Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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7 35 am

Whilst the EU as been slowly dropping - the EJ as been sucked down with it

Nearly 40 pips drop from after 6 30 am ish
t2win is slow today for me so stopping posting ...........back later ...getting ready to jump on usd sells
assume both those guys handled the Swissie peg saga ok for you ?


FXPro guarantee no negative balance policy and I believe Dukas do now

I had no problems with either - but dont use Dukas as much as FXPro and of course was not is any hold on any swissy buys etc in January when we had the black swan event
t2win is slow today for me so stopping posting ...........back later ...getting ready to jump on usd sells

the 30 second rule between posts must catch you out a lot N

not so bad for me - but can be a nuisance at times etc

i am out after 8 10 am but will be around for 8 00 am LO
damn usd is nibbling north now...........I really don't want to change bias but I am watching pips being missed

7 56 am


never got over 5580+ and since 7 21am and 7 39 am - been scalp sells with price at 5557 as I type

Nice move down - joined the EU for now

7 58am

so far 1058 the low and we know now we need a bounce over 1070 to be looking at buying more

range what say 13 pips - below 55 and 50 sells and above 70 buys on scalps
the scalp buy on EJ at 7 39 am ish was worth 20 pips up to 7 51 am ish when a scalp sell came in

Thats now dropped 17 pips -
the EJ low might go 30 mins with no breach soon

That favours more buys then

EU 54 low atm and stalling - or just resting ?
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