Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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I know gbp is bull but so is usd at moment that trade for later

53 the eu so far

update for 11 00 am hour

It looks still bearish under 0862 - but needs under 53 and 48 to stay selling

Above 0873 and 80 - we might get a run up with more scalp buys

Just for my alternative new fans

Key times next for new scalps

11 00 am ish - 11 09am ish - 11 21am ish - 11 30am ish - 11 39am ish - 11 51am ish

you need price to line up with LR's and right interim S & R's

ok the bull usd getting a little big for its boots .battening hatches .........then will come in again hard on more rebuys
ucad .............hmmmm..I missed the intitial run up.............not convinced
ok 11.07 and usd fading south..........I will attack the rebuys when signal comes

its only the gbp that I will probably not sell at mment

cad , chf,euro all easy decisions to sell again
ok dokey ...........hmmmmmm

right eu sells ...........watching for signals 56-60 will be perfect for selloffs


EU is being its normal self - difficult

I saw spike down to 48 but then bounce at 11 06 at 0850

That must stay under 58 to sell again
the usd retrace south has let the gbp in to make a fast 5-7 pip buy scalp.............

too aggressive for me today
EU M5 made a triangle - broke 0850, straight into support 46/47

Only possible trade maybe bounce sell from lower red line - but frankly it's a pile of guff.

Only trading EU right now, so a tedious morning - but made plenty of errors getting involved when i shouldn't have done. Hey ho.

EU 46/47 has held for hours and hours now, so surely have to wait till it breaks to get involved...
only gu sells would have allowed me the capability to get out scott free.........
EU M5 made a triangle - broke 0850, straight into support 46/47

Only possible trade maybe bounce sell from lower red line - but frankly it's a pile of guff.

Only trading EU right now, so a tedious morning - but made plenty of errors getting involved when i shouldn't have done. Hey ho.

View attachment 195846

Agree - EU is a pile of something not nice ;-)

So many other pairs like AU and GU and even UJ and UCad offer easier moves

EU is still readable - but its not be easy to trade - mainly due to all the manipulations going on from LP's to banksters and players etc etc
cmon stop messing about ........cad is the only sell in the house for me
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