Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Well he doesn't have a choice hence its not in the Journal section .

why exclude people from competing your journals ?..whats the point of that ?.....either keep them 100% private of allow access for people to comment ?
why exclude people from your journals ?..whats the point of that ?

Everyone is excluded unless you are in my contacts list . So i didn't exclude certain people . Its just a diary for me that's why this option is just available in the journal section .
can I also humbly suggest that people like Pat and Tar allow people to post to some of their threads ?

why are the mods allowing this to happen - I thought that was only for special requests where certain member could be excluded ?

I just wanted to commend someone on a trade that generated a return of 30% on the stop loss level applied............that would equate to me taking 1 pip off every scalp I took .......something such members would pour banter and abuse on me here if I was doing that consistently

I would appreciate a level playing field here for all of us bantering ?


R:R is not calculated based on the SL distance but rather the average win : average loss ratio in light of the win rate . For example my Apple trade SL is 300+ cents away , based on ATR and volatility that's nothing , but i closed the trade for -25 .
Most of the time i close my trades manually way before triggering my hard stop .
What if you dont have a hard stop at all how you are going to measure your R:R ?
Add to that that i use a dynamic stop distance , for example it may be as tight as 6 points for the DAX !
R:R is not calculated based on the SL distance but rather the average win : average loss ratio in light of the win rate . For example my Apple trade SL is 300+ cents away , based on ATR and volatility that's nothing , but i closed the trade for -25 .
Most of the time i close my trades manually way before triggering my hard stop .
What if you dont have a hard stop at all how you are going to measure your R:R ?
Add to that that i use a dynamic stop distance , for example it may be as tight as 6 points for the DAX !

fair enough .......whatever you do good luck to you and best wishes.........I am just surprised that we all have to see the journals available to view .....................can I exclude such things in my forum choices ......wastes a few seconds of my time when I am reviewing latest post ?

fair enough .......whatever you do good luck to you and best wishes.........I am just surprised that we all have to see the journals available to view .....................can I exclude such things in my forum choices ......wastes a few seconds of my time when I am reviewing latest post ?


Yes either ignore the whole section "Trading Journals" or the thread in question .

Statements !!!!

Hi C_V

Trouble is when anyone shows live statements that have not been doctored in any way - members only believe them if they are not as good as their own statements or of they show loads of losses and capital being reduced

I understand this is the case with 80 - 90 - or 95% of all FX traders as Pat Riley believes - but so many many forget the 1 or 2% retailers who make great returns still add up to thousands of traders around the world who do have statements like Major M and myself

Have a good week


Hi C_V

Trouble is when anyone shows live statements that have not been doctored in any way - members only believe them if they are not as good as their own statements or of they show loads of losses and capital being reduced

I understand this is the case with 80 - 90 - or 95% of all FX traders as Pat Riley believes - but so many many forget the 1 or 2% retailers who make great returns still add up to thousands of traders around the world who do have statements like Major M and myself

Have a good week



I couldn't care less about seeing any statements as I suspect you already know :LOL:

But this sort of unverifiable nonsense really gets me wound up.

For the record I have made very significant money on the markets over many years, do I care if you believe me, not one bit.
and just remember that F choses not to exclude anyone from this thread unlike others ......

Hi N

yes - I welcome every FX intraday trader who is not just a complete newbie.

The more the merrier and I expect other traders not to agree with me - its their prerogative - and for all i know they might be a lot better scalper / intraday trader than me and therefore I would hope to learn from them

So far in last 20 months on this Forum - i have learned many things - but unfortunately none that can really improve my own method. Many have given me ideas what i should be doing etc - and maybe if i was not in my 60's and fully retiring in the next couple of years I would look more at their ideas

You are correct - I do have the patience of Job (or Jobe as many say) and my wife suffers from road rage ;-) . I am mentally as tough as they come - I can step over the mark ( maybe not as bad as Donald Trump lol) and I do want to help genuine committed intelligent FX traders - some will fall by the wayside - and that's totally understandable - that happens in every industry or career.

Also you mentioned about how many are genuinely committed - I know you and me are both in a different age generation - but the young of today and even guys in their late 20's and 30's just dont really know what hard work and risk is all about - most of them "cannot be ar8ed" is all I see and hear - thats maybe from the popularity of the internet etc etc

Have a good trading week - will I be fired up - no more than normal - but so looking forward to the first of my 2 holidays over the next 7 weeks


Hi F,
Do you know how to change the scale on the charts please?
On GU now it is 50pips which shows the bigger move, but makes it impossible to see the current play.
For the record I have made very significant money on the markets over many years, do I care if you believe me, not one bit.

Fȗcking brilliant!! :LOL:
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Im neither here nor there on the whole does he or dont he thing, whoooooo cares. But, just to help out anyone whos still struggling to reap the full benefit of this thread, heres my quick how to.

Wait for the levels and key times and plot yourself a chart.

Then sit back, and enjoy.




Ill think most of you will agree, the quality is tip top! :cheesy:

Ps, might want to bookmark this page. Itll be under around a 100 pages come the end of the week ;)
didn't he do well

I couldn't care less about seeing any statements as I suspect you already know :LOL:

But this sort of unverifiable nonsense really gets me wound up.

For the record I have made very significant money on the markets over many years, do I care if you believe me, not one bit.


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Monday 10th August 2015 - Pre Opens

Good Morning to all FX Intraday Traders

I hope you had a great weekend and are ready for another busy week of FX Trading

I have started scalping already at 5 50 am and 6 03 am on the EJ

Both not quite Key times - but both within the 6 00 am time window and both the scalp buy and then the scalp sell lined up nicely

Not touched any other pair yet - to slow and even though i have scalp sold the EJ at 6 03 am - its in a bullish PS for now - so i will be buying it again

In fact its a great example on the chart and so i will post a chart showing what I see and why i took both scalps

Normal stuff - ie great for proper FX Intraday traders wanting to understand FX price movements and see a retail "expert" trader at work :)

For other members - I provide a great source of entertainment as from what i understand - I have been informed I have not got a clue and I run similar to a "religious cult" with traders becoming "cult fans" and just memorised by all my BS


I have got to admit I find it so funny - mainly due to the bitterness - envy - jealousy - anger - etc etc - I create - god know why these traders every think they will be able to trade without a strong mindset and being able to keep all their emotions in tact

The facts are - I am extremely good - and again this week will prove it - here on this thread. Do i want to brag - no way - I dont really like big heads and big ego's - but I will always defend myself from pure rubbish thrown my way


Lets gets the day going - normal stuff - its a Monday with no real red important news etc until 5 25 pm - ( unusual time)

PS - still in my EJ scalp sell from 6 03 am and its now approx 6 30 am

Have a great day

i will ;-)


Best post on this thread by far .....Comedy gold at its best ...Well said Fugazsy


It was due.

I am not an hater and I am a loser, I know a bit about myself and I know a bit about others.

In many occasions I defended F, also against you once and against others included Tim and Tar, that is the person I am, I like to stick to my mates.

Beside F theory on money management has merits, my best trades have not more (eu) then 5 pips risk, but I do not agree on taking partial off with a gain of small profit in pips......anyway that is another story.

But lately the BS has spread considerably all over the thread and the entirely forum , first the guy calling 1000 pips based on a few units remaining, then the other closed the morning session making another 1000 pips, then another saying is going to make 500% in a 2 months........ and F is defending those claims for reasons I do not know, probably his ego has taken over to prove to others someone that is not after too many confrontations s accusing him of nonsense......I do not know.....I only presume...difficult to enter into people's head..

I am a full time trader and making 50 pip constantly per day it is not easy believe me , market is not generous everyday and when you force it, she will cut your head off....

Ok, I made my point, but I also like to believe that others can do it, why not? if others can do it, I will try myself.....I am not envious, If others do better than myself I am happy about it and that is an incentive for me to do better also...

But if you tell me that you are the greatest then you have to show me some evidence otherwise you better shut the f@ck up.

What the Italian guy asked was fair, ok you do not want make live calls (after you telling me that you are the Maradona of forex trading) that is fine with me and I understand, but at least show me where you got in and out so in aster the facts so I can learn from you (I do it all the time)....that is a f@cking fair request in my view.

F responses are ludicrous, he is talking about someone being able to get into his computer to get into his personal confirms to me that he is not trading and has other issues....only my view.

Done for the week, I am off for an holiday. Ta

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6 40 am

LitS area for key main pairs

EU - 0945 - 0965 ish

GU - 5475 - 5495 ish

EJ - 136 00 - 136 20 ish

Uchf - 9820 - 9845 ish

Ucad - 3125 - 3155 ish

UJ - 124 20 - 124 - 33 ish

AU - 7405 - 7422 ish
usd is slow started today .........Monday blues .............5-6 pip range does offer scalps but you need the 2nd currency to be working harder ............

usd bounced north from 6.11/12 .......small scalps around ...............5-6 pips max buying usd into ususal suspects...........uchf was best really so far



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It was due.

I am not an hater and I am a loser, I know a bit about myself and I know a bit about others.

In many occasions I defended F, also against you once and against others included Tim and Tar, that is the person I am, I like to stick to my mates.

Beside F theory on money management has merits, my best trades have not more (eu) then 5 pips risk.

But lately the BS has spread considerably , first the guy calling 1000 based on a few units, then the other closed the morning with another 1000 pips, then another is sure is going to make 500% in a 2 months........ and F is defending those claims for reasons I do not know, probably his ego has taken over to prove someone that is not.

I am a full time trader and making 50 pip constantly per day it is not easy believe me , market is not generous everyday and when you force it, she will cut your head....

Ok, that is one point and I like to believe that others can do it, why not? if others can do it, I will try myself.....I am not envious, If others do better than myself I am happy about it and that is an incentive for me to do better also...

But if you tell me that you are the greatest then you have to show me some evidence otherwise you better shut the f@ck up.

What the Italian guy asked was fair, ok you do not want make live calls that is fine but at least show me where you got in and out so I can learn from you....

F responses are ludicrous, he is talking about someone being able to get into his computer to get his personal confirms to me that he is not trading and has other issues....

I do it all the time on my journal, after I make a trade I show where I got in and out with my thought, in my view if you want to teach others this is the only way, then others can decide if that style suits their own personality.


Hi Fugs

Please remember you are always welcome on this thread

I totally disagree with you - but we all have our own opinions

The facts are both Major Magnum and Sir Gissachance are both proper brilliant FX traders - Sir G - purely because he's been doing it over 20+ years and he has even helped me on my journey and Major Magnum - purely because he's extremely clever and studious and he has learnt from me over 8 months

My problem - its purely haters and dissers

I am not having anyone tell me what they want to see from me etc etc

If they dont believe me or cannot understand the thread - they should have the thread on ignore - simple

Fugazsy - I like you - but you have even mentioned your own weakness - was it the attention span of a knat or fly - you cannot focus enough - you have not done enough time at the coalface and your method - unfortunately is old hat and although it can be profitable - it does not have enough "edge" in today markets

FX Trading today is different from - 10 -12 years ago - now more than ever HFT and other computerised algo bots etc that have changed the dynamics and even the timing etc etc

You have to have a strong mindset that can focus for long periods and an exception method - not anything normal - or whats been out for donkey's years - the supercomputers of today can just take the wee wee out of all the old stuff

The FX markets is difficult- there is no holy grail - I have losses like every other trader - and i have been saying that from day one - but with my advanced methods - advanced money management - and the ability to follow every pip - I can produce fantastic results

You will never see my results - but you will see Major Magnums and other traders who go the full distance like MM and make it

Please you have a great day and week - you are welcome on the thread as is all and sundry - except maybe complete newbies - as that would not be right as it would only confuse them even more


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