Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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all stops on all my trades are 3 to 7 pips max - normally 5 pips

Once I am in profit and I P & P - then different ballgame - although normally I will make sure my stop is in profit - so what ever happens then - I cannot lose

Sorry I wasn't clear. It was meant to be stops in profit.
8 35 am

GU update

So far its made 5650 high and was a quick scalp sell at 8 30 am

I will stay in my 30% buy and move stop up to 26

EU - still cannot get under 0922 and 20 - need that to stay with sells

EJ - similar - needs under 30 and 27 to stay with sells
8 19 am

EU and EJ

hoping to add to scalp sells taken after 8 09 am next

all depends on next 3 mins and levels holding or not

8 42 am

EU and EJ update

I started selling them after 8 09 am

Now 30 + min later - over 60 pips better off out the two

EU low so far - 0902/3

EJ - low so far - 135 10
Sorry I wasn't clear. It was meant to be stops in profit.

What I normally do Nick is as follows

Every trade - whether for 5 pips or 500 + pips - starts off for me as a scalp - needing ideally a 3 to 5 pip stop on the low spread pairs like the EU etc

Then I scale in and out - as I can ( P & P )

On the GU - my swing parts stay as approx 30% of the 100% scalp stake

So after 8 30 am - I had 30% stakes on from lower still in buys - and then i took a 100 % stake scalp sell - meaning whilst it dropped 10 -15 pips - i was making a net gain on 70% stake size

7 36 am

LitS area - 9515 - 9525 ish

So far the UChf is bullish above the LIts with price at 9540 after an earlier 9557 high

If the UChf and dollar favours more bullish moves - then the EU should favour bears and sells

This can all change at the next important LO time window starting in approx 12 mins

Comments on UChf & EU approx 80 + mins ago

After LO - we have carried on - with UChf rising and the EU falling

I have made my most money off the EU falls - as on UChf - not scalping it - just leaving a 30% stake on above 9542
Hi F,
I have no desire to fuel a pip size debate. It's not important to me to be honest.
I was just curious to your stop size whilst in profit.
I understand that it will be a scaled back position at that point.
The rest is individual. As a claimer here the other day with a load of points all repeated on the same pair. Just man up I say and put on the full bet.

8 54 am

Well scalp sell worked - but too good as its taken my 30% buy stake out with a larger pullback than I thought

12 and 20 now last interim supports - if we dont stay above them - then PS changing
Hi F,
I have no desire to fuel a pip size debate. It's not important to me to be honest.
I was just curious to your stop size whilst in profit.
I understand that it will be a scaled back position at that point.
The rest is individual. As a claimer here the other day with a load of points all repeated on the same pair. Just man up I say and put on the full bet.

Basically - I am a safety first non gambler trader - if that make sense for a FX scalper lol

Having been originally a trained accountant - and hardly ever gamble on the horses or anything else - I try and always cover my trades with as little risk as possible

By rights I should no way be a trader - - ie I am not a big risk taker.

So pyramiding and peeling i find very appealing - and the GU as been a great example this morning of me winning both ways - ie on the moves up and the moves down.

I would not feel comfortable having maximum stakes on both way trading - thats just me - but if you can do it and you maintain a 70%+ win rate with tight stops - then you will just make a bomb (y)



9 03 am

Time for a break

Even though only been trading less than 2 hrs - I have been up over 4 hrs this morning - so need a dog walk to clear my head and get re-energized etc -

Back after 9 40 am
Don't worry I will get back to you on the bomb part.

I like to push the edge and if I am in a nice profit I will go for it.

After my update of 4k I had more UCAD and one trade at 112 a point, don't ask about 112 lol I put it on fast in 3 parts and bingo. It worked out well as you saw last nights UCAD.

Today I was back to usual stakes but now have pushed on as I have a good profit. I am content now with a great or break even day from here.

Many thanks again and your constant availability on even small questions is admirable.
Thanks you sir.

10 00 am update

This pair as interested me the most out of my main FX pairs this morning

Basically a 45 pip move up and then a 40+ pip fall with price back at 5610 area

LitS and all say lower - BUT - good supports at 5600 to 5607 area - and so far not breached today

Scalp buy bounce in last 2 mins - but we need over 28 and 36 to stay with buys - and of course low holding ideally over 30 min again
+128 pips a quick scalp


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10 00 am update

0896 - 0900 is the main support atm

We need under 0892 and 0885 to carry on selling more or taking new scalp sells

For a turn - we need over 0920 and 0896 holding over 30 mins with no breach.

EU is under the LitS so should fall more - but all depends on the strength of supports and the profit taking - if any off the bears etc
+128 pips a quick scalp

Morning tar

Nice move on EN

I need to look more at the EN and maybe the GN - normally not on my list - but great movers and the extra spread costs are of no real importance when you can make big pips etc etc

Have a great day



10 06 am

Just making another low for morning as I type at 135 03

135 00 is a big round number with supports from 134 90 to 135 05 ish

the 10 06 am candle as bounced up 7 pips - so maybe we keep an eye ready for any scal buys

i need under 134 97 and 92 to be scalp selling more

10 10 am

we need over 22 and 31 to be able to hold scalp buys - or take more

Under 21 still a sell again on retraces - but we need this last low breached now within max 25 mins to look at holding sells again

10 18 am

Not mentioned this pair this morning

LitS area - 7365 - 75

Since after 7 00 am and the EO - price as risen and kept rising and staying above the LitS area

Its now coming to 7400 - an R area

Pullbacks staying above 81/83 area are still buys again for now - but we need over 7407 and 12 to carry on scalp buying more

10 18 am

Not mentioned this pair this morning

LitS area - 7365 - 75

Since after 7 00 am and the EO - price as risen and kept rising and staying above the LitS area

Its now coming to 7400 - an R area

Pullbacks staying above 81/83 area are still buys again for now - but we need over 7407 and 12 to carry on scalp buying more

Funny for a pair I never saw in my life before, I quite like it and have had a few trades on. It seems to have a very good trend and action all day and does not seem to be heading down. Agree buy on pullbacks, problem is we may not get any meaningful ones.
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