Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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7 34 am

OK just before I pop out

EU - interim low at 6 30 am ish held at 0824 for 30 mins- favouring price rising

Also whilst this was panning out AU carrued on rising and Ucad fell - they were the main movers with AU up over 37 pips from 6 00 am and UCad dropping over 22 pips from after 6 21 am

EU rise approx 15 pips in the end - in the LitS area atm - so could still go either way - especially with UChf still showing a bullish PS atm

Hope to be back by 8 15 - 8 20 am latest

Be careful at 8 00 am - in case of spikes or trickery - again

8 11 am

Back now but only for approx 30 mins or so

Updates coming looks as though after 7 39 am we got more clarity - with EU / EJ / GU / AU remaining bullish whilst UCad and UChf fell

8 14 am

0860 - 70 is all R area for now with price at 0857 for now

Pullbacks staying above 46/47 are still scalp buys atm
8 23 am

EU and EJ in a similar price structure set up atm - GU and AU slightly different

UChf still falling as well atm

Will post some charts later - but not a normal morning for me - got a few domestic jobs going on involving some outside workers - so having to check all OK and that they are know whats they have got to do etc

Hope to be back to normal by 9 30 am ish - and then cover a couple of hrs both this morning and this afternoon

See you later
morning pete , can you tell us how you work out line in the sand levels ------ thankyou

Morning BP

Yes and will show it on some charts a bit later

its basically the change area in a session derived from my 3 longests LR's

Its then like a S & R pivot point level - but its not always an S & R level or area

Going to be another 30 mins before I am sorted and can get back to trading again for now - but will then show you examples of the different LitS levels on charts
I will explain the LIts areas next with charts

Will pick out different examples etc - easy ones - and then also the 2 way moves
EJ - LitS area this morning - 40 pip scalp buy rise

6 25 am

LitS areas

EU - 0832 - 0842 ish

GU - 5603 - 5614 ish

EJ - 134 45 - 134 50 ish

UChf - 9603 - 9616 ish


1 Min LR Chart with LItS area marked - above you have a bull bias and that favours scalp buys - below - then Bear PS favouring more scalp sells

You can still scalp both ways as shown on EJ = ie a 40+ pip rise and approx 28 pip fall - but the bias will favour larger scalps moves according to whether price is in a bull or bias PS session

The LitS comes from my 3 longer LR's settings on the 1 min chart - the red one being the key line



  • EJ - 200715 - LitS.png
    EJ - 200715 - LitS.png
    78 KB · Views: 409
GU - Above and Below LitS area in AM session

6 25 am

LitS areas

EU - 0832 - 0842 ish

GU - 5603 - 5614 ish

EJ - 134 45 - 134 50 ish

UChf - 9603 - 9616 ish


1 min LR Chart with LitS area marked

The scalp buy would have only been worth 15 - 20 pips

The scalp sell under the LitS area would have been worth over 45+ pips



  • GU - 200715 - LitS area.png
    GU - 200715 - LitS area.png
    69 KB · Views: 549
10 53 AM

Two major clues for me on many pairs this morning -

1 - the LitS area for PS bias

2. the 30 minute time rules on breaches of interim highs or lows

The actual PA and the LRs' etc only play their part after the other 2 clues criterias are met

Any interim high or low can always be breached under 30 mins or over 50 / 60 mins - but the time in between can assist you with the scalps in the TW's

1 min LR Chart with LitS area marked

The scalp buy would have only been worth 15 - 20 pips

The scalp sell under the LitS area would have been worth over 45+ pips


what are the longest settings on lr in these graphs?
Last edited:

11 00 am ish update

Main key supports for now - 0820 / 25

We need ideally under 0816 and 10 to scalp sell more or hold any scalp sells on longer

Above 0820 ./ 25 favours a turn higher again with R's again at 0840 / 50 and the key ones at 57 - 63 area

In terms of wraps - above 0870 and 80 - scalp buys for tries over 0900 +

Under 0810 and 0800 - scalp sells for tests in the 0700 area
what are the longest settings on lr in these graphs?

My red one is just over 500 - thats my longest on this chart

I know though on some charts I would need over 600 or 700 to get the same line etc - as mentioned the brokers platform charts are hardly accurate

You know when you have it correct when you get turns etc start from that area

My 510 -25 setting as worked well this last year - but I think MM's setting would be slightly different on his platform

Hope that helps


Yes thanks for that.
I think my charts look like yours mostly on the same platform.
Doesn't of course mean one trades there all day though -)

11 04 am

i hope to scalp buy it again above 0826 / 28 area

Under 0816 would be the price I need to hold any scalp sells on longer
My Scalp call in advance and LIve for this morning


11 04 am

i hope to scalp buy it again above 0826 / 28 area

Under 0816 would be the price I need to hold any scalp sells on longer


Now 11 19 am

I got a scalp buy at 11 09 and 08287 - 5 mins after the comment

It cannot make over 0838 - so taken 70% of at 36.

Will place stop in profit on the other 30% stake at 30 /31

If I get stopped - still a nice profit of the 70% part - and no loss on 30% part

11 22 am

This was the better scalp buy after 10 30 or 10 39 am - easily worth 25 - 30 pips

5545/50 is important for me now - a mini LitS scalp area

11 33 AM

Topped so far at 0840/41 and after 8 28 at 37 it was a scalp sell again

I am out my 30% stake at 37 and have reentered above 30 / 31 on 100% stake size at 32

If we dont go over 40 - i just exit again

i now know I need under 0830 to be scalp selling again for now
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