Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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ok the usd is shaping for more buys now but I need a break...........good pips up this morning but frustrated as missing a few ..............and a few small losses are always frustrating as hell for me despite making them back quickly these days

back later
10 28 am

Back now for an hour or so depending on markets

was not here for 10 00 am on GU - but it all lined up perfectly and will show on a chart in a bit

Then need to check out and update - ready for new moves at the 11 00 am TW ( ie 10 50/51 am - to 11 09 am ish )
Morning Nick

Always like confronting any with big mouths - so you can guess the few I mean - simply because they are so far off being correct it needs pointing out - the rest are easy - ie they can just be politely ignored

Yesterday afternoon UK time started off slowly - but later on as you say - was excellent and WD on the EU and GU

I dont know whether you know that a thread has been started in your name as well - well out of order - but nothing surprises me on this site ;-)

Have a great day



Thread cancelled I think.
The level of childish actions is astounding.
They are also always in this thread when I stop by, strange that!
GU Chart am

GU - 1 min LR

Lots of scalp trades - only showed 2 KT's for now with the last start of this hour at 10 00 am for a sell

Not shown it on chart - but 10 30 am was a scalp buy - but needs over 87 and 90 to stay with it - otherwise - more scalp sells under there



  • GU - 50815 am.png
    GU - 50815 am.png
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10 43 am

What a waste of time last hour or so

I feel sorry for traders who only trade this pair - and saying that - I did exactly that for between 2 and 3 yrs just after 30 pips a day

Some days and some periods - fine Ok - worth trading - other periods - just manipulated and set up to do your head in and send you asleep or make you throw your computer out the window

Once you now how to handle it etc - then its OK - there should always be a few hours over a 12 hr session when its a delight etc

When in a BTTZ tease area - ie 0850 to 0870 or 78 - just look for better pairs and wait once you have scalped it for a proper BO - one way or other - but dont be caught out with teasing and double or treble whammies those dirty banksters set up and sting you on

9 11 am

Not mentioned it at all this morning

From after LO and 8 00 am its been a nice slow steady buy -

its only moved up just over 20 pips - but its easy compared to the EU play

Check it out and then look for a sell maybe in this hour at next R area which will be coming up soon


comment from over 90 mins ago

the R area came at 9 21 am for a start and then at exactly 10 00 am on second attempt

One scalp sell - the first offered 12 pips - the last one so far 9 pips

I ideally want to scalp buy AU again above 7359 / 60 when it lines up correctly

Under 7354 and 50 just carry on scalp selling to next supports at 7335/40 area

10 54 am

like many pairs in a bit of a BTTZ tease area

Under 3197/ 8 its a sell and over 3186 -its a buy

so once it come out the area then maybe more than a scalp
hey all

back in saddle after some chores.............i'm not inspired by usd behaviour at moment.....shes displaying bull action but I would prefer to trade signals off solid history/bias and its stil la little choppy last 2 hours



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    usd bias.JPG
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ok dokey ...........hmmmmmm

right eu sells ...........watching for signals 56-60 will be perfect for selloffs
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