Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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5 22 pm

Cracking EJ scalp sell

5 21 pm was the interim high at 135 87/8

5 22 pm candle saw the fall and under 85 was a sell

Now at 5 36 pm - low - down at 135 66 - with a bounce from 5 33 pm

Under 79 /81 - it can be sold again for now
5 22 pm

Cracking EJ scalp sell

5 21 pm was the interim high at 135 87/8

5 22 pm candle saw the fall and under 85 was a sell

Now at 5 36 pm - low - down at 135 66 - with a bounce from 5 33 pm

Under 79 /81 - it can be sold again for now


5 52 pm

That was also good - sold from 76 after 5 39 pm

Another 23 pips off that one so far


Well past my finish time

Will pop back in later


Hi Nick

That's great to hear

I am sure some members on this forum must think you are another one in the "cult" who is just backing me up - but we both know differently - i know you would be the first to say if it it kept on not working and you made bad trades.

If you have made 4k today - thats more than me - so you must be using some good size. Any day over £2k for me I am delighted .

The more you use the method - the more you will understand it etc

There will be times when nothing lines up and you have 2 or 3 bad ones on the trot - but as long as you keep your stops tight - losses of 5 -15 pips can easily be made up with a few nice scalps over 15 pips

It was important we covered the UCad today - with quite a bit of red news on Cad dollar - but never expected a 180+ pip move.

I am really pleased NIck its working for you and feel free always to ask if you have any queries etc etc

All the best


Good Evening Forexmospherian and fellow Forex good guys,
I have not been to T2L for a while but can see you fellows are doing absolutely marvellous. Managed to bank 1,300 pips on just one currency pair alone today but hope others received the CBA for 11 currency pairs in advance of the market open via the normal channels. Anyway, fantastic scalping fellas and may talk about T.W.M.P.A.S.T.S.A.S later.
Nota Bene, Hope all read the video alert on EUR/GBP and checked the published date to see what direction we were trading.

Best Regards,
Sir Gissachance (PPND)
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+740 full size pips .


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At 6 40 - 6 50 am time - I was all for keep buying EU - as long as above 0996

7 01 am - all gone out the window - EO changed it

Just pleased I am not a bull swing trader who set his buy up at 6 30 am ;-)

EJ nor lining up with EU earlier might have been another clue

Still - loads of time to get some great pips in BP - GL

Do you not feel 06:46 and 06:50 were sells here?
Do you not feel 06:46 and 06:50 were sells here?


Need to check out - was this today ( wed ) or was it another morning ??

Got an early start tomorrow - dropping son of at airport for 6 00 am ish - so early night tonight.

Don't think I will be starting trading until maybe 7 15 am onwards tomorrow - Thursday 16th July - but should be around for the London Open


Thursday 16th July - Late start AM - after 7 15 am UK time

Hi guys

Will not be starting until after 7 15 - 7 30 am UK time tomorrow - as airport drop off for son.

Hopefully then in for LO and around for a couple of hours - and also 2-3 hrs in the afternoon for the US session

Cannot see any red news announcement pre Lunch

See you in the morning


Do you not feel 06:46 and 06:50 were sells here?

Dear MajorMagnum,

Great sells are truly in the E.Y.E. of the beholders strat really. However, if the beholder requires help then the following CB were published 24 hrs in advance of the market and 10 out of 11 pairs were correct. But it is always best to follow the 3 great Pillars of Trading though. Especially if you want to Kraken the Forex C.O.D.E.

Best Regards,
Sir Gissachance (PPND)
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Morning F and all.
4 overnight trades (morning for me).
1 GU 1 AU 2 EU (1 ongoing, in nice profit)
I am sure you could even pick them all F.
Hope you have a great day as I am sure you will.

Last one just closed.
42 points total, not in some peoples league so I just up the stakes -) 420 then easy game.
Thursday 16th July - Late start AM - 7 25 am UK time

Good Morning Guys

A late start for me this morning due to an early airport drop off for my son

Missed the 6 00 to 7 00 am moves - spotted some nice ones in the windows from 6 09 am / 6 21 am and after 6 33 am

Also just seen comment from Nick and hes already started his day off with nice bag of pips.

Not too much news about this morning - all the red stuff later on

I see the Greek Government have accepted the reforms required etc for the new bail out deal - but EU still been falling last night - with a low in last hour of around 0911.

Normal stuff today - I will post my LitS areas next and then see what scalps are on in the next 2 TW's over then next 40 mins

All contributions on FX Intraday trading welcome - charts - calls - forecast - methods - ideas etc etc

Have a great day



7 30 am - Update and LitS area

LitS on the EU - 0940 - 0960 ish

Price atm - 0927 ish

Morning low so far - 0911 ish

Below the LitS atm - favouring scalp sells after any pullbacks

Low coming up to an hour with no breach so far

Pullbacks staying above 0920 /21 are still scalp buys for now

Under 0937 favours bear bias and sells - so current scalp range approx 15 -18 pips

What we do know is under 0920 and 0911 - more scalp sells for tests lower

Above 0938 - 45 and 55 - scalp buys for tests of Rs higher

More clues needed - they will come from Uchf on dollar strength and PA at the end of the half hr TW

Time to move on to other pairs

7 36 am

LitS area - 9515 - 9525 ish

So far the UChf is bullish above the LIts with price at 9540 after an earlier 9557 high

If the UChf and dollar favours more bullish moves - then the EU should favour bears and sells

This can all change at the next important LO time window starting in approx 12 mins

7 41 am update

My first scalp buy trade of this morning after 7 20 / 21 am KT at 5614 / 15

Price as been under the LitS area which I will mention next - but bullish last hour

LitS at 5630 - 5645 ish - with price just making 5634 - as I type

I will take 70% profit there and leave 30% on with stop in profit tight at 5619
Whilst it slow - i will post a GU chart showing why I scalp bought at 7 20/21 am

First i will cover my other key intraday pairs

7 47 am

LitS area - 135 50 - 135 60 ish

Been a s scalp buy after 7 00 am and in sync with EU so far this morning

Both have just seen more rises in last 8 mins or so - ie after 7 38/ 39 am

i would like to buy it on pullbacks staying above 135 32 ish

Under 135 27 and 23 - scalp sell land again to test 20 low and then supports at 135 00 area
GU - My first scalp buy at 7 20 / 21 am - KT this morning


1 Min LR Chart with KT marked

LR's are bullish on mid range - but still under LIts Area marked by the longer term red LR

TL's show dynamic interim support levels



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7 41 am update

My first scalp buy trade of this morning after 7 20 / 21 am KT at 5614 / 15

Price as been under the LitS area which I will mention next - but bullish last hour

LitS at 5630 - 5645 ish - with price just making 5634 - as I type

I will take 70% profit there and leave 30% on with stop in profit tight at 5619

Is 15 points your usual size for the stop?

I have been very tight on stops, to my cost at this stage but as I am learning I am glad to bank the points.
Is 15 points your usual size for the stop?

I have been very tight on stops, to my cost at this stage but as I am learning I am glad to bank the points.


all stops on all my trades are 3 to 7 pips max - normally 5 pips

Once I am in profit and I P & P - then different ballgame - although normally I will make sure my stop is in profit - so what ever happens then - I cannot lose
8 19 am

EU and EJ

hoping to add to scalp sells taken after 8 09 am next

all depends on next 3 mins and levels holding or not
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