Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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lol b-lls of steel

What's your guaranteed stop?

For sure the s/b guys had a field day with poor stops this morning. All extra dough as if they have an even book they would not be hedged and just notionally agree a stop where they best get away with it.

Bar -stewards and all that.
HI guys - back now for an hour or so

Will do a Midday update etc next

Thanks Nick - just seen your comment on 1 millions hits - all within approx 20 months - cheers for all the support - although reckon Major Magnum is the star of the show - 18 months he could not scalp or intraday for toffee - now he's become shiite hot lol and its been great to see his development etc

11 53 am

LitS area now approx 0950 -0960 so above there still bullish although it still needs above 82/85 to stay immediately bullish and for attempts over 1005 and 1010

We know over 1010 and 15 we can scalp buy more and we know under 0978 - 70 and 60 we should be selling for supports at the 0920 -40 -60 area

The range of 20 pips of 0985 to 1005 needs a breach next and atm its in a BTTZ tease zone - with both sides holding over 30 mins

Under 1000 its presently a scalp sell and it should be a buy above 0982/5 next - will it be or not ??

That's the bit atm I dont know but sure will know in this Midday TW

Midday update

Moved my 30% sell stop down to 5618 and atm under 5605 ish its a sell

Trouble is good supports 5580 to 90

Need under 78 and 70 to stay and hold sells on

Midday update

PS like EU - bullish still for session atm above 135 75 / 80 ish

High 136 22 ish a R area and supports at 135 87 - 136 00 ish

Easy over 136 27 and 34 - keep scalp buying - otherwise if scalp selling remember lots of supports from 135 50 - 70 - 85 as well

12 08 pm

If it can now stay under 9560 and test lower at 9520 -30 area - then the EU will try over 1010 and 15 +

If it cannot stay under 9560 and make over it - EU will also fall under 0990 and 80

ATm in a BTTZ tease area - market makers thinking how to win all the money on the table next
Notice both red news on US Dollar and Cad dollar at 1 30 pm UK time - so we need too check UCad out for a bit later

UCad had dropped about 80+ pips under it LitS area from opens - now found good supports at 2950 / 55 area
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