I told Pat my name he would verify it (as we come from a small country and we all know someone who knows someone) but what is the point, oh that was when it was easy or you started with a big sum etc etc.

So I will lurk in F's thread but other than that I'm done. Well done haters it seems your success lies in throwing dirt as opposed to trading and real traders will be put off from participating.

Statements !!!!
can I also humbly suggest that people like Pat and Tar allow people to post to some of their threads ?

why are the mods allowing this to happen - I thought that was only for special requests where certain member could be excluded ?

I just wanted to commend someone on a trade that generated a return of 30% on the stop loss level applied............that would equate to me taking 1 pip off every scalp I took .......something such members would pour banter and abuse on me here if I was doing that consistently

I would appreciate a level playing field here for all of us bantering ?

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