Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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upwards momentum has ceased on usd ............but don't quote me yet on the sell point
some bears must be off loading at 0960 ish as 4 mins of chopping wood

still not ready yet and we know atm need above 67 and 71 to scalp buy and hold
gbp is well oversold as people can see............but calling the turn ...........???

if we get pullbacks - they should still stay under 0990 area and then sells again

But any bounces over 10 or 15 pips can always be the start of change again
jesus ..........I just committed the cardinal sin of trading - not trading my plan

text book pullback on the usd bull and I should have gone in on the rebuys ........missed european sell sitters ............

but I was convinced that usd was overbought ...............that's a sin

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