Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Once more you have not answered the question which is: can you please shows us your historical charts at the end of the day (only for a short period) so we can see where you got in and out of your trades?


Hi Fugazsy

If you had read what i had written Fugazsy you would have seen my answer

That is - NO

Now I will ask Major Magnum when he is back of his holiday to see whether he will on his live £1k account do it for you


As I wrote in a post in the other thread, I have tried the method for some day and seems that not work work for me, but I'm not an experienced scalper.
The problem is, in my opinion that this can not be called a method.
A method is something that can be replicated with accuracy (es. buy when close bar price cross LR25, ecc)
F "method" instead has a lot of clue to take in consideration and is not absolutely replicable with accuracy (consider Lits area, above better scalp buy, but you can also scalp sell for little pips....and then??? take a look to 30 min rule but not every time, consider PA price must be near support or resistance ...near ??? S&R can be static but also dynamic then?? but sometimes it' better if I see HH HL or LL LH, consider Price Structure and 9 Linear regression 3 quick for scalping, 3 medium for evaluate to stay in trade and 3 longer for the PS, when you take position better if 3 quick LR go under or over the price but sometimes 2 LR is enough...and then? consider Key Times but sometimes is good 1 or 2 minute before or after...and then? consider Time windows also to manage a trade but you have to exit at any time if it reverse of some pip...and then? consider correlation in pairs but you can take the also without correlation for less pip...and then? ecc ecc)
Really, sincerily, in your opinion is this a "Method" that we can follow ??!!!
In each single case it is possible to justify why a trade was taken or not.
(yes was scalp buy because there were 3 of my clues, more is better but this is was not scalp buy because there were not these others clue and these are not enough)
Is for this reason that is very important that F show us your EXACT entry points so we have a single chance to learn how he trade.
Whitout this sure I could try for years without understand really what I have to do.

No Foix - you are totally wrong

I did not show that info to Major Magnun when he learnt

He fully understood all the clues needed

Ideally you want over 5 - then even higher probability

That's why its discretionary and would not be easy to fully automate

If you have read the thread in detail - which you may have done - there are some conditions which occur maybe a few times every day that give you 85% + win probability

Off normal scalps out of the 6 key times per hour - give or take 1 min either way with fast LR's lining up on crossover along with price at an interim S or R level - then the win probability is maybe only 70 -75%

Also check out Sun 11 new thread - she is also NOT an experienced scalper and I am presently assisting him here - openly on the forum


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I also think its important for both foix and Sun - neither of these members I know to try what i have explained and for them to show us their results

Sun is happy to do that - maybe foix will be

If not I fully understand - has I don't want to share my confidential live account information with anyone - least of all people I don't know on the internet


First of all the requests are directed at you not MM unless you are one then that's a different story . And second posting screenshots of his trades after the event is meaningless :

Good trade = post a screenshot .
Bad trade = dismiss .

Good day = post a statement .
Bad day = dont .

This as always been the weakness in your argument Tar along with other dissers

I am explaining a FX intraday method / system - call it what you like

The results are for more important to come from a third part trader than myself - because if i show fantastic results over 1 or 3 years - ie low drawdowns - high win ratios - great RR's all on a live account they still can be trashed because some clever cloggs will say - he is not using that method to get those results

However if a student of the method ( like MM or lets hope 2 or 3 more people in next year ) show that stats and info - then it shows it come from what I have taught them - and nothing extra

Trouble is experience and high skill is not just transferable in any discretionary method is just a month or two. Major M took over 8 months and some of his demo results on the way were abysmal - ie less than 25% win ratios etc etc

As he continued and started to understand reading price at the coalface along with fine tuned his settings they started to improve - eventually getting to something like 90% accuracy on 50 + scalp - all with stops under 5 pips

Hope this makes sense to you - as it should to any very experienced intraday FX trader


Why F keeps mentioning MM in his posts

OHere's an idea, if the detractors are so interested in whether this works or not, but are not prepared to sacrifice their daily pip rates to learn it so as to apply it, i am happy to trade some real money as a test.
I put in the effort and time, you supply the money. Im sure we can reach a fair split
of profits. My risk is wasting time pursuing a possibly useless formula.

No comment
Also check out Sun 11 new thread - he is also NOT an experienced scalper and I am presently assisting him here - openly on the forum



Did you again forget that she is a female ? How many guys use your alias ? :cool:
Did you again forget that she is a female ? How many guys use your alias ? :cool:

Correct Sun 11 is a female and apologies to Sun for that mistake

please get the mods or staff to check out that Sun is not in the UK etc

I don't use a VPN address or try to hide my location - so my location in the UK is known
First of all the requests are directed at you not MM unless you are one then that's a different story . And second posting screenshots of his trades after the event is meaningless :

Good trade = post a screenshot .
Bad trade = dismiss .

Good day = post a statement .
Bad day = dont

my idea was that, for example 1 week, F show us all his pairs charts for all the day trading session with all his entry points.
No comment

Correct no comment - because at that time - he was being taunted and so offered to show it on someone's else account

All rather silly don't you think

There is just no scam going on - so disappointing for all who diss the thread

No matter what sh8ite or rubbish is thrown at the thread - its a proper discretionary method - that thank goodness can not be just copied by any computer programmer and it will carry on working day in day out - hopefully another decade plus - or long past after I have retired.


I also think its important for both foix and Sun - neither of these members I know to try what i have explained and for them to show us their results

Sun is happy to do that - maybe foix will be

If not I fully understand - has I don't want to share my confidential live account information with anyone - least of all people I don't know on the internet



Again F !!!!
Please don't use these terms anymore.
There are only arrows over an anonimous picture charts. Please !!!
my idea was that, for example 1 week, F show us all his pairs charts for all the day trading session with all his entry points.

Put it to Major Magnum when he comes back off holiday

I can 100% guarantee unless you can get get confidential information of my brokers - or can hack into my other computers - you will never see my private and confidential information - as said over 15 - 18 months ago

Why should I change that

If you think I don't trade at all - think that

If you think I only make £1000 per year - ( year off trading FX pairs) - think that

If you think I may have 10 PAMM accounts - think that

If you think I make $1 million dollars a year from FX trading - think that ( i dont lol)

If you think its all a big scam - think that

But for all those members with a functioning brain - who can read and use their eyes and have looked into the method in a lot of detail - well done - you know the correct information and you will be well rewarded from your future trading journey

Nuff said


OK, I don't ask you to use your trading PC to post, but, all can understand, that you could take at the end of the day some picture off of your entry points and next transfer and post these with your usual laptop.
Sorry, but your answer is not a limitation if you want to show your trade.
The problem is that, as all now can understand, you don't want to show anything !!!
The question is always the same.....WHY ????????????????

Can you explain again to all forum members, why you can't take off at the end of the day anonimuos picture charts with the arrows of your entry points and after post in a secure way with your usual laptop...IF YOU REALLY WANTS TO HELP OTHER TRADERS TO LEARN YOUR METHOD AND IF YOU ARE SINCERE 100 % !!!!

Please don't say that you are not a technician and you can't use this feature (right click on charts-->viewing option--> deal map) and after take the screenshot as you usually do)

I think this will be my last post here.
Good luck to all.
Can you explain again to all forum members, why you can't take off at the end of the day anonimuos picture charts with the arrows of your entry points and after post in a secure way with your usual laptop...IF YOU REALLY WANTS TO HELP OTHER TRADERS TO LEARN YOUR METHOD AND IF YOU ARE SINCERE 100 % !!!!

Please don't say that you are not a technician and you can't use this feature (right click on charts-->viewing option--> deal map) and after take the screenshot as you usually do)

I think this will be my last post here.
Good luck to all.

Hi foix

Your english is improving by the day and i should imagine - you no longer need google translater as said in your first comment

I have underlined the key comment in the comment

I am the boss - you do it my way - or unfortunately you may as well not bother

If it is your last post on this thread - no problem

If you want to do it my way - no problem


@ Forexmospherian.

I am a secret fan of yours but also air on the side of skepticism. (I know you will understand that).

My skepticism comes only from who or what you proclaim to be or the 'secret elite' group you seem to belong to, nothing else. Your trading methods, RR, entries/exits, discipline and psychological attitude are where they need to be and seem to be spot (without blowing smoke up ones a5se).

Do not pay the haters any time (I've previously tried and failed in another life). You are wasting your breath, they will never learn or come on side. They will only ever doubt and this is what holds them back personally and will forever do. The small percentage of believers (in method and attitude) will inevitably do well and succeed but only if they believe.

I am not in the position to day trade yet nor brave enough. Let it be known to you though that I am a very successful trader on long term swing indices (and some equities). I have been 'monitoring' you and have taken the time to read through most (if not all) of your important posts from start to finish with great delight. When I have spare time I will certainly look to use your method (as its not a real secret with regards to a lot of what you use) and will look to post (when I can be bothered) on your thread only regarding my trades. I would also look for your guidance and support when needed. (that's if you are still around and wish to help).

In the meantime, I wish you well with the haters, you seem to care a lot less about them than I once did.

Have a great weekend.

my idea was that, for example 1 week, F show us all his pairs charts for all the day trading session with all his entry points.


All the members on this thread know you by now

If you had 2 years info - you would want 3 years

If you had 5 yrs info - you would want 10 years

What ever is provided would never be good enough

Funny enough - i am a bit like that


Even if there only 0 005% of all retail FX traders consistently profitable all around the world - that would still be between ( according to who you want to believe on stats ) between 50 and 200 profitable traders - something just don't like to think about or accept


@ Forexmospherian.

I am a secret fan of yours but also air on the side of skepticism. (I know you will understand that).

My skepticism comes only from who or what you proclaim to be or the 'secret elite' group you seem to belong to, nothing else. Your trading methods, RR, entries/exits, discipline and psychological attitude are where they need to be and seem to be spot (without blowing smoke up ones a5se).

Do not pay the haters any time (I've previously tried and failed in another life). You are wasting your breath, they will never learn or come on side. They will only ever doubt and this is what holds them back personally and will forever do. The small percentage of believers (in method and attitude) will inevitably do well and succeed but only if they believe.

I am not in the position to day trade yet nor brave enough. Let it be known to you though that I am a very successful trader on long term swing indices (and some equities). I have been 'monitoring' you and have taken the time to read through most (if not all) of your important posts from start to finish with great delight. When I have spare time I will certainly look to use your method (as its not a real secret with regards to a lot of what you use) and will look to post (when I can be bothered) on your thread only regarding my trades. I would also look for your guidance and support when needed. (that's if you are still around and wish to help).

In the meantime, I wish you well with the haters, you seem to care a lot less about them than I once did.

Have a great weekend.


Hi Anon

Thank you

I agree with you actually - i don't blame anyone being 100% skeptical on me and my method - especially in this industry with all the dodgy vendors - and even dodgier Banksters playing in unregulated FX markets

My main objective really has not worked

I wanted to teach at least 3 traders over this last 18 months to the same level as I got with Major Magnum.

Still I am not disappointed - I have learned a lot more about human nature - and things being too good to be true - ie its a brilliant way when fully learnt and its all free - but needs maybe 6 months plus of commitment .

Unfortunately you will now be down as another multi nic of me - but we both know that's not true and maybe the mods or staff will confirm that as well

Good trading - and please keep in touch and I will gladly try and offer more support and guidance when ever needed in the future


Hi foix

Your english is improving by the day and i should imagine - you no longer need google translater as said in your first comment

I have underlined the key comment in the comment

I am the boss - you do it my way - or unfortunately you may as well not bother

If it is your last post on this thread - no problem

If you want to do it my way - no problem



Hi F,
I can't understand why you continue to say it.
I use always Google translator to translate a lot of words that I don't know.
I said before that I'm not no one else.
Why if someone think that you are MM is stupid and you continue with me?
the week on usd (30m tf)

I hope everyone knows that I mainly now trade / scalp the usd pairs


that's about it ..perhaps the EJ as well if situation dictates

therefore .........I really need my usd moving in nice predictable trends/swings to then capitalise on scalps using the secondary currencies

look at the early London session this week ( opening on red lines)

good / not good ?

all I need is some decent moves on usd and I am pretty assured of some easy scalps and nice runs and hitting my targets withut a dogfight or extended times at the screen ...........if I can polish targets it off in 2-3 hours whats the issue ?

if you look back at F's thread I creamed Monday Tuesday and indeed when I was able to the wed/ thurs sessions also allowed some nice trending..........Friday was the only day a little flat .....................until the news starting arriving in us session and all hell was let loose !...but I missed Friday due to other commitments

it doesn't matter what system you are trading ........unless you have an idea what your 2 currencies in your trading pair are doing individually ............then you are not in possession of all the information and trading a pair blindly in my opinion

but then I am bias after 15 years using strengthmeters !



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    the week on usd.JPG
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